Camera Lag

Camera Lag

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: misterDEAN.3027


Almost every time i turn the camera i get this terrible studder before the camera focuses forward. Its not my computer. I get stable 60-100 FPS. My specs are below. What is causing this lag? Its REALLY annoying.

Intel 4770K
EVGA 780 Ti
8gb DDR3 2400 CL9
500gb Samsung EVO SSD

(edited by misterDEAN.3027)

Camera Lag

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: misterDEAN.3027


^^^ bump up to top ^^^

Camera Lag

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: ikereid.4637


could be the SSD. When you move, objects that are not rendered yet need to be rendered and fetched from the datafile (if parts are not already in memory).

I would verify that your SSD is in good health and go from there.

Desktop: 4790k@4.6ghz-1.25v, AMD 295×2, 32GB 1866CL10 RAM, 850Evo 500GB SSD
Laptop: M6600 – 2720QM, AMD HD6970M, 32GB 1600CL9 RAM, Arc100 480GB SSD

Camera Lag

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: misterDEAN.3027


Its brand new. Best SSD on the market. Only been used for a week. Im getting 800mb read and writes. Its not the SSD or my hardware. Its something with the game.

(edited by misterDEAN.3027)

Camera Lag

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: ikereid.4637


Doesn’t mean the SSD isn’t faulty. Camera Lag could be many things, but the most common is Disk issue (Ie Failing Controller).

when you turn your view 360degrees does it ever clear up or does it always have the same lag?

Desktop: 4790k@4.6ghz-1.25v, AMD 295×2, 32GB 1866CL10 RAM, 850Evo 500GB SSD
Laptop: M6600 – 2720QM, AMD HD6970M, 32GB 1600CL9 RAM, Arc100 480GB SSD

Camera Lag

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: misterDEAN.3027


Its not the SSD. There is no lag in my system or any other game. Just GW2 camera rotation. Everything else is lightning fast. My system boots from off to desktop in 5 seconds. I have the samsung SSD magician program. Everything is optimized for performance. Latest firmware. Drive reports healthy. I have enough experience with computers to know when a drive is failing.

The camera issue seems to be random. It dosnt do it every time but it does it often. There does not seem to be a specific cause for the studder. It does it when getting 100 FPS in areas with no action going on. I turn the camera and it lags. After the lag i will whip the camera around violently in the same spot and it wont lag. It just comes and goes.

I lowered rotation speed to the lowest and disabled “camera shake” in the options and noticed a significant decrease in the lag. I went longer than ever without camera lag. I got excited and thought that was it but unfortunately it still pops up. I dont know what the issue is but i can confidently tell you its something specifically to do with GW2 camera cause there is absolutely no lag in any other area of the game.

Camera Lag

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: ikereid.4637


Can’t help you if you dont wanna take a look at your system

It still sounds like a Disk related issue, since all the games data is loaded locally from a single GIANT .dat file then put into ram.

I would download Crystal Disk and just MAKE SURE there is no data in any of the SMART tables.

Other then that, check to see if your CPU is getting throttled to the high performance (if its not cooled correctly), you can use coretemp to verify the core based Temp readings with their respective Clock speeds (when the CPU gets throttled the Clock speeds will drop to 1100Mhz or lower until the temps fall into a Green Condition).

Also, when you see the camera spin lag, do you ever crash after a while?

Desktop: 4790k@4.6ghz-1.25v, AMD 295×2, 32GB 1866CL10 RAM, 850Evo 500GB SSD
Laptop: M6600 – 2720QM, AMD HD6970M, 32GB 1600CL9 RAM, Arc100 480GB SSD

Camera Lag

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: misterDEAN.3027


I dont need to look at my system cause i already know its rock solid.

Dont you think if my SSD was faulty i would have signs of that in my system? Dont you think its strange out of all the things a computer can do and all the other games i play the only issue is with GW2 camera rotation? I also find it interesting turning off “camera shake” and lowering camera rotation speed significantly reduced the camera lag. This does suggest the issue is in game.

Also, i have crystal disk and coretemp. Everything on my end is fine. I know you feel its my hardware but you are mistaken. Ive spent many hours playing with my system to achieve maximum performance and reliability. The game has never crashed. No other areas of the game has issue or lags even the slightest. The only issue is camera rotation.

(edited by misterDEAN.3027)

Camera Lag

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: ikereid.4637


Then its not your system, its the game. and everyone else who is playing this game has the exact same issue as you.

