2 Week suspension for racial slurs I dont remember saying

2 Week suspension for racial slurs I dont remember saying

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Dan.9801


I was banned for 2 weeks for “racial slurs” but i got no email or anything with a copy/paste of the chatlog and i don’t know what i said. I don’t remember saying anything that could seriously offend anyone. Also i thought that suspension for chat issues was only 3 days. I submitted a ticket ( 120904-009996 ) but haven’t gotten a reply

2 Week suspension for racial slurs I dont remember saying

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Yoshua.4072


character names?

2 Week suspension for racial slurs I dont remember saying

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Drintar.1246


It seems racial slurs is a 14 day suspension not the 3 day that you get for just cussing people out in chat or having suggestive names

EDIT: Which is actually kinda lenient back in the day EQ if you used a racial slur just once in chat or name a character something that was racial slurs or racial hate motivated it was an instant perm. ban as soon as SOE was made aware of it

2 Week suspension for racial slurs I dont remember saying

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: anonymouse.9053


You said “seriously offend anyone.” Could your comments have slightly offended someone? A comment that you think is only slightly offensive might be very offensive to someone else.

2 Week suspension for racial slurs I dont remember saying

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Dan.9801


Swag Master, Cash Money, Make Money are my character names. I used the term Crakka once or twice from a quote from youtube. Maybe that was it? How is a quote that is mispelled and not directed towards someone else offensive enough for a 14 day ban?

It just annoys me how they don’t bother to send an email or anything with a reason except for saying you used a racial slur when you go to log in

2 Week suspension for racial slurs I dont remember saying

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Cryhs.7964


I know how you feel bro. Luckily my “racial slur” suspension is only 3 days when i can’t even remember saying anything as well, if I got an email Id at least be able to say “oh yeah oops” then laugh it off and wait but I got nothing so I’m still paranoid as to what happened. With the way things have been going lately I’m honestly afraid that when i try to log in tomorrow, when the suspension ends, that Ill be banned for even longer possibly for something that I don’t know about. My brother got permanently banned yesterday for RMT when he was gone all weekend with school stuff, and they didn’t email him or anything either. Its so unfortunate cause i love this game to death but if these things keep happening to myself or close ones I don’t know if I’ll be able to play in fear of it happening again. Customers shouldn’t have to play a game being paranoid or in fear of getting banned constantly.

2 Week suspension for racial slurs I dont remember saying

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Eochaidh.4106


It’s probably something terribad if it’s a 14day suspension. That or you had been suspended previously.

2 Week suspension for racial slurs I dont remember saying

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Cassius.5084


You mean that your racial slur is less offensive because you can’t “remember” it? You did the crime now you serve the time. Simple.

2 Week suspension for racial slurs I dont remember saying

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: fortunae.4169


There’s a part of me that wants to ask how you “don’t remember” making a racial slur- it feels like that’s sort of something that’s either part of your character or not.

That said it does feel that, given my own ban and others that are being raised on this forum, that something’s up with the GW2 banning policy. I hope that you can at least get an answer as to why you were banned. And that, if you did indeed spout stupid racial crap, they enforce the ban fully

2 Week suspension for racial slurs I dont remember saying

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Cryhs.7964


I appreciate you putting words in my mouth Cassius. Something cant be offensive if it didn’t happen, I thought that was a pretty simple implication of my words. But anyways i feel for you Dan, if its 2 weeks then you probably already had marks on your account or it was something serious.

(edited by Cryhs.7964)

2 Week suspension for racial slurs I dont remember saying

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: iJohno.9185


What I do not understand is that GW2 and ANET incorporated a “Language Filter” to filter out the “cussing”, and yet they still ban for cussing or “racial slurs”. These filters are there for a reason don’t you agree? If people cannot take the heat of one’s language in which we all have learned over our years in school and out of school, they should simply apply that filter to block out all the bad.

We are mature enough to not simple not get 10year child on situations like these. The community of GW2 are sometimes simple too childish for the actual game.

But, good luck with your situation.

