Blocked/Suspended/Terminated -- Player Comments

Blocked/Suspended/Terminated -- Player Comments

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Blondi.5821


2 days ago i bought some gems with my visa ingame, so i could buy something. Was playing my guardian mostly that day, got to lvl 10. Yesterday i wanted to continue.. But on login it gave the error “Account terminated, for gold and item sales for real money” Wich is stupid, i never had problems before in any online or mmo game. GW2 is the first game in 13 years that gets me banned.

Anyway i posted a ticket, so i’ll just see what they’ll say to that. Hope they’ll fix it tho since i was starting to like it.

Blocked/Suspended/Terminated -- Player Comments

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Gaile Gray


Gaile Gray

ArenaNet Communications Manager


For anyone who has experienced this issue, I hope that you have tried to log in recently. If you’re still unable to join the game, and if you did not sell or buy gold or use a third-party program, then by all means submit a ticket to Support. It’s very unusual for tickets to take more than a day or so to get resolved, unless there’s something unusual, like an account dispute.

I just spoke with an agent last night, and he told me a lot of details about a particular case where two people were claiming that they owned the account. In those cases, it’s going to take time to get the proofs of ownership, assess them, and make a determination. Sadly, in a few cases, it’s impossible to determine the real owner and those accounts will be terminated and no one will be given access. (This is yet another argument against account sharing or purchasing a used account — lot’s of people are burned in those situations!)

Helpful info:

Here is information to help you:

Gaile Gray
Communications Manager
Guild & Fansite Relations; In-Game Events

(edited by Gaile Gray.6029)

Blocked/Suspended/Terminated -- Player Comments

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Nightwatch.2653


Hi Gaile,

Thanks again for your presence in the forums. It’s great to see. RE: your day/24 hours comment – I submitted a ticket over a day ago, no resolution yet.

That said, I actually am not so focused on the back-end support times (though I’d like my account restored – I missed guild dungeon night already, and wanted to run with another friend of mine tonight). More of my disappointment is with the decision making around banning.

I’ve played countless MMOs for years, and have never even gotten a warning or suspension. And out of nowhere I get a permaban with no warning or explanation here. I know by the terms I’m not due an explanation, but given what I have invested in the game (time, original purchase, and gem store) it leaves a bad taste in my mouth and inclines me to warn others away from the game despite the enjoyable nature of the playtime itself.

I think you really should encourage they do (another?) in-depth review of the process and tools involved in banning decisions. There is clearly something wrong with it, both from my own personal experience, and also anecdotal – it’s sort of amazing how many people are complaining about being banned. They can’t all be innocent, sure, but I doubt we’re all guilty (‘cause I’m not, right? :P)

I applaud the dedication towards getting rid of bots/gold sellers by ANet (though let’s not pretend it’s altruistic, given the gemstore/RMTs) but this is clearly a flawed and/or too draconian process.

Blocked/Suspended/Terminated -- Player Comments

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Kentaur.4918


Good day. What do I do when I wrote :
Your Guild Wars account has been closed for using an illegal third-party program. I want you to know that we take great care when analyzing accounts prior to termination. We are both diligent and conservative in determining which accounts are using these programs, and we only terminate an account only after we are able to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that such use has occurred.

Stim or do anything like that because I have no agenda here not install the game. So how is this possible? You tell me how to fix it , or remove the program and make me remove the ban and could start playing.

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in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Mobius.2695


I’m in the same boat as you, Nightwatch.
First time I’ve ever been banned from anything in my life. I’ve played MMO’s for 7 years.

I’ve been banned for almost 3 days now, and I’m terrified I’ll lose my account for good.

I put about 150euros into this game because I liked it and wanted to support it, I’ve played for over a hundred hours. I haven’t shared my account with anyone, nor have I used 3rd party programs.

I love this game, to lose my account like this is horrible.

Blocked/Suspended/Terminated -- Player Comments

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Kentaur.4918


I have no programs to GW2 not installed . I do not know how can I have the Bann. Even my friends from the game, so I wonder every day you called I dream to one day in the afternoon I was banned until recently , I learned that for some illegal program that just do not have anything

Blocked/Suspended/Terminated -- Player Comments

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Gaile Gray


Gaile Gray

ArenaNet Communications Manager


Please, guys, DO contact Support so that a team member can review the case personally to see what may have happened. If it’s a legitimate termination, it will be upheld. But if it’s one of the rare “false positives,” they will take care of it.