Desktop: 4790k@4.6ghz-1.25v, AMD 295×2, 32GB 1866CL10 RAM, 850Evo 500GB SSD
Laptop: M6600 – 2720QM, AMD HD6970M, 32GB 1600CL9 RAM, Arc100 480GB SSD

Camera Lag

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: misterDEAN.3027


LOL – good one. That was a clever comment, but nothing more.

I appreciate your attempt to help. Seriously. But your so focused on my system your not considering its the game. And i know you will just turn around and say im so focused on the game im not considering its my system. So we are both going in circles and wasting time.

Im not some nub with great hardware who doesnt know computers. What your doing is like trying to tell a mechanic about his car. I have a strange relationship with my computer. I understand it. If there is even the slightest issue with my computer i will sniff it out and make it right even if it means buying new parts and building a whole new computer.

BTW, here is my clever response to your last post. It seems i am not the only person having issue with guild wars 2 camera.

(edited by misterDEAN.3027)

Camera Lag

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: ikereid.4637


Graphical Camera Lag has always come down to the following in my experience;

1. Failing or severally Fragmented HDD (your on an SSD, but that doesnt mean the TRIM is working correctly)

2. Bad or over heating RAM (if the RAM is bottle necking, thats going to do lots of fun things)

3. Throttled CPU – again heat

4. Bad PSU (do you have a voltmeter to test the 12v and 5v rails to make sure they are giving the proper Amps? There is NO software that will give you this data)

5. Failing and over heating Video card(s) (as well as underpowered Video cards).

6. Bad driver’s, or bad driver installs.

If it was the game, there would be FAR more complaints about it. Sorry, but its something with your system. But, you can argue against that all you want.

However, GW2 is not coded correctly (IMHO) and will over exert pretty much every system beyond what it should for the quality the game puts out. That’s going to do lots of things to your HW that other games just won’t.

But, since your so dead on that it cannot be your system, you are going to need to open a ticket with NCSoft/ArenaNet to get this resolved. As then it must be something with the game, and then only a DEV will be able to patch the issue.

Desktop: 4790k@4.6ghz-1.25v, AMD 295×2, 32GB 1866CL10 RAM, 850Evo 500GB SSD
Laptop: M6600 – 2720QM, AMD HD6970M, 32GB 1600CL9 RAM, Arc100 480GB SSD

Camera Lag

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: misterDEAN.3027


I understand how SSD’s work. If it was 3 years old and heavily used i would also suspect it. But like i said, its brand new. Both the SSD and OS support trim. Even if trim was not working the samsung magician has a performance optimization feature that basically does the same thing and cleans the cells. I use it often.

Ram is fine.

CPU is only at 4.0ghz. People have them running at 4.6ghz. Temps 40 idle 50 load. Seen others with 80 load.

PSU is also brand new. 1000w EVGA supernova. I do not have a meter to test it. And i know you mentioned this to be argumentative and appear to be educated. Most people do not have any kind of specialized equipment to test a PSU. And you know this.

780 Ti is also brand new. Not over clocked. Temps are great. Well below acceptable averages.

I tried to re-install driver. Just for the hell of it. The camera lag remains.

Did you even read the posts in the link? Quote – “infuriating camera lag” is the exact words from another player. There is nothing wrong with my hardware. If there wasn’t other people complaining about the exact same problem i would not be as confident.

I posted in the technical support forum to get technical support from staff.

Thanks for trying to help.

(edited by misterDEAN.3027)

Camera Lag

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: misterDEAN.3027


I sniffed out the problem.

I noticed when i used the window key to tab out and back in the game the camera ALWAYS lagged when rotated. My FPS would drop from 100 to single digits.

So, i played with every single setting in my nvidia control panel. Auto (let the 3D application decide) and manual (use the advanced 3D settings) starting from lowest quality to highest. Nothing i did in the nvidia control panel made a difference.

So, i started playing with the in game settings. Graphic audio and camera. I messed with every single setting one by one and i found the problem. When i turned shaders, not shadows, from high to low, like magic, the camera lag was gone. No more camera lag when playing. No more camera lag when i window key back in to game.

So, my SSD is not defective. My GPU is not defective. My computer is not the problem. The problem is GW2 shaders. Now that i have figured out the cause of the camera lag i have another problem. Even with all other settings on the highest, with shaders on low the game looks terrible.

So, i have 3 options……..

1) play a game that looks good with lag
2) play a game that looks bad without lag
3) dont play the game until the developers fix the problem

This sucks for so many reasons. Mainly cause i spent top dollar to play games without lag. And, i just started playing this game and was excited to find a new game i enjoy.