2 Week suspension for racial slurs I dont remember saying

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Dan.9801


You guys are saying yeah it totally must have been something serious this man is a bad person but i’m not racist in any way and the reason i made this post is because i have never said anything that serious. “You did the crime now you serve the time” But what crime?! Maybe they could atleast tell me and i could own up to it. If i called out a man for his skin color i think i’d be able to remember it and say “Oh, yeah, i’m an idiot” but i’ve never done anything like that because it’s just not me. It would just make everything easier for them to tell me what i said

2 Week suspension for racial slurs I dont remember saying

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Dan.9801


I know how you feel bro. Luckily my “racial slur” suspension is only 3 days when i can’t even remember saying anything as well, if I got an email Id at least be able to say “oh yeah oops” then laugh it off and wait but I got nothing so I’m still paranoid as to what happened. With the way things have been going lately I’m honestly afraid that when i try to log in tomorrow, when the suspension ends, that Ill be banned for even longer possibly for something that I don’t know about. My brother got permanently banned yesterday for RMT when he was gone all weekend with school stuff, and they didn’t email him or anything either. Its so unfortunate cause i love this game to death but if these things keep happening to myself or close ones I don’t know if I’ll be able to play in fear of it happening again. Customers shouldn’t have to play a game being paranoid or in fear of getting banned constantly.

This is exactly how i feel. Sorry for double post

2 Week suspension for racial slurs I dont remember saying

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Eochaidh.4106


You guys are saying yeah it totally must have been something serious this man is a bad person but i’m not racist in any way and the reason i made this post is because i have never said anything that serious. “You did the crime now you serve the time” But what crime?! Maybe they could atleast tell me and i could own up to it. If i called out a man for his skin color i think i’d be able to remember it and say “Oh, yeah, i’m an idiot” but i’ve never done anything like that because it’s just not me. It would just make everything easier for them to tell me what i said

It’s simply because we’ve all seen the Reddit thread with people who claimed to never having said anything and in the end were exposed by Arenanet as having used the most atrocious vocabulary in the game. Everyone claims to be free of guilt.

2 Week suspension for racial slurs I dont remember saying

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Cryhs.7964


This is exactly how i feel. Sorry for double post

Lol exactly. I just know from now on, when my brother and I (whenever he gets his account back) log in we will be paranoid at the the fact that we might be banned/suspended. It sucks, but oh well what can you do.

Good luck on your situation.

2 Week suspension for racial slurs I dont remember saying

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Dan.9801


I vaguely remember you trolling in Heart of the Mists and being rude to someone. Running to the forums to claim you’re innocent won’t really help you.

Where’s the Heart of Mists?

Nice try.

Seriously. And what server are you from?

Oh and, the issue is racial slurs, not trolling

(edited by Dan.9801)

2 Week suspension for racial slurs I dont remember saying

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: anonymouse.9053


What I do not understand is that GW2 and ANET incorporated a “Language Filter” to filter out the “cussing”, and yet they still ban for cussing or “racial slurs”.

People can walk down the street with their hands over their hears so they filter out offensive language. Does that mean it’s ok for someone to walk up to them and use racial slurs? of course not.

If you don’t want to be suspended for using racial slurs, don’t use racial slurs. It really can’t get any easier than that.

2 Week suspension for racial slurs I dont remember saying

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Dan.9801


What I do not understand is that GW2 and ANET incorporated a “Language Filter” to filter out the “cussing”, and yet they still ban for cussing or “racial slurs”.

People can walk down the street with their hands over their hears so they filter out offensive language. Does that mean it’s ok for someone to walk up to them and use racial slurs? of course not.

If you don’t want to be suspended for using racial slurs, don’t use racial slurs. It really can’t get any easier than that.

The problem is, it’s like if i walked up to someone with hand over their ears and said “Hello, African American” and they secretly went to the police and said i committed a hate crime and wanted me arrested and then i was arrested without them telling me what i did wrong and then people going around and saying “You did the crime, now you pay the time, that simple” while i’m like “What just happened.”

