Bad game lag lately

Bad game lag lately

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: SPARTdAN.2091


Is it just me that since the new patch has started to get some terrible lag now?

It’s breaking the game, just like the events that keep on breaking now and the camera.

I really love this game but this is just putting me off it.

Bad game lag lately

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Chris.4751


I have the same problem, my game is lagging so much that I can’t play anymore, I went through the tech support and all they did is blaming my internet service provider. All the others game I play online are fine, even planetside 2 where there are a lot of people.

Bad game lag lately

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Rhaps.8540


I’m on Seafarer’s Rest and for the last 6 hours have suffered massive lag spikes of about 5 seconds. This also occurs in all zones on all characters. Run all the usual checks and it is without a shadow of a doubt a GW2 issue alone (connection is stable, no firewalls, other games performing perfectly etc.). I was able to play fine earlier today and have never encountered any problems with lag since release.

I hope Anet acknowledge they’re looking into the problem, as at the moment the game is unplayable.

Seafarer’s Rest – Guild Leader The Deamon Army [TDA]

Bad game lag lately

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: squirrel.8325


Also have been getting random/unplayable lag recently. Had no issues since release with lag and now i dont even want to play

Bad game lag lately

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: The LZ.7891

The LZ.7891

I get lag when I use wireless and I’d say my connection speeds
are good and all that. Then I change to wired and it’s perfect.

Bad game lag lately

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Rhaps.8540


I get lag when I use wireless and I’d say my connection speeds
are good and all that. Then I change to wired and it’s perfect.

If only it was that simple in my case. I’m wired to my router and this problem is still persisting.

Seafarer’s Rest – Guild Leader The Deamon Army [TDA]

Bad game lag lately

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Sarne.4528


Can’t say I’m glad to hear this is happening to others, but I was really wondering what was going on. My wife and I have both been getting horrible lag spikes (not simultaneously) since the last patch. I’ve been running ping -t on another monitor and when either of us lag to the point of disconnecting, our latency does not change in the slightest. We have FiOS (60d/25u) and there is literally nothing else going on but GW2 and we still lag out.

We’ve tried everything I can think of and the problem is definitely on our side of the client. I hope Anet chimes in here soon…

(edited by Sarne.4528)

Bad game lag lately

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Sarnind.4053


I lag all day in rvr ,in the evening for me is unplayable, my connection is good, I live in Switzerland

Bad game lag lately

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Rhaps.8540


I thought this might resolve itself overnight but sadly the massive spikes continue. Strange this started mid-session yesterday and now it appears I’m stuck with it. Tried everything short of reinstalling the game. Might give that a shot. Still nothing back from Anet so I can only assume they aren’t looking into the problem yet.

Also more people cropping up with the same problem in the last day or two here:

And another guy with the same problem here (just to illustrate this isn’t an isolated problem):

Seafarer’s Rest – Guild Leader The Deamon Army [TDA]

(edited by Rhaps.8540)

Bad game lag lately

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: LameFox.6349


I transferred from a US to EU server today and I’m suddenly getting huge spikes of lag. I know it’s not my ping, because it can be working fine for a while and then suddenly I can hardly activate a skill without trying for 10 seconds. I can’t tell if I’m attacking because my animations hardly occur (FPS is no lower than it normally would be under whatever circumstances I’m in, the animations just don’t happen). Occasionally everything just stops (the game hasn’t frozen, just nothing is doing anything) and eventually resumes. I often get teleported around as well.

This is actually the server I first joined, ever (Piken). It worked fine then. My network connection here is fine; everything but GW2 works fine. This isn’t even the only MMO I play on a European server and normally it’s no issue. Something is broken.

Bad game lag lately

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Rhaps.8540


After methodically going through all the diagnostics I could think of I went open a support ticket. Before submitting the ticket a popup window with common general fixes came up. Doing this, fixed the issue for me entirely:

1. Navigate to your Guild Wars 2 installation folder.
2. Right-click on GW2.exe and select Create Shortcut.
3. Rename this shortcut to Guild Wars 2 Repair.
4. Right-click on this shortcut and select Properties.
5. Edit the Target line to include -repair at the end.