This is specifically a GW2 shader problem. Im assuming the game might not be well optimized with nvidia drivers.

GW2 forum staff, please, bring this to the attention of the developers. Its driving me crazy.

(edited by misterDEAN.3027)

Camera Lag

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: misterDEAN.3027


After reading in technical support forum alot of people are having issue’s with nvidia cards. Low FPS and crashes. Lots of people are saying FPS dropped since christmas patch. This game is probably not optimized with nvidia drivers.

(edited by misterDEAN.3027)

Camera Lag

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: misterDEAN.3027


More reading suggests the game is poorly optimized all around. Its CPU intensive instead of GPU intensive. Thats really backwards. People are also saying its DX9 – WTF? DX9 was released in 2002.

so BAD – blizzard wins.

WoW lives forever and arena-net goes bankrupt.

(edited by misterDEAN.3027)

Camera Lag

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: TinkTinkPOOF.9201


The poster trying to help you was right in his suggestions, if a setting is causing the problem in the game, that does not rule out HW issue, that setting could be just what puts it over the top and makes the HW issue or conflict show it self.

If you knew much about computers like you claim, you would also know a game does not optimize for drivers, OEM’s of hardware do that, and they only look at big box games, and today that is FPS’s, as it sells cards, this happens all the time even at the expense of performance of lesser games on the market.

The people who are having trouble with NV cards/driver probably, like the other poster trying to help you suggested, have HW problems or a driver/software conflict somewhere. Boasting about how much you know, when asking for help with a problem you can’t fix, is never a good sign, when asking for help, and others who know what they are talking about try and help, listen, even if you already tried it, do it again, often times you over look something because you know in your head thats not it, when it really is.

I have seen this many time before when someone had a OCed computer that they Prime and IBT tested for days at a time crashes with a new game and they blame the game, when come to find out, the game stressed the HW in a way the synthetic tests did not and caused the instability to show its self.

DX9 is used for many MMO’s for the fact that most people who play them do not have the best HW, or have HW that supports the newest features, it is about potential player coverage and not out right eye candy, even though DX11 has some features that might help performance, this again is often only for people with higher end HW and does not help those on low end HW much. WoW also only added this suport with newer expansions, GW2 also might get DX11 support with an expansion, as it was talked about before Beta that there were plans for DX11 support. If that happens or not will depend on how well the game did/does.

6700k@5GHz | 32GB RAM | 1TB 850 SSD | GTX980Ti | 27" 144Hz Gsync

Camera Lag

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: misterDEAN.3027


Nope, he said he suspects my SSD. He was WAY off. After that he kept trying to say if its not my SSD something else in my system is faulty. Wrong again. Its not faulty hardware. It’s a in game issue.

A game the hardware and the drivers all work together. Everything must be in tune. You cant just have graphic features without making sure they function properly with the hardware and the software.

All the nvidia users having issues have faulty hardware or driver problems huh? Ya, sure. You keep telling yourself that. I think its GW2 sloppy design.

For the record, i set my CPU to default settings for testing purposes. The camera still lags. So i just ruled that idea out.

I dont know it all. Nobody does. That includes you and the other guy. But i do know enough to know when my hardware is faulty. Its not. And i proved that.

WoW is way older than GW2 and it uses DX11. They also have the option to run DX9 or DX11. So there really is no excuse good enough to be using DX9. Most people have modern hardware. Maybe not the best, but at least modern. DX9 is in no way modern. Its severely out dated. Anybody building a game with 11 year old technology is not up to date with modern technology.

If i knew this game was using DX9 i never would have bought it. You know the saying a picture is worth a thousand words? So does using 11 year old technology. That says enough to me to know the development team is lacking in more than just the graphic department.

(edited by misterDEAN.3027)

Camera Lag

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: TinkTinkPOOF.9201


He suggested it was a HW issue and started with the most common one, so his process of elimination was right, and you have not ruled out a HW issue or software/driver conflict, to your self, yes, but not as a whole.

The features do work with the hardware and drivers, which is proven by the many people who play on NV cards without issue, many probably running the same drivers as you without issue, which again, points to a conflict or HW problem, you might also want to note before calling out GW2 on NV problems, note that I run a NV card….Without issue. If this was a set in stone problem with NV and GW2 many, many more people would be having trouble, including myself. And yes, many people having problems with NV (and other) cards are often HW, conflicting software, or user error.

Setting the CPU to default (assuming you had a OC) also means nothing for ruling out a HW issue.

