20-30 FPS on max settings?
Yes, this is normal.
GW2 is optimized about as well as rotten fish. Even the best hardware doesn’t guarantee good performance.
Try turning off shadows and reflections. They’re the biggest drain on performance and offer pretty much no improvement in the looks department.
kitten I thought a 300$ GPU would max this game. Sigh.
The client is a heavily modified GW1 engine; therefore it doesn’t take advantage of what modern GPUs offer. You may see a lot better performance going to an i7 processor, but can’t guarantee that.
Xystus Furtim – Human Theif
Server: Stormbluff Ilse
Game is more CPU bounded than GPU when loads of players are around.
RIP City of Heroes
Read my Low FPS Fix here:
I recently upgraded to a 7950, pretty similar to yours. I get 20-30fps on max settings as well…and honestly there’s not much you can do about it. If you change graphics settings to have shadows and reflections completely off, it might boost you about 5-10fps, if you can manage to play without those.
I hate the optimization of this game…it sucks horribly. I played in the Elder Scrolls: Online beta, which has better graphics than GW2, and it ran at 50-60fps at all times, max graphics…even with 100+ players on my screen…and the sad part is that it’s IN BETA! How is Guild Wars 2’s optimization/performance getting its butt kicked by a game with better graphics and in beta? Very pathetic…
On another side note, I run just about every other game (Crysis 1, 2, and 3, Far Cry 3, Skyrim, etc.) at 50-60+ fps without a problem. It has nothing to do with your graphics card…it’s just how crappy GW2’s optimization is.
Try the -fowardrenderer switch God of Fissures posted about. It might help.
SoundblasterZ AsusX99Pro 512GBM2SSD 1TBSSD
3TBHDD 16gbRAM Corsair900D Win10Pro Corsair rmi1000w ethernet 100 down, 6 up
All those games you listed are not MMOs and the ones that are multiplayer you simply don’t have as many players on the same size map at the same time.
It’s like comparing your family car to a top fuel dragster or a mega dump truck and saying your car is crap because it can’t break 200MPH is 4 seconds or haul 100 tons of material at a time.
RIP City of Heroes
All those games you listed are not MMOs and the ones that are multiplayer you simply don’t have as many players on the same size map at the same time.
It’s like comparing your family car to a top fuel dragster or a mega dump truck and saying your car is crap because it can’t break 200MPH is 4 seconds or haul 100 tons of material at a time.
Elder Scrolls: Online is definitely an mmo…ha…and it’s in beta. It has just as many players (probably more since it was beta and everyone was testing the same area) and is open world just like GW2, but with better graphics AND framerate. Here I am comparing apples to apples and GW2 is loser by a LONG shot.
Yep this potato engine is really frustrating, we just want to optimize and we cant. >.< And i never seen an answer from a dev about this optimization issue.
Do they care about that ?
No he did say ESO in the paragraph before, I simply didn’t see it. Sorry there.
Anyone else notice an improvement in this patch. I was getting 10-11 in LA and now I’m getting 13-14. The Bank/TP patio in DR is also a few FPS higher. Haven’t tried the open world yet.
Also notice the game broke 80% CPU usage on my quad, normally the game is 65-70%. I assume they found something that they could multithread more efficiently, fewer block/sync issues.
RIP City of Heroes
(edited by Behellagh.1468)