All was going well..

All was going well..

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Quantum.8950


I’ve been playing over a month without any issues, but today while exploring the Gendarren Fields, i alt tabbed then for some reason(probably all the programs i was running behind) my computer kinda froze, so i got impatient and turned off the power supply for a quick reboot.

Right after that, i crash ingame within a minute repeatedly AFTER the client’s has completed the file verification process. Seeing that the client was unable to fix the problem itself i decided to delete the entire GW2 folder and redownload everything.

Expecting to download around 16GB of data, my download stopped at around 13GB(i’ve been checking every few minutes). Rebooting the client, it does not prompt for any further downloads! And now, when i click PLAY, it simply crashes,i cant even reach the character selection page. Any ideas what is going on??

All was going well..

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Prophet.6954


Just deleting the folder, versus doing a full uninstall within control panel could definitely leave things corrupted. Try going into control panel, and then depending on your windows version, programs and accessories, or “add remove programs” and try to properly uninstall Guildwars.