WoW is a old game, however it was not always DX11, support for that was only added recently, and WoW, unlike other MMO’s has income that dwarfs allot of games and might as well be seen in the FPS realm. While some of them pull more than 300M on release day, after that sales taper off fast, while WoW use to pull that in every month. So for the gross vs what you get, you should be asking why WoW looks like kitten vs a FPS, after all it uses DX11 etc.

Also, most people do not have good hardware, it is easy to make a sweeping statement, however, MMO players are often casual gamers and do not build rigs just for gaming. Heck, even heavy PC gamers don’t have all that highend of HW, just look at steams own HW survey, the most common CPU is a dual core, the highest end card to hold the largest percent is a 560Ti at a whopping 2.5%.

Also, if you are picking games based off of DX version, you should give up on MMO’s altogether and just buy new FPS’s if all you care for is eye candy and nothing for game play or story etc.

There are many reasons for them to not rewrite the whole game for DX11, and use the old engine for DX9, cost being one of them, but it also seems like there were plans for GW2 to be ported to consoles, which is the reason many people think the game only ever uses up about 3 cores worth of clock cycles and DX9 being that the xbox etc used a somewhat modified version of DX9. This is also the same reason many big box PC games were held back long after DX10/11 hit the market, because most were console ports.

6700k@5GHz | 32GB RAM | 1TB 850 SSD | GTX980Ti | 27" 144Hz Gsync

Camera Lag

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Feirlista Xv.1425

Feirlista Xv.1425

In all this there has not been anything said about what OS you are running this maybe the factor in your problem if you are running Windows 8 upgrade to 8.1 this may fix the problem there is a know issues in 8 with the mouse curser that will cause the stuttering and upgrading to 8.1 is suppose to fix this but it may cause more problem with driver comparability issues try at your own risk. Right now Windows 8 is not stable enough for gaming and Anet is not supporting it.

Opinions are like ______ everyone has one I could
put the correct term in but not everyone has kittens

Camera Lag

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: ikereid.4637


This OP makes me sick. He whines and complains about performance, and how its not anything to do with his setup. Yet when he reduces the Shaders ingame the issue goes away.

If the shaders in GW2 were at fault, then EVERYONE would have this issue. The fact here is that your HW, OS, or Driver are at fault.

So please, step down from your ’I’m a professional, I know better’ soap box and actually TRY fixing your issue instead of blaming your inadequacies on others.

And for the record, I started with the SSD because (even if its new) they have issues. I dont care that you have ‘top of the line’ for your hardware. The fact is, there is ALWAYS a 10% fail rate on SSDs with in the first 60days of getting them. And unless you do a proper IO test (IOMeter) you cannot detect or predict if your drive is in that 10%.

Then, because you insist your system is flawless – which is obviously is not, I just out right listed all possible causes to the issue you reported so YOU can create a check list and go through them.

That is all.

Desktop: 4790k@4.6ghz-1.25v, AMD 295×2, 32GB 1866CL10 RAM, 850Evo 500GB SSD
Laptop: M6600 – 2720QM, AMD HD6970M, 32GB 1600CL9 RAM, Arc100 480GB SSD

Camera Lag

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Coyy.3907


To be totally honest, the OP is exactly the same as most of the people who come on spouting on how the problem “cannot possibly be MY hardware, It’s all Anets fault!!”

Yet how many of these disappear without a trace when advice has been given. You know for a fact what has been suggested has solved the problem but the lack of a response for 90% of these is a little disheartening to the people like yourselves who put time in to try helping others get this game working for them.

“I have harnessed the shadows that stride from world to world to sow death and madness.”

H.P. Lovecraft

Camera Lag

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: ikereid.4637


To be totally honest, the OP is exactly the same as most of the people who come on spouting on how the problem “cannot possibly be MY hardware, It’s all Anets fault!!”

Yet how many of these disappear without a trace when advice has been given. You know for a fact what has been suggested has solved the problem but the lack of a response for 90% of these is a little disheartening to the people like yourselves who put time in to try helping others get this game working for them.

I know, but it wouldn’t bother me nearly as much if he wasn’t all ’I’m a professional’ about his issue. I just hate that approach. Hell I’m a professional in I.T. as well (23years and counting) But I don’t use that to leverage when I have an issue that needs to be resolved.

Desktop: 4790k@4.6ghz-1.25v, AMD 295×2, 32GB 1866CL10 RAM, 850Evo 500GB SSD
Laptop: M6600 – 2720QM, AMD HD6970M, 32GB 1600CL9 RAM, Arc100 480GB SSD