Can't log in
You are not alone I can’t log in either
Same here, i was playing SoloQ and…that.
Same here i got disconnected and now i cant login also getting this error.
been getting that for past 10min, suprised there’s no more flood of posts.
Started when I was in-game loading map of Dredgehaunt Cliffs for Scarlet invasion and bam error
I’m getting that and then sometimes also
Build 22499
Error: 21:6:3:2205
EDIT: Got disconnected when I tried to change maps and can’t get back in.
All is Vain
Exact same problem here and error.
/15 characters
Build 22499
Error: 42:6:3:2151
Same error and issue here also.
same here – think the event is crashing servers now XD.
Same issue here.
Same problem.
GW client did the update, and now it cannot reach the login servers anymore?
Same thing here
same problem here. DC then can´t login.
Same issue, no firewall. Occasionally get a message stating that my accounts privileges cannot be authenticated.
got booted out when i tried to warp to DR.
Same here i got disconnected and now i cant login also getting this error.
Yep, booted from server when porting, now can’t log in.
I imagine there are issues with the log in server due to traffic.
Game crashed and cant log back in…
Yep, i have the same problem. Just got booted from the game, then same error when trying to log back in.
Anyone knows what’s happening?
Build 22499
Error: 42:6:3:2151
Build 22499
Error: 21:6:3:2205 / Error: 42:6:3:2151
Far Shiverpeaks.
Can’t log in.
(edited by mohrad.8972)
Same error for me….. Piken Square, EU
Got into the game and played for 3 hours and just now i got kicked and then i get an error code. The same as above.
Error: 42:6:3:2151
If try to log in again without closing the client i get a message that may email is wrong and i need to contact support.
Error 21:6:3:2205
“The server was unable to authenticate your gameplay priviligies”
RoS server here
i got it too it crashed and nwo gives me this error and sometimes privilage error
Jeff Dreadmer – Asura Mesmer
World – Underworld – Looking for guild
Also can’t log in. Same error codes as already stated in this thread.
Same, Auroraglade. Game lost connection to the login server when I attempted to change maps. My friend is still in, sitting next to me – seems like it happens when you change zones or try to log in.
Combining a farming world event with a F2P weekend might have not been the best idea.
Epistemic.8013: Guys this is bullkitten a sentient plant creature is hitting these
wooden doors with fireballs and it’s working.
Same here. Time to chill while they fix the login server.
same thing other error code 7::11:1:522
Samanosuke Asakura Far shiver peaks
Same here on Deso server
Same here and alot of members in my guild are also having the issue. Those that zoned out after the last invasion got disconnected. And everyone have either cant connect to login server or unable to authenticate account
I got the same problem here.
Could we get some answers from ANET?
Same problem. started few minutes ago. Restarting doesnt help.
No excuse anymore for not giving ‘hide mounts’-option
No thanks to unidentified weapons.
Having the same issue here, and was when was doing the clockwork chaos event
Their servers crashed, but I want info from them why and when they will fix it :C
Me too…was on shortly after the patch and logged out around 8pm BST; tried to get back in now but no joy.
[TWG] – Gunnar’s Hold
Always remember Wheaton’s Law
I have the same problem too. I feel much better now that i know im not the only one xD pheeeww
From RoF <3 c:
They are aware of this!
From GW2 Twitter:
We’re aware of the login issues and are looking into it. Thanks for alerting us so quickly! ~RB2 #GW2
Same – got disconnected zoning into LA and now same error message.
Yup the same here, glad it’s not just me though! :’)
@Fafanury I feel you man, at first I was like “NO GAME DON’T DO THIS TO ME” and now I’m like "Oh, it’s THEM not ME, phew’
yep same error I got booted as I was in overflow queue and the option to leave overflow came up for dredgehaunt cliffs as it was loading I got booted now I can’t log back in @ all
Same problems here. And it seems no explanation from Anet yet?
Yoda Dreambreath – Warrior
— Council Member of DVG (Piken Square [EU]) —
Just patched the game and got this same problem
I was just about to win the Scarlet event and then…. crap..
GW2 forum site is also slow to load, I take it lotsa lotsa players came back for this uh :P
server load stress
Add one more to the pain… and opening the forum is giving 502 error (on some areas only).
Stomp for Píken [PS]
Epistemic.8013: Guys this is bullkitten a sentient plant creature is hitting these
wooden doors with fireballs and it’s working.
Same, Auroraglade. Game lost connection to the login server when I attempted to change maps. My friend is still in, sitting next to me – seems like it happens when you change zones or try to log in.
Combining a farming world event with a F2P weekend might have not been the best idea
The free trial weekend is later on if I’m not wrong.
Same problem here on Seafarer’s Rest, EU.
“You can’t have more than 10 HS decks because that would confuse people”
“30 fps is more cinematic”