Apple Magic Mouse left and right clicker

Apple Magic Mouse left and right clicker

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: chappers.1208


Hi guys,

wondering if you can help…

when using my magic mouse with GW2 I can’t seem to use the first two abilities with the left and right clicker on the mouse.

Please help


Apple Magic Mouse left and right clicker

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: FlamingFoxx.1305


Abilities using left and right mouse buttons? Not sure I get what you mean. As far as I know you can’t cast using a mouse click….

If you simply mean that you can’t right click then open System Preferences on your mac go to Mouse and enable Secondary Right Click.

Apple Magic Mouse left and right clicker

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Naqaj.6219


You cannot set keybindings to your primary mouse buttons. Doesn’t matter which mouse you use.
If you have a mouse with additional buttons, those can be rebound, for example I have dodge bound to a thumb button.