After Account restored...

After Account restored...

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Rivion.2374


I just got my account name restored i logged in and all my profession items, gems, ores, etc etc have been cleaned out! Will i ever get at least some of my stuff back? seriously that kitten took hours to collect and its all gone after having to wait 6 days for support to finally restore my account i’m not sure about what should i be the most mad about, waiting 6 days to play because of low security or having my account restored just to find out hours of collecting have been burned out… not to mention a bunch of yellow items along with my small skulls -.-

After Account restored...

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Chobiko.9182


I believe not… Sorry.

This is not like in real life where you have an insurance that covers lost valuables.

Next time maybe you will be more careful with passwords and account emails.

After Account restored...

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: marcusbash.8642


Not to mention Blizz was able to give all my lost items/chars back when I was hacked, and Anet said that they wouldn’t (for now atleast, IDK if thats permanent) but I’m in the same boat, if my kitten gone when I get my acc back I’m going to be reallykitten coulda just sent a ticket for a refund and bought a new copy and be higher level and have better/more stuff in the time I’ve been waiting.

After Account restored...

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Chobiko.9182


Chobiko, you really aren’t the sharpest tool in the shed. 90% of the cases had nothing to do with a persons own security. It had everything to do with limitless password tries and a broken authentication system.

Personal insults aren’t nice, stop that.

Limitless password tries is not the case. The case here is reuse of simple passwords, dictionary passwords, and old passwords, and I am afraid that is your own security problem.

An email authentication should be the only thing necessary to keep authentication security high.
If they can log in to your email address and authenticate themselves then you already have a serious security issue.

After Account restored...

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: ResignedGod.4910


If limitless password tries aren’t the case then their own security was comprimised. Seeing as he had a 20+ char password newly made JUST for this game and it still got hacked? Yea I don’t think so, would of taken a few years to simply brute force it and his computer is clean. And yes the authentication system should be all that’s needed except theirs was broken almost from launch and impossible to activate.

After Account restored...

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Chobiko.9182


Look, I’d love to believe that 20+ char password. But if limitless tries managed to break that password then maybe that password wasn’t that strong.
I have under 20 char and not even been notified of any breach.

Either the password was weak, his connection not secure, or he was victim to phishing.
The authentication system was working all along for me so I cannot comment on how bad it was, but according to many users it didn’t work for them. That is a problem and knowing that changing the password now and then until it got fixed wouldn’t hurt, especially if you knew your email was on a list somewhere.

After Account restored...

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Ernest.4168


I don’t see why Anet wouldn’t return items. It’s not like Anet lost anything, after all.

After Account restored...

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Chobiko.9182


They will hopefully get around to it when they have the manpower to do it. It requires a personal database rollback, verification and implementation, which takes time.

After Account restored...

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: shrnkwrp.5789


Chobiko, you some kind of fanboi? You clearly don’t work for Anet. Putting the blame solely on the players is ridiculous. My account was hijacked because every time I tried to authenticate my e-mail, I got an error saying it wasn’t working.

My Password I created for this game was strong. 16 characters, numbers, letters, special characters, caps you name it. The problem was it didn’t mater because their system wouldn’t allow me to authenticate. My e-mail was secure (its a US government server, trust me its safe) and running 3 different anti virus programs showed zero threats on my PC.

Instead of coming on here and replying like you’re an expert, why don’t you let these people get a reply from someone with experience.

After Account restored...

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Rivion.2374


I just found out all my items have been sold through the black lions market so basically they sold my items and sent the money to some other account leaving me with 1 cooper in inventory just for trolling i guess… pretty much other players that bought my stuff for super low prices got the upper hand i don’t know if that can be considered an exploit but im guessing most of the hacked accounts such as mine might have suffered from the same… players that didnt get hacked and bought my stuff must be feeling pretty lucky… starting to wish my account would have got banned for no reason right after i got hacked… that way my stuff wouldnt have been meddled with.

After Account restored...

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Chobiko.9182


I am working in the industry and I know what they are going through.

Now how was your account hijacked? And how did they get a hold of your “safe” password, because try as you want, I’d love to believe all these I used strong this and that, and on and on.

But I wonder if that’s the case how come I am not hijacked or the account you are using now?

After Account restored...

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Gaile Gray

Gaile Gray

ArenaNet Communications Manager

I just got my account name restored i logged in and all my profession items, gems, ores, etc etc have been cleaned out! Will i ever get at least some of my stuff back? seriously that kitten took hours to collect and its all gone after having to wait 6 days for support to finally restore my account i’m not sure about what should i be the most mad about, waiting 6 days to play because of low security or having my account restored just to find out hours of collecting have been burned out… not to mention a bunch of yellow items along with my small skulls -.-

I think you’re not understanding what happened. Access was returned to you, you were reinstated, but actual account restoration is not possible at the present time.

I suggest that you improve your account security and resume playing, but if you want to wait for the restoration service to be put in place you can do so. I do not have a timeframe for that program’s start date.

Gaile Gray
Communications Manager
Guild & Fansite Relations; In-Game Events