Anyone else unable to play

Anyone else unable to play

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Rezzet.3614


for example massive lag spikes wich lock all skills makes wp unavailable makes you magically die to fall damage or get killed by monsters you arent even near at or unable to chat pretty much all i can do is watch the world around me . cant even enter instances either

Anyone else unable to play

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: LanfearShadowflame.3189


Hubby and I have this issue in the evenings. Everything starts out fine when we first get on….then about 9pm eastern it all goes to kitten. sigh

Don’t look at me like that. Whatever you’ve heard, it’s probably not true.

Anyone else unable to play

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Rezzet.3614


forgot to mention somethign unusual as well it also popped up a message saying someone was already logged in with my account elsewhere wich shouldnt be possible as i only play in one computer and havent given my password to anyone

Anyone else unable to play

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: HypnotoadProductions.3981


I’m experiencing the same problems LanfearShadowflame, it looks like at least our server (Seafearer’s Rest) is being routed to US servers, even though it should be an EU server. So I think they merged some servers for whatever reason, which lags out our server horribly.

Try pressing Win+R → Enter “resmon” (without the quoations) and check out where they route you when you play GW2. Trace the IP and if it gives you a weird location that is FAR away from you then there could be your problem.