Access restored/Account returned... but Error 20. (120905-001814)

Access restored/Account returned... but Error 20. (120905-001814)

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Paroxysm.1263


Still can’t log in to the game. Seems pretty obvious to me that if you are going to restore access, make sure that the game account isn’t still flagged as “terminated”.

1. Login details were using this email account – Characters’ money is missing. Nothing else is wrong with my account. This bug appears to be quite common and had a sticky on your forums under accounts subforum.
2. I submit this ticket. [Incident: 120905-001814]
3. I changed my account’s email and password to a brand new email address, consisting of this randomized format:
xxyyxyyyyxxx@zzz…com with a completely unique password.
4. I continued to play the game (again, using the new login details), got booted while out questing, and got the error message stating that my account had been banned. Attempting to log in again gave me the “Someone has requested to change your email… your email has been changed (to whatever random email the person chose. I’m guessing it was your support staff changing it back to this email.)” [Incident: 120910-005075]

P.S. What good is an email informing you that someone is trying to change the associated email that ALSO says they just did in the SAME email???

5. You send me a ticket resolved to the original email address (the one linked to the ticket).
6. I can now log into the website, but cannot log into the game due to Error 20.

Please unblock my account and let me know which of the two emails you want me to log in under. I assume it’s this one, but if it WAS a hack, then I need to know so that I can immediately move it off. Once this is done, I, or you, can close the second ticket as well if it was NOT a hack.