AMD CPUs and Guild Wars 2

AMD CPUs and Guild Wars 2

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Caedmon.6798


This thread,funniest ever.So much people that talk without knowing jackkitten,its becoming hilarious tbh.

AMD CPUs and Guild Wars 2

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: ElDuderino.1527


here’s my setup:
Foxconn a74ga amd 740G Mobo
MSi Geforce GTX 660Ti PE GPU
8gig Corsair vengeance ram
AMD athlon II X2 255 3.1 ghz AM3 dual core CPU

i cant seem to get my FPS above 30 anywhere in PvE and it seriously drops to unplayable levels near big cities…im really loving the game but the lag is really getting to me now…i also have a zotac geforce GTX 560 gpu that im not using…should i get a new MOBO and run SLI or just a new CPU?

AMD CPUs and Guild Wars 2

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Soulwatcher.2604


ElDuderino I would scrap AMD all together and get a new MB and I 5 processor. I bet your frame rates would tripple.

AMD CPUs and Guild Wars 2

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: ElDuderino.1527


any suggestion for a solid moderately priced new MB? maybe with 2 pci 16 slots so i can have both GPU’s running?

AMD CPUs and Guild Wars 2

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Esrever.8613


Anet doesn’t optimize properly for AMD cpus. The dual core pentiums shouldn’t be beating 4 core phenom IIs since this game does use 4 cores.

WoW and SC2 are both blizzard games and blizzard hates AMD.

sllaw eht no nettirw gnihtemos saw ecno ereht

AMD CPUs and Guild Wars 2

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Blackhearted.1264


here’s my setup:
Foxconn a74ga amd 740G Mobo
MSi Geforce GTX 660Ti PE GPU
8gig Corsair vengeance ram
AMD athlon II X2 255 3.1 ghz AM3 dual core CPU

i cant seem to get my FPS above 30 anywhere in PvE and it seriously drops to unplayable levels near big cities…im really loving the game but the lag is really getting to me now…i also have a zotac geforce GTX 560 gpu that im not using…should i get a new MOBO and run SLI or just a new CPU?

Why do people do things like this? It should be blindingly obvious that a super low-end $50 cpu will bottleneck the hell out of a $300 video card, no matter the game.

AMD CPUs and Guild Wars 2

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Esrever.8613


here’s my setup:
Foxconn a74ga amd 740G Mobo
MSi Geforce GTX 660Ti PE GPU
8gig Corsair vengeance ram
AMD athlon II X2 255 3.1 ghz AM3 dual core CPU

i cant seem to get my FPS above 30 anywhere in PvE and it seriously drops to unplayable levels near big cities…im really loving the game but the lag is really getting to me now…i also have a zotac geforce GTX 560 gpu that im not using…should i get a new MOBO and run SLI or just a new CPU?

Why do people do things like this? It should be blindingly obvious that a super low-end $50 cpu will bottleneck the hell out of a $300 video card, no matter the game.

you’d be surprised how little cpu power you need for games like call of duty and battlefield.

sllaw eht no nettirw gnihtemos saw ecno ereht

AMD CPUs and Guild Wars 2

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Vizier.3164


Im running with :

MSI 890FXA-GD65 (MS-7640)
AMD X6 II 1100T, 3300mhz
XFX AMD 6950, 2048mb
Crossair xms3 ddr3 8gb (2x 4gb)
Win 7

And im getting 8-10 fps on high or low settings in wvw, its allot better in pve (30-40 ish).
My G19 tells me the CPU isnt even running at half speed.
Could anyone give me tips on what to buy or change to make my fps go up a little in wvw ? Because its just unplayable right now

i7-3770K, XFX HD7970, ASUS SABERTOOTH, G.Skill ARES 16 GB 1600
Vizier: 80 mesm-guard-ele-war
Fort Aspenwood

AMD CPUs and Guild Wars 2

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Skyliner.7436


Im running with :

MSI 890FXA-GD65 (MS-7640)
AMD X6 II 1100T, 3300mhz
XFX AMD 6950, 2048mb
Crossair xms3 ddr3 8gb (2x 4gb)

Could anyone give me tips on what to buy or change to make my fps go up a little in wvw ? Because its just unplayable right now

It’s not your hardware. The game has serious performance issues. Give it sometime. They will work it out.
edit: I hope

AMD CPUs and Guild Wars 2

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Ganntak.6532


Sadly AMD love em or hate the processors just dont cut the mustard compared to the i5’s even the i3 though i hope AMD get some love in the patches/fixes which is a shame cos im upgrading soon and was tempted by the FX4170 or the Fx8000series for the price but every review ive found comparing to the i5’s is showing at least a 20+ FPS jump on GW2. AMD are bringing their new stuff out nxt month i hear so lets hope they really roll the boat out and bring something decent for gamers that ll compete at reasonable prices. Im all for the underdog but if that underdog is 20+ fps below than gotta be sensible about it

AMD CPUs and Guild Wars 2

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Skyliner.7436


Please, excuse me for what I’m about to say. It’s built up frustration from unsuccessfully trying to advice people, in-game, to get an Intel CPU.

Their CPUS are inferior to intel’s in every possible aspect. Their L2-3 caches are slower than than a cow swimming in oil and their branch prediction algorithms are terrible.

This is not their engineer’s fault. Is AMD’s management. Their top engineers quited in rage and disdain after Bulldozer, which was a catastrophic failure, thanks to “brilliant” decisions made by AMD’s management.

AMD CPUs and Guild Wars 2

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Skyliner.7436


Please, excuse me for what I’m about to say. It’s built up frustration from unsuccessfully trying to advice people, in-game, to get an Intel CPU.

Their CPUS are inferior to intel’s in every possible aspect. Their L2-3 caches are slower than than a cow swimming in oil and their branch prediction algorithms are terrible.

This is not their engineer’s fault. Is AMD’s management. Their top engineers quited in rage and disdain after Bulldozer, which was a catastrophic failure, thanks to “brilliant” decisions made by AMD’s management.

AMD CPUs and Guild Wars 2

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: aop.6052


Quote buttons are not appearing in this thread for me for some reason but you know what I mean if you read UKNightWatch’s posts earlier in this thread.

So UKNightWatch, you were posting some WvWvW screens to prove your AMD rig runs the game just fine. You are dropping to 20 fps in small skirmish for a tower and you even rotated the camera so that it doesn’t show anything but the ground and some of your friendlies. That’s really poor performance to be honest. If you have any friends who own Sandy Bridge or Ivy Bridge CPUs I suggest you go over to them and try GW2 on their rigs. The FPS you are getting in WvWvW is bad.

AMD CPUs and Guild Wars 2

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Lazerator.3482


Ive created .. I think its time they announce something about this

AMD CPUs and Guild Wars 2

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Natas.1306


I got a phenom 2 940 BE 3ghz with a 7870 oc’ed

In PVE its playable between 20 to 45fps at high setting but in WvWvW i dip to 12 fps in really heavy fight.

I hope Anet do something about that because my system exceed game requirement by a lot and turning down resolution or graphic setting do nothing the numbers are the same. Only thing that help fps in pve is turning down shadows and reflection everything else change nothing in the performance.