Camera problems

Camera problems

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: normyp.8671


It was fine until I just logged in about 10 minutes ago. Basically when you hold down the right mouse button to look around your character the camera spasms around and doesn’t focus on where you need it to focus. It’s basically just messed up.

EDIT: That was when I was in a Borderlands WVW map. It’s fine on Eternal Battlegrounds.

(edited by normyp.8671)

Camera problems

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: RustyNailz.2357


Just happened to me..

Camera problems

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: DevonCarlson



This is a known issue, as detailed in the stickied thread. It is caused by using the Logout feature, or the client restarting due to certain errors. If you completely close the client and restart it manually, the camera movement should work correctly.

If you are seeing this under different circumstances, please let us know.

(edited by Moderator)

Camera problems

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: esotericist.6047


This is a known issue, as detailed in the stickied thread. It is caused by using the Logout feature, or the client restarting due to certain errors. If you completely close the client and restart it manually, the camera movement should work correctly.

If you are seeing this under different circumstances, please let us know.

It also appears that this issue can be triggered by the use of Smooth Mouse.

In my testing, enabling Smooth Mouse after starting GW2 on the mac (with mouse working correctly prior to Smooth Mouse activation) gets the erratic camera movement until it’s disabled.

It seems that having Smooth Mouse enabled when GW2 is started puts it in an invalid state until GW2 is closed and Smooth Mouse is disabled prior to the next launch of GW2.

This is unfortunate given that I need that application for usability. I haven’t found anything else that does what I need.

Camera problems

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: revisionzero.1957


I also use SmoothMouse and am running into the erratic Camera issues. Basically makes the game unplayable on Mac, forcing me to boot into Windows just for GW2.

Is there any known solution for this? SmoothMouse is a mandatory app for me on my Mac install, otherwise I would just remove it.

Camera problems

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Kyllaa.1385


Just a client restart is the only current fix. It’s inconvenient, but personally, I haven’t seen it much lately. Unless it’s back with a vengeance in the newest update.

Camera problems

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: JustTrogdor.7892


The only time I saw it was when I transfered to a new server. It kind of freaked me out because on my first login the camera was so all over the place there would have been no way to play. Restarting the client fix it thank goodness. At first I worried I’d transfered to some alternate universe where my character was experiencing a permanent acid trip.

The Burninator

Camera problems

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: FlamingFoxx.1305


I’m not really familiar with SmoothMouse, but even if you’re required by your workplace to have it installed, you should still be able to quit the program itself…?

Camera problems

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Doomer.9536


I have been using the client now for the past two days. When I use my relatives ISP connection the mouse goes berserk. Restarting or closing the client does not seem to resolve it. I have tried rebooting the computer as well. I do not use the Windows partition so that was not an option. I did connect to a different internet connection this afternoon and things worked great. When I went back to the relatives connection and the mouse continuously acts up. Mouse works fine for the map, menus, trader, inventory and other menus. But try to adjust your view while moving and it goes crazy. Possibly the speed of the data traffic plays into this? I noticed when I tried to fight the erratic behavior it would pulse as if it was lagging. I have tried adjusting the mouse sensitivity in the OS as well as enabling and disabling various options in the menus and changing graphics options to look for anything wild that might fix it. I do not use an exotic mouse nor do I use any additional programs such as smooth mouse etc. Just a boring Logitech M-100. I offer these ideas as things I tried in case they give anyone else any inspiration, plus to help Anet rule out a few things. I did repeat these steps up to 6 times to validate the results were consistent. I of course can’t wait for a “fix” for this. Maybe we could get a sensitivity option in game or something similar that might prove useful.

Camera problems

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Doomer.9536


If this is of any use. When i am at home on my personal network which is high speed cable this problem is extremely rare but does occur. The client restart fixes it each time. While here on the relatives ISP I did notice one other thing unique to being here. Every time I start the client I get a tgupdate 1.11 loading before the client. At home I never saw this since getting the game last august.

Camera problems

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: FlamingFoxx.1305


If this is of any use. When i am at home on my personal network which is high speed cable this problem is extremely rare but does occur. The client restart fixes it each time. While here on the relatives ISP I did notice one other thing unique to being here. Every time I start the client I get a tgupdate 1.11 loading before the client. At home I never saw this since getting the game last august.

Then I would suggest you’re having an issue with the network settings either on your mac in system preferences or on your relatives router. It doesn’t sound like an issue with the OSX GW2 client, it shouldn’t care what ISP you’re using.
Also is it the MOUSE going beserk or the camera? As in, is the pointer flinging itself around the screen, or is your camera view spinning, and if so when it spins does your mouse pointer stay still.