Gaile Gray
Communications Manager
Guild & Fansite Relations; In-Game Events

Blocked/Suspended/Terminated -- Player Comments

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Sentinel.8749


I’m not adding on to the ranting, but I simply have a question that pertains to this. I’ve updated my appeal to a ticket about 2 days ago and you did mention that it takes a while for them to review my case personally.
Just wondering how long does it usually take or more specifically, how long do I wait until I take action and update my ticket again? I realize my situation may be a bit different than other people’s log in issues, so I don’t know if I should wait the normal 3 days or not. And to refresh your memory, I’m one of the false positives you’re talking about, as I was banned for using a third party program.

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in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: tolunart.2095


I wonder if anyone experiencing these problems have been using a programmable keyboard or mouse? I don’t own any of these so I’m fuzzy on the details but apparently there are multi-button gaming mice and programmable keyboards that players can use to set commands in macros.

If one of the methods being developed to detect bots involves logging input that happens faster than a human can normally press the keys, perhaps using these items ends up chaining attacks or other commands faster than pressing 1 – 2 – 3 individually. If one button push sets off attack/dodge/attack then you might be caught by the anti-bot software.

Apparently such items are in a gray area, but if Arenanet is beginning to mass ban suspected bots (something players have been demanding for several weeks) then it would be a good idea to discontinue their use until they have an official decision on whether these things are a bannable offense.

Blocked/Suspended/Terminated -- Player Comments

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Fatcobra.3960


I too was banned on the 17th, for supposed selling items for real money. I have noticed in reading all of these posts that almost every person that has been banned has recently purchased Gems from Arena net store. I too purchased Gems on the 3rd, then was banned 2 weeks later. Dont know if this helps.

I do know this is very disheartening, and damaging to me as a customer. It will be hard to purchase anything on the store, or even buy an expansion when it comes out now.

Blocked/Suspended/Terminated -- Player Comments

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: komputer.1709


My acccount was banned a few hours ago. Played Gw2 at night; woke up to level up more and found out it was banned. The error message provided was pretty vague too!

Considering that I’ve just purchased Gw2 a few days ago, getting banned after 3-4 days of playing it is a HUGE letdown. And to add insult to injury Arenanet can’t even specify the reason for permabanning me?

Personally, I am impressed with Gw2 and would like to play it more. However stuff like this only demoralizes me and makes me a sad person. Sad person is bad.


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in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Zerowing.6984


I was banned as well, and I never purchased any gems from the Arenanet store.
I think I barely had a gold on my account but apparently I have been selling it for real money, I must be the worlds worst gold farmer.

I agree the banning procedures appear to be woefully bad, to the point where it has become an annoyance to paying customers.

Also like others in this thread I’ve played many MMORPG’s over the last decade or more and have yet to be banned in this way until now.

Very poor.

Blocked/Suspended/Terminated -- Player Comments

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Gaile Gray


Gaile Gray

ArenaNet Communications Manager


Please submit a ticket to Support by clicking the “Ask a Question” tab on the lined page. If you were banned in error, the team will help you with this!

Gaile Gray
Communications Manager
Guild & Fansite Relations; In-Game Events

Blocked/Suspended/Terminated -- Player Comments

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Drakossi.6159


so I guess I have to ask the obvious question here, my account got banned, and of course I changed my PW. however if I got hacked how could this happen with the IP authentication mechanism they have in place? I get about 1 CN attempt a week or so, and never allow them in, so how could my account have gotten hacked? This ‘detection’ method of banning accounts needs to be reviewed.

Blocked/Suspended/Terminated -- Player Comments

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: komputer.1709


I got banned for “automation”. And I just purchased the game 4 days ago. =_=
Have put in a support ticket. So there goes my weekend of sweet Gw2. Thanks ArenaNet!

Blocked/Suspended/Terminated -- Player Comments

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: komputer.1709


Thanks Gaile. Have already submitted a ticket. Rather peeved right now. ArenaNet perma bans me and locks me out for 3 days. A bit too autocratic right? And there’s a gem market? No way I’m going to spend any more money on a game that arbitrarily permabans their players!

(edited by komputer.1709)

Blocked/Suspended/Terminated -- Player Comments

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Drakossi.6159


I feel for you, I don’t get to play except on the weekends and it looks like this weekend is a wash.

