42:0:9001:4409 error
Same thing happened to me and my guild mates. Everything else is okay (browsing, youtube/twitch, downloading). Strange thing is, we’re from same ISP, everyone else is doing okay in my guild. After using -diag command, the log show 80-100% packet lost on anet domain (not sure if that is my ISP fault or Anet’s host).
Been getting a lot of those along with BLTC not working. I’ve tried disabling my firewall, forwarding all ports and the /clientport 80 thing. None of it has resolved this issue. If anyone has a fix, please let me know.
Edit: Practice mode works lag free, but I can’t whisper anyone or accept party invites, or queue ranked/unranked. Neither does my friends list show anyone online. I’m on a Mac.
@Knifesedge. I had the same problem, and also I have done everything i could… I wrote to Technical Support, and then they told me to uninstall " Relevant Knowledge" program. I have got win 8.1.
Check if it helps.
Yay i had same error and coudnt log too. I unistaled relevant knowledge and works for me. Ty Jakub for that hint.
(edited by monTersx.2075)
THANK YOU SO SO MUCH! “Relevant Knowledge” did it. Read its a spyware. DEFINITELY delete it!