Account upgrade and recreation of character

Account upgrade and recreation of character

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: BlueMoony.7685



Hello everyone,

I played the trial recently and afterwards I actually bought the game (digital delux edition)
Now, I realized that the character I made in the trial, hasn’t have the best appearance but I do want to keep the name.
I did not yet login with the character (after the purchase), I did get to the character selection screen. Now my question is: if I do delete thr character, can I instantly create another one with the same name? And, if that is possible, what will happen to the items I got from my purchase? Are they already sent to my current character or will they only be send to the character I logon with?

Thanks for yohr help in advance!



Account upgrade and recreation of character

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Rabbi Rick.3194

Rabbi Rick.3194



As many have stated, you will receive the account bound items on the first player you log in with. You may then safely place the items in a bank (available in any major town) and they will be safe for retrieval by any other character you make.

Specifically, the Rytlock, Chalice of Glory, and Tome of Influence will come to the first character you log in with, along with the Armor Set, Mithril Box, and 10 xp boosters, which will show up in a “Heroic Chest” that is account bound. The chest can be placed in the bank and opened by the character you wish to use the armor. Once opened, the items are account bound. The armor is a small package of armor that you choose the class type for (Light, Medium, or Heavy) upon opening the chest. You will then need to “open” the armor package with the character you are using it on. The XP stones and the mithril box remain account bound.

The Golem Banker will be received by each character you create on your account, and the Mistfire wolf is not an item, but a skill that each of your characters will have access to when they reach level 30.

If you wish to play it safe, create a new character with a different name first. Receive the items and place them in the bank. Then return to your original character, double check inventory if you wish to save anything you found during the trial, and if not soulbound, place it in the bank. If items are soulbound, see if you can sell or salvage them before deleting the character as a little extra gold or materials never hurts. Once the character is clear (don’t forget the stuff the character has equipped), then delete and recreate.

Finally, alternatively, if you are really concerned, you can buy a complete makeover for only 350 gems (roughly 4 US dollars) and just redo the character without deleting it or losing even the little progress you’ve made.

I hope this is helpful,

All the best and welcome to the game!

Rabbi Rick
Proud member of the Ring of 1000

Account upgrade and recreation of character

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Astral Projections.7320

Astral Projections.7320

If you delete a character the name is reserved to your account for 24 hours. After that it is released so anyone can use it.

Some of the digital deluxe items are one time only and some are with each character made. The heroes band and the bank golem are with each character. The other items are one time only and should be put in the bank before the character is deleted or else you will lose them. An easy way to check, if you mouse over the item and it says soulbound, it’s per character. If it says account bound, put it in the bank.

When you make a new character you will get a new heroes band and golem banker in the mail.

Account upgrade and recreation of character

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Inculpatus cedo.9234

Inculpatus cedo.9234

I don’t believe Hero’s Bands come with the latest version of the game. Instead, you receive the Heroic Edition items. If you have never logged into the game with the character you created, I don’t think the items will be sent to your character, and it would be safe to delete the character and create another. But, to be safe, I would log in, place all items in the bank, then proceed to delete and re-create my character.

Account upgrade and recreation of character

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: SandraSolace.7682


Hero’s band is only from the pre purchase as far as I know

But for the current DD, you should get this:

Guild Wars 2 game
Suit of Legacy Armor*
Mithril Box*
10 Experience Boosters*
Summon Mistfire Wolf Elite Skill*
Miniature Rytlock*
Golem Banker*
Chalice of Glory*
Tome of Influence*

Account upgrade and recreation of character

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: BlueMoony.7685


What I did was play with my character in the trial. After that, I bought the game and logged on to the character screen. I didn’t pick my character YET, as I was afraid to mess things up. So now, I should log in, put everything on my bank, delete the character. Create a new one (with the same name because that will be possible) and I won’t lose anything (except from the levels I made in the trial)?

Account upgrade and recreation of character

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Inculpatus cedo.9234

Inculpatus cedo.9234

Hmm…I am not sure now. Did you use the Legacy armor that came from the Heroic chest? It would have become soul-bound, and useless to any other character. I am not sure you will receive another Heroic chest, after upgrading your trial account. In fact, I would suppose not. You might contact Customer Support and ask about this issue before deleting anything, if you have already used the armor and it is now soul-bound. Good luck.

