In order to offer you improved customer support, we are changing the core system that we use for responding to support e-mails and tickets. This change will be effective 23 October 2013. The new system does not require you to use a support account. Instead, you’ll use a web interface to find help in our Knowledge Base and submit support requests without signing in. Once you’ve submitted a request via the site, we’ll get in touch with you directly via e-mail.
While things will look a bit different when this change takes place, all the existing content we offer in our Knowledge Base will be available, and our ability to assist you accurately and promptly will be enhanced. As the new system is expanded in the coming weeks, we offer improved localization and more content to assist you with your customer support questions.
The upcoming system change will not allow us to copy or carry over existing tickets; everything will start new. Therefore, if you have any ticket history in the “My Stuff” section of this site that you wish to save, we advise creating a copy on your computer or e-mail account. Additionally, if you currently have an open support ticket, you may wish to save the most recent e-mail that you received about the subject from Support. Then, if you still need help when we switch to the new system, you can create a new ticket and include the previous dialogue within it.
We’re very pleased to be making this change, and welcome your feedback in the coming weeks.
Communications Manager
Guild & Fansite Relations; In-Game Events