Can I suggest you try it with a mac mouse or trackpad if you have one. And if not then try a completely different mouse.

Camera problems

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Kyllaa.1385


In regards to update 1.11, we just had a new update to our client to correct a gem purchasing bug, so, once you download and install the update, you should NEVER see that one again

Camera problems

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Doomer.9536


Ok so more detail. Once returning home I am now back on my high speed connection and the mouse issued persists. the 1.11 update continues to reload over and over each time I start the client. Yesterday the only way I could get the mouse to work effectively was to delete the local.dat file and startup the client. If I exited the game (did this using the proper exit commands from the menu) when starting the game again at the character screen if I could not control the spin of the character in the view I knew the mouse was messed up. I would repeat the local.dat deletion again until the mouse worked. This morning though I have repeated the process three times and its no longer working. I now am unable to play the game at this point because I cannot control the camera. I will delete the client today and reload it from scratch to see what impact that has. Ill update this forum with the results.

Camera problems

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Kyllaa.1385


You may want to consider filing a ticket.

Camera problems

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: FlamingFoxx.1305


If you’re going to delete the client make a backup of the GW2.dat, I assume you know how to do that since you’re able to locate the local.dat.
If you make a backup of the gw2.dat then you can delete the and the Guild Wars 2 folder in Application Support and reinstall the client. Then instead of letting it redownload all the game files just put the copy of the gw2.dat you made back into the new

Camera problems

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Doomer.9536


Well not sure if a ticket will help. Reloaded the client both saving the dat and also not saving it just to be safe. Out of each restart of the client maybe 1 out every 5 times the mouse will work until I close the client. This is not consistent though I have restarted, rebooted and deleted the local.dat file 7 times so far today and can’t play the game. I’ve tried adjusting the mouse sensitivity, changing USB port locations to force re-detection. Tried multiple type of mice from my Logitech M-100 , to a wireless trackball, to a Razor Diamond. View goes erratic no matter which device is used. I have worked on computers for the past 30+ years and never had this much trouble getting a mouse to work. Especially on a Mac which is truly odd. I’m out of ideas gang, sorry if I can’t offer anything more to this.

Camera problems

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: FlamingFoxx.1305


Well not sure if a ticket will help. Reloaded the client both saving the dat and also not saving it just to be safe. Out of each restart of the client maybe 1 out every 5 times the mouse will work until I close the client. This is not consistent though I have restarted, rebooted and deleted the local.dat file 7 times so far today and can’t play the game. I’ve tried adjusting the mouse sensitivity, changing USB port locations to force re-detection. Tried multiple type of mice from my Logitech M-100 , to a wireless trackball, to a Razor Diamond. View goes erratic no matter which device is used. I have worked on computers for the past 30+ years and never had this much trouble getting a mouse to work. Especially on a Mac which is truly odd. I’m out of ideas gang, sorry if I can’t offer anything more to this.

Not sure if this would have any impact at all, but can you make sure that in the Options menu of GW2 you untick both of the “Mac Beta Mouse” options. I think from memory they’re related to the trackpad, but they could be having some sort of adverse effect.

I’m guessing you’re playing using a desktop rather than a laptop? What happens if you unplug the mouse and start up the client, does the mouse pointer or view move at all? What happens if you plug the mouse in after logging into your character? I don’t suppose you have an apple mouse to try with :S?

Just double checking but you have tried changing the “Tracking Speed” in your OSX system preferences. Another question: Do you have any software installed relating to your mouse?

Sorry for all the questions but unless I know everything I can’t help a whole lot xD.
The one suggestion I can offer:
Open up Finder and click “Go” in the menu.
Hold down option/at on your keyboard and “Library” should appear in the Go menu (you have to do it this way, Library is a hidden folder so you can’t navigate to it on your own or search for it in finder, you will end up in the wrong library if you try).
Inside the Library folder is a folder called Application Support, and inside there is a folder called Guild Wars 2.
Open up the config file inside the Guild Wars 2 folder.
Locate this text string:

; dead zone for joystick input from 0 to 10000. 1000 is 10% of range.
“DefaultDeadZone” = “1000”
“AbsoluteMouseSensitivity” = “1”
; Remap arrow keys to compatible values
“AdjustScanKeys” = “Y”

If any of those values is different to what I’ve posted let me know and then try changing them to what I have here. otherwise I would just suggest playing around with those and seeing if it has any effect. Try the Sensitivity on 0 and then again on 5 and see what the difference between the two it.
If that doesn’t fix the issue you could try increasing and decreasing the dead zone, for example you could try changing it to 500, and then after that increase it to 2000, see what changes that makes. (Only make one change at a time so you can monitor the effect and remember to save after each change).
Let me know if that has any impact at all. Sorry I can’t offer you anything more definitive/if my suggestion is silly, I’m grasping at straws really.