Account upgrade and recreation of character

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: SandraSolace.7682


You should be safe, the mail is sent after you actually login, as in with a char loading an area.

Account upgrade and recreation of character

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Inculpatus cedo.9234

Inculpatus cedo.9234

You should be safe, the mail is sent after you actually login, as in with a char loading an area.

But, he has already logged in (and played) the character in question. Deleting the character would make him lose all soulbound items.

Account upgrade and recreation of character

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: SandraSolace.7682


Yes, but if he deletes that char before login, he will get the stuff on the new one. The email is send to the first char that logs in.
It’s all depending on what char logs in first (to an actual area that is.)

Account upgrade and recreation of character

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Inculpatus cedo.9234

Inculpatus cedo.9234

Pretty sure you only get the Heroic chest once per account. So, if the armor is soulbound, it could cause an issue.

Account upgrade and recreation of character

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: SandraSolace.7682


Having played a char before does not influence this as the mail is sent on logging in.

This hasn’t happened yet (after the upgrade to full game)

Account upgrade and recreation of character

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: BlueMoony.7685


So, is there any chance I could get my items back if they are lost?

I haven’t used any item as I didn’t log on yet after the purchase.

(edited by BlueMoony.7685)

Account upgrade and recreation of character

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: SandraSolace.7682


Just to be sure, when you signed up for the trial you didn’t get an email with stuff, right? (in game)
And you have yet to log into the game with your new full account, right?

If so, you should get the email upon logging in and entering an area.

Account upgrade and recreation of character

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: BlueMoony.7685


Yes and yes. So I can safely delete the character and make a new one with the same name and I won’t lose any of the special stuff I got with the Deluxe Edition?

Is there somebody like an admin that can confirm that I will get my stuff? Aah, I just want to make sure I didn’t throw away money…

Account upgrade and recreation of character

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: SandraSolace.7682


Yeah I can understand that.

Maybe Gail can shed some light on this.

Account upgrade and recreation of character

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: BlueMoony.7685


Should I pm Gail?

Account upgrade and recreation of character

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: SandraSolace.7682


No, never pm her.

You’ll ahve to either wait or risk logging in with the new char.

(As het account is new, I do believe you have a good chance with support to get the items if something did go wrong, but you’d have to contact support then)

Account upgrade and recreation of character

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: BlueMoony.7685


I’ll wait for it, I won’t take the risk.

Account upgrade and recreation of character

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Brother Grimm.5176

Brother Grimm.5176

What will it hurt for him to log in and look?

He can collect any account bound items from mail and stick them in the bank and then delete and recreate.

I really can’t think of a reason WHY not logging in would be an advantage here.

We go out in the world and take our chances
Fate is just the weight of circumstances
That’s the way that lady luck dances

Account upgrade and recreation of character

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: BlueMoony.7685


There are no character bounded items?

Account upgrade and recreation of character

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Inculpatus cedo.9234

Inculpatus cedo.9234

There are many soulbound (character-bound) items in-game. That is what we are debating. Lol. Whether you have any or not.

A new account is almost always reimbursed for accidentally (or otherwise) deleting bonus items, but some people may not want to go through Support to get the items restored.

There is really little risk, if you have already put everything you want to retain in the bank…you just may need to spend some time with support to get back things you have lost.

Account upgrade and recreation of character

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: BlueMoony.7685


It is a new account, created in the Trial-period and I have nothing stashed on the bank as I only played it for the last 2 hours (not even realizing I could have soul-bounded items but that doesn’t matter) . I just don’t want to lose any item I payed for when I bought the Deluxe edition and I wonder if I will if I just delete the character even though I haven’t logged in since I bought the game.

I hope an admin will read this so I can get an answer fairly quickly.

Account upgrade and recreation of character

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: SandraSolace.7682


I’m certain you have nothing to fear.

But I will leave it up to you.

Account upgrade and recreation of character

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Gaile Gray

Gaile Gray

ArenaNet Communications Manager


Yes and yes. So I can safely delete the character and make a new one with the same name and I won’t lose any of the special stuff I got with the Deluxe Edition?

Is there somebody like an admin that can confirm that I will get my stuff? Aah, I just want to make sure I didn’t throw away money…

Let me post in a second with some info.