Blocked/Suspended/Terminated -- Player Comments

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: K Smooth.5426

K Smooth.5426

So I was in AC explorer mode and all of a sudden I get an error stating that I have engaged in the activity of exchanging guildwars currency for real currency and my account is permanently banned. I have never engaged in such behavior and am quite frustrated as to how I could get banned for something i’ve never done or even discussed in game or out.

I already made a ticket and I’m sure when reviewed I will be unbanned but it is still frustrating. I was wondering if anyone else had this issue and what was the outcome and how long it took? Also, how is it even possible to be banned for something that i’ve never done? Like how would that happen? I was never hacked and never had someone try to gain access to my account, i was playing in a dungeon at the time.

Blocked/Suspended/Terminated -- Player Comments

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Mobius.2695


This seems to be a common issue:

There’s also a lot of people mentioning being unjustly banned in this thread

If you’ve submitted a ticket, all you can do now is wait. If you haven’t gotten a response after 3 days, post in the second thread I linked.

I’m in a similiar position as yourself, we can only hope this is some big mix-up and that we’ll get our accounts back soon. Since there are a lot of people experiencing this, it must mean that something is wrong.

Blocked/Suspended/Terminated -- Player Comments

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: K Smooth.5426

K Smooth.5426

Yes I know, all we can do is wait. It is just very disheartening seeing as how I was really getting into the game after a month or so. It kind of makes me think twice about devoting a lot of time into this game now. Never have I even associated with people who do or have done what I have been accused of. It is very confusing to me how it was detected that I was selling or buying currency wrongfully. I mean I’m only level 45 so I have nothing to sell lol

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in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Mobius.2695


I know what you mean, hopefully Arena Net are aware how big of a deal this is, and they’re working on a solution.

Blocked/Suspended/Terminated -- Player Comments

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: JWolf.4817


Not only my wife is wrongly banned, she’s also indirectly accused of credit card fraud. And this after owning and playing GW2 for a total of six days, I might add.

I really hope the Arena Net support is looking through all that is happening and I really hope that they realize just how much damage to PR these false accusations are causing. Just opening the wrongly banned accounts really doesn’t cut it at this point, a formal apology should be required at this point. At the minimum.


And I’m still posting about her case here since, naturally, she herself can’t, being closed off from the game and forums.

(edited by JWolf.4817)

Blocked/Suspended/Terminated -- Player Comments

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: K Smooth.5426

K Smooth.5426

Yes. I mean I understand mistakes happen but I’ve never had anything like this happen before. I’m not sure about the details with your wife being banned but with me there is just no way that I could even be accused of real world item / gold trading. Never done it, never talked about it, never thought about it. I hope our issues get resolved quickly and best of luck to you and your wife. =/

Blocked/Suspended/Terminated -- Player Comments

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Fatcobra.3960


I too was wrongfully banned, and also had nothing of value in the game so far, not sure how they are banning, I would think this would not be taken lightly, and would also not be automatic. These types of situations, can cause a lot of damage to a business. These type of issues need to be highly scrutinized, on a case by case basis. I payed for something I am not getting, and was wrongfully accused, for a crime I did not commit, and I was not in violation of the COC. I too expect a formal apology. I have even been enjoying the game soo much that I believe I can support Arena net more, by purchasing Gems, and putting more of my resources, and time into helping them develop a good game. Now I will be very reluctant to do so…

Blocked/Suspended/Terminated -- Player Comments

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Terena Soon.4312

Terena Soon.4312

I been banned and its been 2 days of waiting for support to help me.

Blocked/Suspended/Terminated -- Player Comments

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Nightwatch.2653


It’s been almost three days since I submitted my dispute ticket. Advice to others who get wrongly perma-banned, make a few days of other plans. At this point I’m considering options and alternatives. This has been my second NCSoft game, and they are two for two on supporting studios to make good games, and then risking tossing it out the window with spotty handling of the customer (City of Heroes was my other NC game).

Blocked/Suspended/Terminated -- Player Comments

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: guwars.3816


Hey, why do I try to enter the game and be prompted to use third party software by terminative account today? But I want to tell you I have never used any third party software, the problem has been submitted, hope that we can get back. Thank you

Blocked/Suspended/Terminated -- Player Comments

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: komputer.1709


This really sucks!

Blocked/Suspended/Terminated -- Player Comments

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: WeAreUnited.8415


To all being wrongly blocked game players,
Don’t be too serious for this game anymore as what you want to complain is useless because they can never provide any evidence to prove why you are blocked.