2 Week suspension for racial slurs I dont remember saying

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: anonymouse.9053


So don’t use that term? Why would you even say that in the first place? What’s wrong with just “hello”? Why would you feel a need to point out someone’s race? Just say hello. Simple as that. Same goes for in-game chat.

2 Week suspension for racial slurs I dont remember saying

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Dan.9801


So don’t use that term? Why would you even say that in the first place? What’s wrong with just “hello”? Why would you feel a need to point out someone’s race? Just say hello. Simple as that. Same goes for in-game chat.

Implying I ever said that in-game. I don’t recall saying anything about anyone’s race that is the problem. Either way, pointing out someones race isn’t an excuse for a 2 week ban.

2 Week suspension for racial slurs I dont remember saying

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: TouchOfRed.8359


I’m kind of disappointed with the GW2 community and the terms of service to be honest. I just got a 3 day ban for inappropriate language. Not even anything racial or particularly offensive. I would say stuff in chat like “This ****** is tough as nails” or “Holy **** I just got hit for like 2k”. I didn’t really think that would warrant me a ban, but low and behold, it’s in the terms of service that I cannot swear and will be banned for it if I’m reported. And it sucks, because it’s completely my fault for swearing when I agreed not to, and they have every right to ban me, and the players have every right to report me. But if I can’t say stuff like that in chat without being scared of receiving another ban, I’ll be extremely disappointed that that is the reason why I’ll have to leave the game. I play a game to have fun, and relax. And apparently this community doesn’t approve of that, and the games creators don’t approve of it. It’s just a sucky reason to have to leave a game. I’ve never encountered problems like this with the terms of service or the game community ever before, and I’m not going to put up with it, so more than likely I’m going to have to stop playing.

However, the one unacceptable thing that has been done, is that I try to log in and it’s just like “You’re banned for inappropriate language for 72 hours.” Honestly? No e-mail on my e-mail account, no e-mail on here. No explanation. No easy way to try and fight it. I don’t even get a chat log showing what it was I got banned for. Nothing in existence has ever worked that way before because it’s unfair. We don’t throw people in prison without explaining what they did wrong, you don’t just punish people without ever explaining why. I’d never tell my kids that they can’t hang out with their friends and not explain why. It’s unjust.

2 Week suspension for racial slurs I dont remember saying

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Dan.9801


I’m kind of disappointed with the GW2 community and the terms of service to be honest. I just got a 3 day ban for inappropriate language. Not even anything racial or particularly offensive. I would say stuff in chat like “This ****** is tough as nails” or “Holy **** I just got hit for like 2k”. I didn’t really think that would warrant me a ban, but low and behold, it’s in the terms of service that I cannot swear and will be banned for it if I’m reported. And it sucks, because it’s completely my fault for swearing when I agreed not to, and they have every right to ban me, and the players have every right to report me. But if I can’t say stuff like that in chat without being scared of receiving another ban, I’ll be extremely disappointed that that is the reason why I’ll have to leave the game. I play a game to have fun, and relax. And apparently this community doesn’t approve of that, and the games creators don’t approve of it. It’s just a sucky reason to have to leave a game. I’ve never encountered problems like this with the terms of service or the game community ever before, and I’m not going to put up with it, so more than likely I’m going to have to stop playing.

However, the one unacceptable thing that has been done, is that I try to log in and it’s just like “You’re banned for inappropriate language for 72 hours.” Honestly? No e-mail on my e-mail account, no e-mail on here. No explanation. No easy way to try and fight it. I don’t even get a chat log showing what it was I got banned for. Nothing in existence has ever worked that way before because it’s unfair. We don’t throw people in prison without explaining what they did wrong, you don’t just punish people without ever explaining why. I’d never tell my kids that they can’t hang out with their friends and not explain why. It’s unjust.

Completely agreed! Usually when I leave a game around release it’s because it’s a bad game, not because i’m afraid i’ll say “Oh Poop” and get banned for it even when there is a profanity filter