Can My Account Be Restored After Being Hacked?

Can My Account Be Restored After Being Hacked?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: LegsKnees.4015


So, I tried to log in and I have NO money. Even my mails from NPCs have been opened and the money taken. Everything in my inventory that was sellable was taken and sold. Everything in my bank was taken and sold. Everything in my collections was taken and sold.

The game is unplayable to me right now because I feel so defeated.

My money was picked up from the auction house.

I feel violated.

This had happened in WoW and it was restored completely. Are you guys able to do the same? I don’t know when it happened. I suspect yesterday or earlier today.

Has anyone had this happen before and how was it resolved? Will I get my things back on all my characters and what will happen to the person who did this to me? Can you track his IP? Can you track to whom he sent my money to?

It’s not just my thief. It seems that ALL my characters have been affected.

(edited by LegsKnees.4015)

Can My Account Be Restored After Being Hacked?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Renegadeimp.8439


ArenaNet cannot restore missing items, or replace them. Its a feature they hope to bring in, in the future, but right now, theres no ETA. The only thing you will get back is your account access.

They have also said that when account restorations are availiable, they are an account basis, not character. So if one of your characters gets deleted or you want items replaced, the entire account has a rollback, so any progress you make on other characters in the meantime will be wiped and you will have to redo it.

Can My Account Be Restored After Being Hacked?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: LegsKnees.4015


Oh wow… so everything is gone for good? I had full stacks of so much stuff. I feel so sick right now.

I never lost access to my account. Someone just logged in, sold everything, and logged out. No password change or anything.

The thing is, when the game first launched, I knew someone was trying to hack my account. Every day I got an email telling me to confirm the changes to my password. (Obviously that wasn’t me trying to change it so I never confirmed it.)

I told ArenaNet about it and got a pretty cookiecutter response.

I changed my password as soon as this happened but it’s really frustrating that I will never get my money or items back. So apparently there is no help for people who get hacked?

You’re just supposed to let the hackers win, I suppose. If you can’t beat them, just let them take what they want from accounts and leave customers in the dark.

Can My Account Be Restored After Being Hacked?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Renegadeimp.8439


While they cannot restore things now, it is possible they can restore things in the future and backdate them.

The server takes regular “snapshots” of accounts, so when the facility to restore goes live, they should be able to restore items, but you need to remember, that the info we have so far says any progress made AFTER the snapshot will be wiped from the account.

They have chosen this method similar to blizzard and diablo 3 for some reason, and that was proven to be a complete failure. Why they chose to utilise that same mechanic for a fully fledged MMO is beyond comprehension.

Can My Account Be Restored After Being Hacked?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Renegadeimp.8439


Remember, a whole lot of features were left out of this game for launch because they wanted to beat Blizzard and MoP to a release. The features will make it ingame at some point, but theres no ETA as yet, and ArenaNet seem to be oblivious that decision will ultimately lead to the games downfall similar to how SWTOR has gone downhill fast.

Can My Account Be Restored After Being Hacked?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: LegsKnees.4015


Agreed Renegadeimp – SWTOR (which I was also playing right at launch) obviously struggled with the fatal flaw of being released before it was ready.

I am madly in love with this game. I don’t want it to die… but looking through the forums is making me realize that they are way too many angry players not getting help.

Can My Account Be Restored After Being Hacked?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: RSAMaximus.2095


My friends account also got stolen from him im watching the guy play on his account and nothing is being doen why does ANET not temp ban these account till they can be recoverd to original owner. if i was ANET id be ashamed that somthing i worked so long for and to let it go to hackers. I take pride in my work does ANET not take pride in there work?? thousands of players are loosing there accounts daily and still no proper security is been put in place what is being done about this … WE AS PLAYERS DEMAND ANSWERS … we payed alot of money for this game so we deserve answers and better results.

Can My Account Be Restored After Being Hacked?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Renegadeimp.8439


When you send in a ticket, it takes time to get to your issue and respond. There are thousands of other people in the queue and all have issues that they want answering. Each ticket needs to be investigated and responded to.

You need to be patient.