Black Screen After Spring Update

Black Screen After Spring Update

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Krimlin.3257


Hello all!

Bringing this little issue to the forms after having it happen several times now. At random points, mostly when characters or mobs are moving it seems, the entire GW2 client goes black aside from the cursor. Music stays playing but I’m unable to do anything until I close the client entirely and come back. This seems to happen after every patch, for weeks on end sometimes.

Currently, I don’t get any errors associated with this ‘crash’. None that I can see anyway. I’ve heard of this sort of thing happening before but have yet to see any fix outside of it being corrected with a patch.

Anyway, hopefully there’s a known fix or that the Devs know about it happening.

Black Screen After Spring Update

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Whitefang.4968


this is an issue that has been happening since 2012, and has stumped the devs. i exchanged more than 150 emails with them trying to figure it out but nothing worked. for some people changing router or disabling the router firewall fixed it. for others it didnt get fixed at all. right now im playing the game with 10+ blackscreen a day which is highly annoying and making me consider to stop playing until its fixed or something