Account Hacked - Registered Email Changed (No Account Remaining)

Account Hacked - Registered Email Changed (No Account Remaining)

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Organic.5430


I am the GM of [Mercenary Position] on Jade Quarry. One of my friends/guildmates’ accounts was hacked several days ago and he still has not seen any progress in having his account restored or the issue resolved other than an email asking him to verify all of the information he put into the original ticket. Because he no longer has an account he can log into, I’m opening this issue for him.

His character is still in our guild, so it’s not been deleted. We just need his account email reset to his Yahoo email and the password reset so he can regain control of his account.

Email: <REMOVED> (his email address was not hacked)
Game account: same as email

Had a level 50+ character on my account. My account was hacked and the email address at GW2 changed. I do not know what that email account is. The incident ID is 120901-002134.

Friday the 31st around 3:38 AM is when I was hacked. I received an email saying “Someone, hopefully you, has requested to change the email address associated with your Guild Wars 2 account”. There was nothing that asked for verification at all. They have not hacked my EMAIL account, but they were able to hack my GW2 and change the email associated with it.

So…for several days now, I’ve not been able to have my GW2 account. I received an email yesterday at 11:47 AM asking me to reply and send all of the same information I’ve already sent. I’m extremely frustrated. I see you’ve handled thousands of these hacked accounts, so hopefully mine is next in the queue.

My major problem is when I got the serial number from the purchase, I deleted the email so I don’t have that registration key (never thought I’d need it again).


(edited by Moderator)

Account Hacked - Registered Email Changed (No Account Remaining)

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Organic.5430


This is already on page 6. Just wanted to be sure this gets eyes on it. At this point, he’s been unable to play longer than he was able to play. Is it possible to get a status on this today? I see a lot of posts that were started a few hours before this one and have several red-name replies already.

I will not be able to check this starting tomorrow for a couple weeks and would love him to get access to the game while I’m away.


Account Hacked - Registered Email Changed (No Account Remaining)

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: CC Dalmarus.8397

CC Dalmarus.8397

Community Coordinator

Original post edited – Please refrain from posting any personal information (including email addresses) on the forums. Thanks!

Account Hacked - Registered Email Changed (No Account Remaining)

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Organic.5430


Not the red-name response I was hoping for, but does this at least mean his issue’s now being investigated? Also, I leave in 12 hours. How will you contact him about this issue since you can’t send anything to his account? Is there anything he can do to speed this along?