Can't download, starts to download then back to 0.00kb/s

Can't download, starts to download then back to 0.00kb/s

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Chrominum.3708


After I download the client/launcer or whatever, I double click it, it starts to download at 3.50mb/s then after a bit it slows down until it reaches 0.00k/bs i’ve tried deleting it and re-installing and resetting my computer but nothing happens it always goes back to 0, and it always stops at 0%-3%, also i’ve tried disabling firewall with kaspersky.

Can't download, starts to download then back to 0.00kb/s

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Zelta.6829


Try adding the shortcut command —assetsrv after gw2.exe

So right click the gw2 shortcut, properties, then under target add that line, so it reads

gw2.exe" -assetsrv

Edit: after looking at the server lists, it’s actually the 173, but please correct me if i’m wrong.

(edited by Zelta.6829)

Can't download, starts to download then back to 0.00kb/s

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Chrominum.3708


Maybe i’m missing something but when I right click it, there is no option for target, and I mean its under gw2setup, if that means anything.
Here’s a link of it, maybe im just not seeing it and being an idiot, but I can’t see it to save my life then.

(edited by Chrominum.3708)

Can't download, starts to download then back to 0.00kb/s

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Zelta.6829


You should be able to setup the game launcher using that exe, after wards there should be a gw2.exe file to open the main game.

That exe file you have is not the launcher, but the setup file ‘for’ the launcher. Make sure you are adding that command to the launcher (gw2.exe) shortcut, not the original setup file.

(edited by Zelta.6829)

Can't download, starts to download then back to 0.00kb/s

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Alpha Dragon.4576

Alpha Dragon.4576

Create a shortcut of gw2.exe then right click on it

- Dare to be Different –
Eternal Breaker[ExB] || Sanctum of Rall

Can't download, starts to download then back to 0.00kb/s

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Chrominum.3708


I am not a smart man.

Can't download, starts to download then back to 0.00kb/s

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Alpha Dragon.4576

Alpha Dragon.4576

1. Run the gw2setup.exe and pick the directory you wan to install gw2.(Default C:\Program Files \ Guild Wars 2 or C:\Program Files (x86) if 64bit OS). Close the Launcher after you install it.
2. Go to the GW2 install Directory and right click on gw2.exe -> Create shortcut
3. Right Click on gw2 shortcut pick properties and look for the target line add Zelta’s suggestions. Click apply.
4. Run the Shortcut not the gw2.exe and see if the it continue to download.

- Dare to be Different –
Eternal Breaker[ExB] || Sanctum of Rall

Can't download, starts to download then back to 0.00kb/s

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Chrominum.3708


alright its all good now, thanks

Can't download, starts to download then back to 0.00kb/s

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Alpha Dragon.4576

Alpha Dragon.4576

alright its all good now, thanks

Happy gaming then

- Dare to be Different –
Eternal Breaker[ExB] || Sanctum of Rall

Can't download, starts to download then back to 0.00kb/s

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Zelta.6829


Good to hear you sorted it out.

Can't download, starts to download then back to 0.00kb/s

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Draco.1486


Hi, my dowload is not starting at all but I would like to try this solution maybe it will work “hopefully”.

When i launch Gw2Setup.exe it does not even ask me where I want to install and creates gw2.exe in a temp folder. can i follow the above steps on that created gw2.exe?

Also do I need to move gw2.exe somewhere other than temp before following the steps?

thank you

Can't download, starts to download then back to 0.00kb/s

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Mayam.8976


Hi, my dowload is not starting at all but I would like to try this solution maybe it will work “hopefully”.

When i launch Gw2Setup.exe it does not even ask me where I want to install and creates gw2.exe in a temp folder. can i follow the above steps on that created gw2.exe?

Also do I need to move gw2.exe somewhere other than temp before following the steps?

thank you

Best bet is to make a shortcut to it on your desktop. R-click the shortcut and go to ‘Properties’ (will be the bottom option of the menu that appears. Click on the ‘Target’ which the text of should read something like “C:\Guild Wars 2\Gw2.exe” (or whatever folder the shortcut is directed to), one space over from the last quotation character add -assetsrv, click the “OK” button and you’re set.

Additionally it may be helpful to go under the “Compatibility” tab at the top of the ‘Properties’ Menu, click the bottom check box – “Run Program as Administrator”, and also under the same “Compatibility” check the first check box – ‘Compatibility Mode’ –
‘Run this Program in Compatibility For’ – Windows XP or whatever.

Hope that helps. I wrestled with this same issue for several days after release and this finally fixed it for me.

Can't download, starts to download then back to 0.00kb/s

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Draco.1486


Thx Mayam for the reply, but unfortunately it didn’t work. This is part of the error details I’m getting

  • Crash <—*
    Exception: c0000409
    App: Gw2.exe
    Pid: 1788
    Cmdline: -allowInstall
    BaseAddr: 00400000
    ProgramId: 101
    Build: 14816
    Module: sliplsp.dll
    When: 2012-09-17T19:54:23Z 2012-09-17T22:54:23+03:00
    Uptime: 0 days 0:00:00
    Flags: 0

I don’t know what the error exception: c0000409 means and I can’t find any similar case on any forum referring to this same error

Can't download, starts to download then back to 0.00kb/s

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: ThunderStorm.3140


I opened my GW2 this morning, it updated almost 2000 files and then when there were just 3 files left the speed went down to ZERO and stayed there and no matter what I try and what I do, it doesn’t continue downloading anymore. The splash screen logs in though and I have normal internet connection with everything (including the 2000 files that downloaded fine). I tried adding the " assetsrv" (without the quotation marks) as suggested in this thread but still it doesn’t download the last 3 files at all. PLEASE HELP!! (I still get many, many, many error 7s while playing, and some times it is barely playable…)

Can't download, starts to download then back to 0.00kb/s

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: ThunderStorm.3140


Here is the screenshot, any ideas anyone??