(edited by FlamingFoxx.1305)

Camera problems

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Kyllaa.1385


Doomed, sorry to hear you’re still having an issue with your mouse. I have issues with mine, but rarely the crazy mouse anymore.

I would recommend deleting the contents of the guild wars 2 folder in application support (just make sure you go to the right folder or you won’t get this one in particular) first, prior to testing any changes to the config file. If after you load the client and that doesn’t help, then definitely test the settings that Foxx recommended.

Getting a fresh download on that folder fixes many issues with gw2. You should create a backup of it first by copying and pasting the folder to your desktop, just in case.

The location should look like this:

/[yourharddrivename]/users/[yourusername]/library/application support/guild wars 2

If thse don’t work, you could try repairing by following these instructions:

Open Terminal

Type the following:

/applications/guild\ wars\ —use-dos-cwd C:Gw2 -- C:\\GW2\\GW2.exe -repair

You can copy and paste that in, but (check the dash) you must change the dash before the word USE or this will fail the forum shows an em dash (—), but it is supposed to be 2 consecutive en dashes (-). Run it and let it go until finished. FYI if you type the command yourself or paste it, they are 2 dashes (-) side by side… I’m noticing one sometimes looks like an em dash… It’s 2 en dashes though. (the dash before USE is 2 regular dashes)… Reiterated due to previous confusion about that dash on these forums.

Post back to let us know how you go.

Camera problems

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Doomer.9536


Okay so here’s the latest, I tried everything honestly that has been posted here. For a limited time I was able to play by deleting the local.dat file after each reboot. Other times if I started the game and let it sit for a bit at the menu the mouse issue would not occur. I did check the config settings mentioned they were the same. I tinkered a bit and didn’t see any real difference. I did complete client close vs. logouts. Even tried ending the the game through the finder just to see. I have been forced to install windows through bootcamp to play the game. This was not what I wanted to do but to play the game I had no choice. There is something wrong I feel with the wine interface they are using possibly. I have given up on the Mac client for now because I see no real effort by the Anet team to improve it or even get it out of beta.

It was nice playing on the Mac side when it worked because I could have iTunes running in the background for music and movies for the kids on the Apple TV etc. Using the windows client is a solution but not the best option.

Camera problems

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Kanoene.4625


Guys I solved my problem!

I tried all of the options first and it didn’t work, but the solution was incredibly simple!
I changed my graphics in-game. that’s litterally it.

I had it on the “autodetect preset”, changed it to “best performance” and afterwards back to “autodetect”

Hope this solves it for you too

Camera problems

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: AlexxxNC.5983


Ever since winters day went through, even exiting the client completely doesn’t fix the issue anymore. Literally every time I log in the camera is messed up now. Really stinks that unless the issue is fixed I won’t be able to get either meta.. Also the graphic change thing didn’t work for me Kanoene.4625.

Camera problems

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: smitz.9042


this issue needs to be fixed. ever since the wintersday update began, i have to keep logging in and out for about 30mins to 2hrs just to be able to play without having to worry about the kitten camera.

the graphic change thing didn’t work for me either.

Camera problems

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Helgan.6490


Same here, since a day after winters day (!) update I have not been able to play normally. Careful adjusting of the camera with the mouse and then walking around with just the keyboard is the only viable way of getting around. (First time logging in after winters day did not give me this problem).

I have had this problem before, usually after disconnects and relogging without restarting. A restart of the client always fixed that, as has been said here before. Now that doesn’t work anymore.

EDIT: important addition to this is that the tgUpdate is called every time I start the client.

(edited by Helgan.6490)

Camera problems

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Kioshi.6597


Please read the other posts about this issue. A temporary fix has already been posted that solves this. (

Camera problems

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Gaile Gray


Gaile Gray

ArenaNet Communications Manager

Kioshi is right. While we devise a permanent solution, there is a work-around, and most Mac users are reporting that it solves multiple issues: camera issues, game access/updater issues, even the ability to the use the Gem Store.

I encourage you to read this post for more information and work-around solutions.

Thanks for your patience.

Gaile Gray
Communications Manager
Guild & Fansite Relations; In-Game Events