Account security option request..

Account security option request..

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: IKneX.9631


First off, im not here to rant about somebody trying to gain access to my account, somebody already tryed and failed, its a new game, its gonno happen, life goes on.

Second, I beleive Anet is doing everything they can to fix everybodys problems, I know everything cannot be done right away.

But my main reasion for this post, is I would like to see a feature on my account that will automatically completely block ANYBODY from outside my country, or even better yet my province/state from logging in. I am from Canada myself, and when I get a email saying somebody from japan is trying to access my account, the server should automatically red flag and give no hope of logging in.

We should also have the check box option in our account to allow connections from outside our country for those who share or do whatever you do and then thats when we receive the email to authorize the login.

I think alot of people would feel alot more secure about there accounts if there was such a feature. Especially when purchasing item from the gem store, I know myself if that feature was in place I would not have a problem purchasing gems.


(edited by IKneX.9631)

Account security option request..

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: RSAMaximus.2095


If you remember correctly they """ suposedly said your game cant be access outside our country "" "" and you have purchase a new game if traveling from lets say USA – EU """ and that is working great for them " sarcasm "

Account security option request..

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: KOS.1057


i think 2 factor authorization is simplier
sms or something like token or app for iOS/Android
like it done on

Account security option request..

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: IKneX.9631


RSA, I did not know they had such a feature.

An authenticator would be the best bet, I support those things 100%.