Bad UI design cost my son his bank guild

Bad UI design cost my son his bank guild

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Zarenda Mal.1364

Zarenda Mal.1364

Yesterday, while in the guild hall for our main guild, my son accidentally clicked on the Leave Guild button, middle left side in the Guild Panel, rather than on the Exit Guild Hall button in the upper right. It then promptly deleted his bank guild and kicked him out of the guild hall. There was no confirmation dialog “Do you really want to leave this guild, you are the only member”, it just deleted his bank guild with no warning.

He contacted support and they told him, “tough luck”. I’m sorry, but I am in the software business and this is as bad as UI design gets. It is UI design 101 that whenever the user is going to do something that could be catastrophic, you ask them if they are sure.

Now, someone who has been a fairly avid player of both GW1 and GW2 has gone completely off the game. He has no current interest in playing. I understand that. It is as if you left a booby trap for him to find and he accidentally triggered it. It is that feeling that you get when you come home from holiday and find your house was cleaned out while you were away. Visceral.

You could have prevented it. You could also have given in and restored it from a backup. Instead, you told the customer it was their tough luck. Makes me glad I didn’t apply to work with you.

I will stick with my much smaller but more reliable software company any day. We understand when “we” screw up (though we wouldn’t make one of these junior programmer errors).

(edited by Zarenda Mal.1364)

Bad UI design cost my son his bank guild

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Zohane.7208


That’s strange – I went to guild hall to test this.

First, I had to actively select the secondary guild since main is always pre-selected, then when I clicked Leave Guild I did get a confirmation prompt.
Now, I wasn’t the only member of said guild, but I would expect that there’s a confirmation box for leaving a guild when you’re the only member as well – would be strange if they had less confirmation for a more destructive action.

I’d say either you hit a bug or clicked on the confirmation without reflecting on it. Sadly that’s how confirmation boxes tend to work; you know you have to confirm, but since you’re certain that you know what you’re doing you don’t stop to reflect.

Again, I can’t say for sure what happened in your particular case, but when I tested it seemed to work properly.

Gunnar’s Hold
Guild Leader for Tyria Liberation Council [TLC]

Bad UI design cost my son his bank guild

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Zarenda Mal.1364

Zarenda Mal.1364

I just did a similar test, I created a guild for testing. I tried this both at the Guild Initiative and in the guild hall of my main guild. In both cases, it asked me if I wanted to leave. Either he encountered a bug, or he clicked without realizing what it meant. I still think if you are the guild founder and the only one in a guild, such that if you leave it will be deleted, that a second box should pop up warning you (in CAPS) that leaving the guild will cause it to be DELETED.

It is simply too easy to make this mistake. I have had customers contact me, who, after entering data for 6 months into a database, accidentally selected Remove Table from the File menu, rather than Remove Record from the Data menu. They confirmed it, like usual, and the database was gone together with 6 months work. They called us in a panic, and I told them to not use their computer for anything else, just leave it. I was then able to use an undelete program (Windows 3.x days, not Windows NT, et. al.), and recovered the entire database for them. It was a lucky one, since otherwise it would have been a disaster.

Bad UI design cost my son his bank guild

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Zarenda Mal.1364

Zarenda Mal.1364

Thinking about it longer, I think if ArenaNet can implement a requirement that you type in the name of an item before you can delete it, then they should add this if the last person leaves a guild, so that they have to type in the name of the guild. This would prevent any such thing happening by accident again.

Bad UI design cost my son his bank guild

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: HtFde.3856


Thinking about it longer, I think if ArenaNet can implement a requirement that you type in the name of an item before you can delete it, then they should add this if the last person leaves a guild, so that they have to type in the name of the guild. This would prevent any such thing happening by accident again.

There are indeed tons of useless items you have to type the name of when you want to delete them … it’s rather strange (and telling) that THIS doesn’t require it

PMI – Dzagonur Rallybot :)