Even you submit ticket or not, result are the same.
My case is similar, just minimized the game for a while, when you come back, they said you are blocked due to using 3rd party tool.
Ok, when you try to appeal by submitting tickets, after they hold for few more days but without doing anything, they will tell you are still being blocked and no more response for any other tickets you will apply.

So, leave this game as soon as you can and don’t stick on it and don’t recommend any games from this company to any other friends .

Blocked/Suspended/Terminated -- Player Comments

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: WeAreUnited.8415


me too. but according to my experience, don’t be too optimistic as you will be banned permanently very soon.
You can only complain at here finally.

Blocked/Suspended/Terminated -- Player Comments

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: SCORPZERO.6249


i have been wrongfully blocked / suspended and after waiting nearly 2 days for a reply got a ticket saying they are escalating my ticket and would be in touch as soon as possible and so far 2 days later still no more responses no idea why and for what just that it was unaceptable behaviour i read everything they consider to be unaceptable and i have done none of those things all i can do i guess is wait and hope they will eventually reply in reasonable timeframe ….

Blocked/Suspended/Terminated -- Player Comments

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Grim West.3194

Grim West.3194

Yep, woke up this morning to the same thing.

I have never bought or sold gold in my life. And I doubt have have more than 1 gold if you add up all my toon’s silver.

Something is very wrong with ANET’s security setup.

Blocked/Suspended/Terminated -- Player Comments

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Atreyu.3486


My account was terminated for gold or item selling for real world money which I have never and would never do. As well as I haven’t even been able to play for a few months due to a hand injury at work…which sucks… I put in a support ticket on the 17th with one response saying they were going to escalate my ticket for further assistance and I haven’t received anything after that. I’m really would like to play my game again soon.

Blocked/Suspended/Terminated -- Player Comments

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Atreyu.3486


So what do I do if my account was permanently make a new account or is my cd key banned as well which will royally tick me off considering I paid full priced and some A** hole hacks my account and gets me banned what are my options here?

Blocked/Suspended/Terminated -- Player Comments

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Apih.7943


Yep we are on a same boat mate,its been 2 frustrating days since i got wrongfully acc blocked.some guy replied to my tix and said he will escalade my ticket yesterday.guess we’ll have to wait.

Blocked/Suspended/Terminated -- Player Comments

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: K Smooth.5426

K Smooth.5426

Yeah lol I once i found out I didn’t have to work this weekend I had on thing on my mind = GW2. I started playing saturday morning was in the middle of my first dungeon run and BAM… banned

Blocked/Suspended/Terminated -- Player Comments

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Atreyu.3486


Apparently it looks like thousands of people are getting wrongfully banned myself included they just need to shut GW2 down until they can straighten this issue out this is ridiculous.

Blocked/Suspended/Terminated -- Player Comments

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: RaggTagger.7931


Account was terminated for the same reason, hopefully will be reversed, this is very frustrating…

Blocked/Suspended/Terminated -- Player Comments

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Grim West.3194

Grim West.3194

How long does it take to resolve this issue?

This is BS, I run a small guild who just transferred to another server. Trying to communicate with players who haven’t logged on in a couple of days is almost impossible.

And what the hell is wrong with your game? You must have some really bad algorithms to have them think I in any way bought or sold gold. For one I have never bought or sold gold in my life and never will. For another I haven’t ever had more than a couple gold all together on all of my toons.

Even worse, because I have been so busy in rl lately, I have only logged in to talk to other guild members for the last week. Haven’t killed any mobs, done any WvW or crafted. ONLY guild management duties.

You people really need to get your stuff together. This is extremely unprofessional on your part.

(edited by Grim West.3194)

Blocked/Suspended/Terminated -- Player Comments

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Nightwatch.2653


JFYI to others, my issue was finally resolved last night with support admitting my account termination was wrongful. This is all rather frustrating and has put a damper on my enthusiasm for the game, but hopefully the Halloween event will help that.

Pertinent to others: be patient, it looks like their review process works, though it could be faster (and it would be nice to not have situations that need to be reviewed in the first place

Blocked/Suspended/Terminated -- Player Comments

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Tigerbite.8507


I just updated the original post with the following information:


I’ve been in touch with a lot of people in the past few days that have been waiting on a response from support when there account was already back up and running. If you were wrongfully banned, yes submit a ticket, but then keep trying to log in every 3-4 hours, because they most likely will fix it before they even see your support ticket.

