Black Screen Issue (Nvidia) Unresolved

Black Screen Issue (Nvidia) Unresolved

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Liquidity.7431


I have been playing for about 2 days.
Since I started the games crashes every 10-20 minutes.
So far probably 20 – 30 crashes.
The screen goes Grey/Black and the background music keeps playing.
I have read the sticky “Black Screen Issue (Nvidia)” post.

Changing the Anti Aliasing does not fix this issue.
Disabling the Anti Aliasing does not fix this issue.
Forcing the Anti Aliasing to FXAA does not fix this issue.
I have changed many of the Nvidia other graphics options not still no luck.
I have restored them to the defaults and nada it still crashes.
I have matched my settings to a friend who isn’t having this issue and it still occurs.
I have upgrades from Windows 8 -> 8.1 it did not help.
I have installed the latest Nvidia drivers GeForce 332.21 Driver and it does not help.
I have removed my duel monitor setup and run with one monitor and it still crashes.
I have deleted the GW cache folder in appdata and any gw2 related files I could find in temp and it has not helped.

I seems to crash most often when something changes rapidly on screen, i.e going into a conversation, or during combat, though in this game where else would you be.
Once when I was looking at my Video settings in game (F11) it crashed, the Game screen (in the background) went black / gray, but the F11 Options window stayed visible and could be dragged around.

In all these cases sound continues to play, but my character is removed from the game (or eaten). Alt F4 closes the game to desktop, I can find no logs being generated from this crash.

There is nothing in the Windows System or Application logs that look like it would show a problem.

It has crashed when my character was standing still and I was just opening and closeing the various GUI windows, Guild, Hero etc.

My Machine Specs are…
Machine Specs
ASUS All in one PC series. Asus AIO transformer.
Intel Code i7-3770 CPU @3.4GHz
Geforce GT 730M GeForce 332.21 Driver
64Bit Windows 8.1

Other games I have played recently with out issue are NeverWinter (online MMO)
and Dues Ex human Revolution. Again with no issues.

Has anyone got anything else I can try before I ask for a refund? the game is fun but really unplayable, certainly solo where I just get my butt eaten while logging back in.



Black Screen Issue (Nvidia) Unresolved

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: locx.6412


Try repairing the game
See if there are any Win 8.1 updates available and also just in case try reinstalling your video card drivers.
Download programs called Core Temp or Real Temp, and GPU-Z. Check the temperatures of your CPU and GPU. If they get hot the game could get crashed to stop the system from overheating.
If none of the above helps, try reinstalling the whole game.

i5-4670K @ 4.6 GHz | GTX 660 | 8GB @ 1600MHz | Samsung 840 EVO 120GB | Win 8.1

Black Screen Issue (Nvidia) Unresolved

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Liquidity.7431


Thanks for the reply.
I originally got the GW folder from a friend ( his was running fine).
When I hit problems I re installed from scratch it didn’t help.

I downloaded GPU-Z and Core Temp, The Max CPU core recorded was 85c which is fine. the Max GPU core temp was 54oC which is also not a problem.
I dropped the screen rez right down and the GPU loading dropped as expected but
it still crashed after 5-10 minutes.

I’ll follow the repairing the Game link ( thanks for that) and see if it helps.


Try repairing the game
See if there are any Win 8.1 updates available and also just in case try reinstalling your video card drivers.
Download programs called Core Temp or Real Temp, and GPU-Z. Check the temperatures of your CPU and GPU. If they get hot the game could get crashed to stop the system from overheating.
If none of the above helps, try reinstalling the whole game.

Black Screen Issue (Nvidia) Unresolved

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: locx.6412


85c during GW2 is pretty high, that means very very close to thermal limit during a stress test. I’m not familiar with AiO machines but if the warranty is still on you could ask the repair service to have a look at it. For now, what you could do is underclock that CPU a bit to make it run cooler. If that helps we know that’s the problem.

i5-4670K @ 4.6 GHz | GTX 660 | 8GB @ 1600MHz | Samsung 840 EVO 120GB | Win 8.1

Black Screen Issue (Nvidia) Unresolved

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Liquidity.7431


Yea, 85C it “ok”, the Max CPU temp on this machine is 105C.
Also the rest of the machine is running fine. It’s an Intel Core i7.
I’ll take a look in the BIOS at the thermal settings there and see.

I have today gone back to Nvidia driver 327.02 I also restored the Audio drivers and it seems a little more stable crashing only once or twice an hour.

The game is pushing the GPU quite kitten the GPU monitor often hitting 100% so I cut all the graphic back to “best performance” and it may have helped somewhat as well.

I’ll take another look at the thermal settings.

Black Screen Issue (Nvidia) Unresolved

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Liquidity.7431


I have tried setting the in game refresh rate to limit it to 30FPS this seemed to help for about 30 mins, then I got 4-5 crashes in 10 minute intervals.

