Abnormal Lag spikes fps drops plz help

Abnormal Lag spikes fps drops plz help

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: OpenWounds.6729


Hi all, I’m wondering if I have a virus of some sort im not sure, I did some virus scans and it shows no problems, but I know my computer.

Usual in gw2 I hang around 60-55 fps, doesnt move much from there, but since yesterday I’ve been sitting at 60 and then instantly dropping to 30 or sometimes 25 fps, which is quite annoying when im used to having a constant 60fps.

This isn’t just in game also, it feels like my computer gets these moments of slowness aswell, which again, is not normal.

Note : Dunno if this has to do with anything, but I was doing a personality quiz online, had to download something for the results, I thought was some kind of scam but I dl it anyway, and web pages kept opening constantly -.- so I did ctrl + altr + del, and closed it than went in programs features and uninstalled it.

I don’t know much about computers to be honest, this is why I need your help.

Abnormal Lag spikes fps drops plz help

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Ackzabar.1693


If I were you I’d remove all my partitions, reformat my HD and reinstall my OS. There’s no telling what malware you’ve got.

Abnormal Lag spikes fps drops plz help

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: OpenWounds.6729


How do I do that ? I have 65% cpu usage out of nowhere all day today !

Abnormal Lag spikes fps drops plz help

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: kirito.4138


Get out your Windows OS disc and re-install. Antivirus doesn’t always cover everything.

Look at task manager and see which process is taking up 65% cpu usage.

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