Can't download, starts to download then back to 0.00kb/s

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Mayam.8976


“I opened my GW2 this morning, it updated almost 2000 files and then when there were just 3 files left the speed went down to ZERO and stayed there and no matter what I try and what I do, it doesn’t continue downloading anymore. The splash screen logs in though and I have normal internet connection with everything (including the 2000 files that downloaded fine). I tried adding the " assetsrv" (without the quotation marks) as suggested in this thread but still it doesn’t download the last 3 files at all. PLEASE HELP!! (I still get many, many, many error 7s while playing, and some times it is barely playable…)"

I’m not trying to be insulting or redundant but just to be absolutely sure, your “Target” command line under the Properties menu should read exactly like the following:

“C:\Guild Wars 2\Gw2.exe” -assetsrv

(* Except where it may deviate because of which folder(s) GW2.exe may be in but I think it helps for some reason to have the Guild Wars 2 Folder on your C:\ only and not in the “Program Files” folder or as a sub-folder of any other main folder on your C:\)

Literally character for character, quotaion marks and everything as shown above there. I’m wracking my brain here trying to recall just what all else we tried. There was a group of several of us with this same exact issue and sharing back and forth our trials and errors on the Curse, guru forums before Anet got their forum up and running and we all eventually worked it out and got it working. So at least don’t lose hope, you haven’t been the only one dealing with this and it is fixable from your end. I’m looking for the exact forum threads right now and will post them as soon as I find them.

By the way, I also recall that we all made sure that our Guild Wars 2 folder was not a sub-folder of the “Program Files” folder. Not sure if that detail had a direct impact or not I just remember all of us doing so at some point in our experiments. Incidentally this was an issue not specific to N. America or any one specific country / region if you’re posting from outside the U.S and maybe thinking that had something to do with it. Also, AVG and Avast in particular were causing a lot of issues for a lot of people. Those like you and myself as well as people with other issues right after the official launch. Personally I disabled mine eventually until the down load completed then enabled it again and it automatically gave me the option to open the specific ports GW2 needs to play. There’s some other tricks that went in to finally getting this all sorted I just can’t remember them all off the top of my head. I’ll find em soon though and should have them posted for you by the end of today at the latest. And it’s worth the headache by the way, the game is really awesome.

Don’t give up bro. I’ll find those threads and post em up A.S.A.P for ya. I know for a fact that there-in lies the solution.

P.S I’m not hardly technically proficient myself so that won’t hinder you either. Literally up until recently I was the kind of person who would call ‘Geek Squad’ to come over and install a new graphics card or dirk drive. Yes seriously heh. I finally got to the point of being comfortable installing my own graphics / sound / etc. cards, RAM, and hard rives. But still just recently I payed to have someone install a new mother board for me so it’s a safe bet you probably know more computer-wise than me and I managed to finally get this working.

P.P.S Sincerely hope this gets you up and running friend.

(edited by Mayam.8976)

Can't download, starts to download then back to 0.00kb/s

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Mayam.8976


Alright bro, I didn’t have enough time this morning to go through all of them and cherry pick the specific info for you yet but here is the 4 most relevant I believe as I buzzed through em really quick. They may say they stopped at 3 files left, or 1 file left, or whatever but they’re all talking about the same issue with the same fix ultimately. I really hope this helps you sort it, I was so frustrated going through this and missing all of the head-start and several days after launch even that I’ve taken it as my personal mission to help anyone having the same issue fix it. If these don’t do the trick (though I’m 99% positive what fixed it is in these 4 threads) let me know here in this thread; I’ll be checking back. Oh, above all though nothing is a replacement for getting a dialog going with an actual Anet Tech Support representative. It may take a bit longer trading e-mails back and forth with them but at least they actually really know what they’re doing, LOL. In the meantime go through these threads and try what is suggested in them. What finally fixed for me and the other people posting in those threads is there. Best of luck friend hope you’re in-game next time I check back here.

1) “GW2 Launcher error” -

2) “0% downloading 1 file remaining,stuck?” -

3) “Two problems with updates” -

4) “Client download stops at 99%” –

P.S: I don’t think it’s mentioned elsewhere in any of those threads but I also ran the repair function (literally: “C:\Guild Wars 2\Gw2.exe” -repair, in your “Target” command line) before I did anything else suggested in those threads. Not sure it was part of the ultimate solution but just in case it was I wanted to mention that to you also.

*P.P.S: These four are all from I hope it is permissable by these forum’s guidelines to post tech support help from other sites but that’s the site where we got it figured out before the GW2 official forums were brought on-line. I chose these because Curse’s is the most trustworthy as far as security from my understanding and I felt comfortable enough to make an account on their website without having to worry about catching some key-logger or other non-sense. Just be aware there is risk to some degree with any 3rd party site so sign up for an account with any 3rd party only if you feel comfortable in trusting them. *

(edited by Mayam.8976)

Can't download, starts to download then back to 0.00kb/s

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: feralbird.9867


These issues are still happening for people. WTB a fix!