I have looked over the bois settings and thing there seem like it would help, machine set up as the defaults, CPU and GPU temperatures seem normal.

With the frame rate locked to 30fps the GPU is not even pushing 50% loading.

I do not know what else to try, so I’m going to bail out and ask for my money back.

Games fun but really unplayable when it constantly crashing

Black Screen Issue (Nvidia) Unresolved

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: locx.6412


I’d still say it’s the CPU, even more so since lowering the work GPU has to do wont help. Have you tried underclocking? If that helps I’d say it’s a case of RMA nonetheless, but at least you know what the cause is and can explain it a bit better.

i5-4670K @ 4.6 GHz | GTX 660 | 8GB @ 1600MHz | Samsung 840 EVO 120GB | Win 8.1

Black Screen Issue (Nvidia) Unresolved

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Jalen Du.3562

Jalen Du.3562

wel I got same problem to and also got nvidia card but every time we get an update I hope it stops crashing and the weirdest thing is when I first start to play the game like maybe a year ago can be bit longer I never had that problem think is from the last 4 months and I stop playing when I crash 3 or 4 times and just go play other game very sad because I really like to play guildwars but I also do not want my pc to crash every 10 maybe if can make it 15 minutes and have to push the powerbutton off and on again to get my pc working again do not think that is real great for my pc
and I tried alot to like drivers put the graphics lower and alot more reinstall and my friend also tried alot he is better with pc then I am technically but he does not get it either I mean all other games just work normal
so is not fun to play that way and I just play another game but it would be fun if it will be fixed soon I mean 3 or 4 months I have hardly played and I use to play it every day just because I liked it alot
so please fix this problem I mean I bought the game for fun and not just to have it installed and getting to be some frustrated thing that just does not work the way it should be

Black Screen Issue (Nvidia) Unresolved

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: dlechestnut.5230


Bumping because I’m getting the same issues.
Have updated drivers, repaired GW2 client, run memory and disc scans, and am running normal CPU temps.

Crashes seem to happen at random — sometimes during big events and other times when I’m doing map completions by myself. Sometimes I’ll go for hours without a crash and other times it’ll crash every 15-20 minutes. The one thing it never does is crash when I’m not playing GW2.

Any suggestions for next things to check or possible solutions would be appreciated.

Black Screen Issue (Nvidia) Unresolved

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Ok I Did It.2854

Ok I Did It.2854

What settings are you running the game on?
Also what version of the GFX drivers are you running?

Try and install the 331.58 drivers for your card, these drivers are solid, I have been running them for months now and they corrected all my GFX/lag/crashing issues I had, I have not had a single GFX related glitch since installing them.

Black Screen Issue (Nvidia) Unresolved

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: dlechestnut.5230


Custom settings, but I had no crashing issues until recently.
When I upgraded by drivers, I went to the most recent version (332.21). I’ll try taking a step back and see if that helps.

Black Screen Issue (Nvidia) Unresolved

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: rahvinus.9623


Same issues as this guys. Tried all of the “official” fixes, tried repairing, reinstalling, etc and nothing. It’s weird that it only happens with this particular game. Nothing else I’m playing gives me any issues.

Black Screen Issue (Nvidia) Unresolved

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Fannwong.3059


I had the black screen issue and tried everything.

Changing config. Software reinstall. Etc.

Then on a hunch I removed the ram and put an eraser to the metallic/gold connection.

It worked. No more crashes.


[SoX] – JQ

Black Screen Issue (Nvidia) Unresolved

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Athin.7250


We’ve been having this same problem. Its been happening to more and more people and it always seems to be the people that came back after not playing X amount of time. All the post I’ve read so far talk about it never happening before at launch but all of a sudden its happening now on their return. This is another thread I was also posting in about this issue that also has an ANET rep talking in it.

ANET seems to have no clue on this issue as they just give the generic “uninstall the game” answer that every single game support uses when they are stumped. This one issue has basically caused us to stop playing the game like we used since we can never play more then a few minutes before it crashes.

Black Screen Issue (Nvidia) Unresolved

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: MetalWolf.9254


If you can download any sort of video card controller to under/overclock your video card I would try that. We were getting a black screen when we upgraded the computer from some old 220 gts or something, which ran the game on low/med without any issues. Upgraded to a gtx 650 and enjoying the game nearly maxed out, then started getting black screens randomly. Tried all the fixes here and eventually, we underclocked the card 100mhz and have not had one crash since, and the game runs just the same, no noticable performance loss. Anyways been going on a month now with no black screens.

Black Screen Issue (Nvidia) Unresolved

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: MFoy.3284


I have also been having problems with my GXT 760 under Win 7 sp1. I’ve found many things that seem to help but three items stand out:

o Installing the 332.21 drivers helped greatly.

o Start with setting the drivers to “Let the 3D Application decide.”

o Make sure V-Sync is turned off both in game and at the driver level.

Hope these ideas improve your performance and allow more enjoyment from the game.