Hope this cuts back on your waiting time. I never played GW1 but I did take part in the alpha and beta testing of GW2. All companies go through problems and yes it sucks when it happens to you. But be patient! And if you enjoy the game, keep on supporting it!

MidKnight Insomniacs is recruiting! – Check us out, you’ll love us! :)

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in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Nightwatch.2653


Worth trying – but note that for mine, I kept trying and indeed was unable to get back in until I received the apologetic response to my ticket.

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in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Tigerbite.8507


I just now received an e-mail back from support! Hehe (5 days later, but only 3 business days)

“After reviewing the issue, it appears that your account was blocked in error. Your account is now released and you should be able to log in to Guild Wars 2. I apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused. This account was released on Oct. 18, about 6 hours after the block was in place.”

MidKnight Insomniacs is recruiting! – Check us out, you’ll love us! :)

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in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: LucasClarkel.1648


I was hacked recently and my account was banned for selling gold or in game items for real money. This happened after I got some emails from arena net saying my account was attempting to be accessed from China, so I changed my password and a day or so later it said my account had been banned. I am still waiting for a support response my ticket number is [Incident: 121020-000624]

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in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: veccar.8421


Hi all.

We (my brother and i) bought GW2 last week saturday the 14th.
We have been playing for a couple of day’s without any problems up untill last night.
During the afternoon we have been doing quests, events, gathering resources etc. without any problems or issues. We log for diner etc and later last night we wanted to continue our journey and we both are unable to login into the game.

We get the same issue like some ppl here stating that our account is suspended for an account issue. Error code 45: 6: 3: 2114. Now. Me nor my brother have used anything of 3th party stuff (we don’t even know how). We never bought nor sold gold or anything. We just explored and were enjoying the game :-(

We both contacted costumor support and we both got an response back stating :

Thank you for contacting Guild Wars 2 Support Team.

I am escalating your ticket to our Payment Review Team to research your issue. Someone will be in contact with you as soon as possible.

We still haven’t heared anything from anyone and are both still unable to login into the game even with the halloween stuff going on right now :-( :-(

What i did recieved 3x the past couple of day’s is an e-mail saying that someone tried to login from another country, IP etc. (2x USA – 1x China)

My PC is running multiple antivirus, firewalls, internet protect programs etc and never detected a breach nor treath. I don’t have any keyloggers, virusses, worms you name it on my pc as all scans – searches etc are clean.

It’s also (almost) impossible to hack my mail account as it’s from my isp and is a complete different pw then my pw from the game…

God. I just wanna be able to enjoy this game !!!


After 3 day’s i got an answer back stating that my account/serial code is permanently terminated/banned due to the fact i bought a serial code from an 99.8% positive Ebay seller who bought, got and still sell’s key codes which he suposedely got on a fraudulent way from the official GW2 store… Can you imagine that???

I am very very disappointed and in contact with this smuck and ebay to get my money back.

(edited by veccar.8421)

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in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: RaggTagger.7931


Still waiting for a response from support. It’s been three day s now.

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in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Teabaker.9524


I just got wrongfully banned, annoying.

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in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Gizzmoquak.4518


Thanks for letting us know! I’m having the EXACT same problem now with my account and I feel better having read that you were restored and could start play again soon after.

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in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: tolunart.2095


After 3 day’s i got an answer back stating that my account/serial code is permanently terminated/banned due to the fact i bought a serial code from an 99.8% positive Ebay seller who bought, got and still sell’s key codes which he suposedely got on a fraudulent way from the official GW2 store… Can you imagine that???

I am very very disappointed and in contact with this smuck and ebay to get my money back.

No offense meant, but seriously… why would you buy brand-new software from an eBay reseller? The software is still available for purchase from Arenanet, is it not? And physical copies through various stores like Wal-Mart and Best Buy?

Especially something like an online account… did you get a shrink-wrapped box? Or just a code? Maybe it’s because I’m not a trusting sort to begin with, but that’s just asking for trouble. There are many different ways to scam people and ways to pad your feedback rating to make it seem like you are trustworthy…

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in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Kootz.3479


got suspended for my character name that has been around from guild wars 1 beta. even after i asked two gw2 reps about it and they said yes.

They tell you one thing then turn around and stab you in the back with a ban once they have your money.

i dont doubt that i will be perma banned soon for some random nonexistant reason then all the cash i wasted on this game will have been wasted..

the game gets a 10.. the support structure for the comunity in the game… gets a 2 of 10…