Note: Please make sure -repair is outside of the quotes
Correctly Formatted Example: “C:\Games\Guild Wars 2\GW2.exe” -repair
Incorrectly Formatted Example: “C:\Games\Guild Wars 2\GW2.exe -repair”

This makes sense as the problem was clearly isolated to the game and not my connection/computer in general. It must be some kind of corrupted game file causing the issue (at least in my case). Give it a shot and post your results here.

Edit: May have spoken too soon. The problem re-emerged after running flawlessly through a few busy events. Again, repair ‘fixed’ it, but only temporarily. Seems like the game is currently actively corrupting itself somehow.

Seafarer’s Rest – Guild Leader The Deamon Army [TDA]

(edited by Rhaps.8540)

Bad game lag lately

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Kosmos.3907


Yep tried Rhaps method to repair but still doesn’t work. The lag and disconnects have been happening since the last patch. Must be that Asura head size growing out of proportion! It might just be a bug that needs to get looked at but the client keeps crashing/freezing every time I log in. The game has become unplayable at the moment.

Bad game lag lately

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: LameFox.6349


Tried it… no luck.

I went into WvW…. my ping is (or should be to that area, I tested it before playing) around 329 and I feel like it’s >1000 some of the time. For reference, it’s about 250-300 to the US, where I got no noticeable lag unless a huge event was going on and everyone rushed to that region.

The way it is now, one moment all my skills activate on demand, another I stand there for quite literally up to and beyond ten seconds pressing buttons before anything happens. There is no way this is just the distance, or I wouldn’t have been perfectly fine on this server at launch (or rather the pre-order headstart).

If this keeps up I will have no choice but to swap servers again, potentially to somewhere that is awkward for my timezone, and if that doesn’t fix it I just won’t be able to play the game. At all (well, the trading post…).

Bad game lag lately

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Qian.4632


Same here with Storm Bluff. It was happening on Capricorn pvp map for me. But not the other maps. I hope devs see this.

Bad game lag lately

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: hani.7810


Same problem here, in Israel.
Lags & disconnections, the game is totally unplayable.
Does anybody know when this will be fixed?

Bad game lag lately

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Tetide.3029


Same problem in Switzerland during the peak hours 20:00-24:00. The game is unplayable.

Bad game lag lately

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Todesbote.7812


Same problem here. Switzerland, Swisscom, tracert is fine over to the US, dies a laggy death as soon as it enters ncsoft territory. No other problems at all (other games, WWW stuff etc).

Bad game lag lately

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Dksopp.6092


From HK here. I encountered ping issue also in the past few days ago, but not only to gw2 server. I tried ping to US sites like and the result is also high like 600-1500 during the lag spike. I tot it was my ISP but seems like many ppl across the world had the issue as well. Might be something affecting the undersea cables.

P.S. no lag spike encountered since yesterday

Bad game lag lately

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: SteveK.5827


I thought it was just me but here in Australia having excactly the same problems.
Hope this will be fixed soon as almost unplayable. GW2 will lose a lot of customers if they don’t fix it soon, no more extra characters for me and I will not be buying my wife her own GW2 account if it is not fixed.
Does anyone from GW2 read these forums as nothing seems to have been said ??

Bad game lag lately

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Dksopp.6092


I thought it was just me but here in Australia having excactly the same problems.
Hope this will be fixed soon as almost unplayable. GW2 will lose a lot of customers if they don’t fix it soon, no more extra characters for me and I will not be buying my wife her own GW2 account if it is not fixed.
Does anyone from GW2 read these forums as nothing seems to have been said ??

Havent encountered anymore lag spikes since that few days, did you try pinging to other locations in US?

Bad game lag lately

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Moderator.9672



Please read this thread Here: Network Lag, if you’re experiencing lag issues.

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