Gaile Gray
Communications Manager
Guild & Fansite Relations; In-Game Events

(edited by Gaile Gray.6029)

Account upgrade and recreation of character

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Gaile Gray


Gaile Gray

ArenaNet Communications Manager


Yes and yes. So I can safely delete the character and make a new one with the same name and I won’t lose any of the special stuff I got with the Deluxe Edition?

Is there somebody like an admin that can confirm that I will get my stuff? Aah, I just want to make sure I didn’t throw away money…

The concern I have here is you said “the special stuff I got with the DE.” Once you log in, and you did say you played for two hours, the distribution has been made. So does this mean you have received the items in the game? If so, the soulbound items are one-time-only, and you won’t get a second.

I’ve written a whole new KB article about this but it isn’t localized and published yet. You should be sure to NOT pick up the soulbound items, but only open them on the character you wish to use them. Let me dig up my article and see if I can find more to share.

Gaile Gray
Communications Manager
Guild & Fansite Relations; In-Game Events

(edited by Gaile Gray.6029)

Account upgrade and recreation of character

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Gaile Gray


Gaile Gray

ArenaNet Communications Manager

And my fellow team member posted my article showing “who gets what, and from which version of the game” so it should be clearer what game benefits are derived from the upgrades.

Hope this is helpful!

Gaile Gray
Communications Manager
Guild & Fansite Relations; In-Game Events

Account upgrade and recreation of character

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Inculpatus cedo.9234

Inculpatus cedo.9234

Gaile, a couple of things about your article. The golem banker is now 2 weeks, instead of 5 days, (I just made a new character on my account I pre-purchased in April of 2012, used the golem banker, and it is viable for 2 weeks) and I believe it is Mithril instead of Mithral.

Do trial users get any of the items listed? Does the trial come with any bonuses whatsoever? Might be helpful to know for those considering upgrading from a trial account to a full account.

Thanks for your time. =)

Account upgrade and recreation of character

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Rabbi Rick.3194

Rabbi Rick.3194


The description you linked to has multiple inaccuracies. Most notably in the following:


The items listed below cannot be moved to another character through the Bank. Once they are accepted through the in-game mail system, the items become soulbound (that is, available exclusively to that character). Therefore, please be careful to accept the item from the in-game mail system with the character that you have chosen to use that particular item. You will receive one of each item, if included in the edition you purchased.

Suit of Legacy Armor (found within the Heroic Chest)
Mithral Box
One Set of 10 Experience Boosters (found within the Heroic Chest)
Summer Mistfire Wolf Elite Skill

The Heroic Chest comes to the player account bound “when accepted through the in-game mailing system.” As indicated, the Suit of armor, Mithril Box, and 10 Experience Boosters come in the chest. However, these items are NOT soulbound. The box and the boosters are account bound and may be placed in the account bank and used by various characters. The armor comes in a chest of the variety chosen by the receiver of the heroic chest, (Krytan, Primeval, or Profane). This armor chest is also account bound until it is opened by the character of the players choosing, at which point the armor skin is delivered. This armor skin is also account bound until the skins (which are not full armor pieces) are applied to a player’s armor. At that point, the skins are soul bound (and I won’t go into how even that may be overcome with transmute stones.)

I just verified this information by examining the heroic chest on my account which I’ve not yet open because I can’t decide which of my 15 characters gets the armor skin.

Just my two coppers worth,

Addition: I just opened the armor box, deciding I’d put it on my asura thief. Upon opening the chest of armor I received not only the skin item that one normally receives when buying only the armor from the BLTC (the skin item when double clicked expands into 6 skins that you can apply to armor pieces), but I also received a full set of account bound, blue quality, level 0 armor pieces with the Krytan skin already applied. I assume this is a bug, but in effect, I received two sets of medium armor Krytan skins for my account. One set in the form of skins that must be applied to armor pieces and one set of armor usable on a new character.

Rabbi Rick
Proud member of the Ring of 1000

(edited by Rabbi Rick.3194)

Account upgrade and recreation of character

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Inculpatus cedo.9234

Inculpatus cedo.9234

Also, I wouldn’t even list the Summon (spelling error – Summer) Mistfire Wolf Elite Skill under the ‘Soulbound’ heading, but list it with the Golem banker as each and every character gets it, if they purchased the appropriate version of the game.