After last patch keep getting error

After last patch keep getting error

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: RageBeast.1539



Each log in results in error message after being in game less than a minute. The game client has lost its connection to the server.

After last patch keep getting error

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: RageBeast.1539


Any ideas on a possible fix>? Again everything is working fine until just now with the patch.

After last patch keep getting error

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: CharJC.8365


I am having the same issue. I can run the game at max settings and still pull decent frames, CPU and RAM on my end are checked out and fine. My Internet connection is good and stable, in fact, this is funny, as I’m writing this the game crashed. How is it that after this patch now, something else is broken? (sarcasm) Not to mention the missing minis, minis fighting/taking damage…. I could go on but will only kitten me off more.

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