A few simple ways to fix low FPS

A few simple ways to fix low FPS

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Jay.9407


Hello everyone I am going to keep this short and simple. I will tell you how to increase your PC or laptop gaming performance without needing to upgrade anything.

For those of you who just have a weak PC or laptop I will tell you the ideal gaming rig, the one I am using right now the laptop that gives me 25 to 34 fps maxed graphics.

1. If your computer wont meet the GW2 Minimum System Requirements then you need to get one of these http://www.shopping.hp.com/en_US/home-office/-/products/Laptops/HP-Pavilion/A3F49AV?HP-Pavilion-dv6t-7000-Quad-Edition-Entertainment-Notebook-PC this bad boy hands down wont let you down at all, TRUST ME I HAVE ONE TOO AND I AM GETTING GREAT FPS OUT OF IT!

2. check your systems background operations. background operations can really slow start-up and your in-game performance. You can check your Back ground operations by pressing Ctrl + Alt + Delete then select task manger then press the Processes tab to see all the background programs.

3. Your ISP (Internet Service Provider) can be slow but if its not and your computer is slow on the web or in-game try getting a good anti-virus software and clean up your PC. Another good option to fixing lag issues is to stop any downloads you might be having, this should give more Mbps to the game and better your gaming experience.

4. Try checking your task manager for other background running software that are eating up your internet speed (mbps) You can check your Back ground operations by pressing Ctrl + Alt + Delete then select task manger then press the Processes tab to see all the background programs. If you see a software that is eating up your Mbps end its task.

5. Get a game booster. What a game boost does is clears most of all background operations and stuff clearing up much PC or laptop power allowing you to play GW2 with better FPS. As a fact I have tried game boosters on my laptop and I have went form 30 fps to 45 fps.

Well that is a few I could think of best of luck OH! and If you don’t know what you are doing in the task manager DON’T TRY TO END ANY TASKS.


A few simple ways to fix low FPS

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Swedemon.4670


Just FYI, if you’re going to go laptop you gain some convenience but you also loose some. You’ll be paying almost double the price to get the same experience… for a shorter period of time. They are quite limited when looking into performance upgrades. To maintain a “current” gaming laptop you’ll need to buy a brand new one roughly every 2 to 3 years. For a desktop you can upgrade the hardware. A video card is an easy upgrade for anyone. A CPU, power supply, motherboard can be upgraded but does require some planning and knowledge or at least a friend with the same.

(edited by Swedemon.4670)

A few simple ways to fix low FPS

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Caedmon.6798


Yes..everyone has 1000$ laying around to buy a laptop to get 32 max fps ( wich is really low ) that they dont really need,or just for playing gw2..Awesome advice.Really.

A few simple ways to fix low FPS

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Soulwatcher.2604


No offence Jay but a basic $600 pc would blow the doors off that laptop. Laptops are not very good gaming machines and often over heat like crazy.

A few simple ways to fix low FPS

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Cezton.2415


I would grab that laptop if I had the money, just for sheer mobility.

All your tips are common knowledge really, but there’s nothing wrong with saying them again. I’m actually running an E8400 C2D and a GTX 460 and I get 40 fps on avg.

My computer is pretty tidy and minimal for things being ran in the background. I use Game Booster like you mentioned and also a program called D3DOverrider (comes with the application RivaTuner), with both Game Booster and D3D running my game feels fairly smooth, no tearing, and FPS only drops in huge WvW battles.

Everything else runs smooth. No overclocking or anything like that.

For the average player I would recommend building a computer for $600 to truly get the best out of this game. I have to upgrade my processor and motherboard in the near future, but I’ve managed to get to 80 and do dungeons without any real lag with what my setup has offered thus far. CPU makes a big difference and I definitely feel it.

A few simple ways to fix low FPS

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Marmalade.9750


<insert>Shameless promotion of a not-so-cheap almost useless for gaming product</insert>

A few simple ways to fix low FPS

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: lcizzle.8219


I’ll take my laptop over that one anyday.
Got it for $1000 at NewEgg on a back to school sale.
1920×1080 Best Appearance 50-60FPS

Not to mention my laptop is fully modular. Everything in it is upgradeable even the video card.