Can't play with Fastweb isp

Can't play with Fastweb isp

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: fuma.8213



So, this is happening since 2 days ago. Keep in mind at all time that all this mess has begun with no reason: not after a patch, not after an hardware change, not after a program change, also that i don’t have any firewall active and my connection works just fine btw.. i did several test with other games, my ping is low(around 30-40 everywhere) and i got absolutely no packet loss(tried a ping -n 1000 on google and didn’t had one).

I don’t have p2p programs up and i have friends with my same isp with the same problem(but also for them this started 2 days ago with no reason).

Now, on to the problem: basically it changes everyday as far as i know… yesterday for example the ingame chat was working with no delay but my character was stucked for 30 seconds like when you lag(only i wasn’t lagging i tried testing the connection during the lag). Everytime i tried to relog after a router reboot i got the same result: insane lag and if i tried to enter an istance or to change zone i got disconnected with an error reporting that the login server was unavailable(??? after i logged in?)

Today i got the opposite: my ingame chat just have a 60 sec delay(and also party commands like join or leave). but the game runs fine like i live below the server of arenanet. Also this time if i try to join a party or enter an istance i get disconnected.

Again: this begun with no apparent reason.. 3 days ago everything went smoothly now it simply doesn’t anymore and it seems to affect people with my same isp(afaik).

Also it’s completely random… i managed to play 1 hour and half today and got the same issue for 40 mins now again…My friend got the same.

As of now, this is completely unplayable.

What should i do?

Edit: today i found out that the problem is completely related to the chat.. if i try to whisper or to talk in a chat that is not “Say” i got the login error message.. but i can just click ok and keep playing.. so apparently the game doesn’t like me to talk to others and join groups for some insane reason..

But that is for today only, yesterday i couldn’t play and i was only able to chat…

Somehow i’ve got the feeling that i’m getting trolled by someone lol

(edited by fuma.8213)

Can't play with Fastweb isp

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: LordByron.8369


I have fastweb too

Yesterday i was stuck with my lvl 80 character in loading screen
If i tried to wait 5-10 minutes suffered HUGE lag and DC.

My lvl 15 character on a different area instead worked without lag….
changing area after few hours (2-3) resulted in same problem with the lvl15 character

P.S: same issue happened to most of my guild using fastweb but also other ISP.

GW2 balance:
A PvE player is supposed to avoid a 1-2 second 1 shotting aoe.
A WWW player is considered uncapable of avoiding a 5,75 second aoe for half his health.

Can't play with Fastweb isp

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Mises.9608


I’m having the same problem and I have fastweb too.
It started yesterday afternoon, I had several problems in logging in and when I finally did it I had an insane lag and I got dc after a couple of minutes.
The only thing i could do was logging my lvl 6 and stay in Divinity’s Reach ’cause i had no problems at all there.
When I logged in this morning it was all fine, but then a couple of hours ago it started all again, dc,lag, stucked in loading screen.. Any ideas on how to solve it?

Liliael – Shellfish [So]

Can't play with Fastweb isp

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Ocelot.3148


Can't play with Fastweb isp

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: TheMajin.4392


Both me and my guild member have this problem…fastweb-isp

Can't play with Fastweb isp

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Fiery Lily.8046

Fiery Lily.8046

Guys Italy seems to have problems with connections there is already another post about this, go there

Can't play with Fastweb isp

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: RaelZero.2546


Some guild members of mine are experiencing the exact same issue. Apparently, it is a route-related issue: it looks like the DSLAMs of some Italian providers got busted by recent flooding. Nothing to do but crossing our fingers and hope everything gets fixed ASAP!

Elarien Seiki – Wyrdfell [Wrd] – Seafarer’s Rest

Can't play with Fastweb isp

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Titula.2783


I play from Italy and have the same problems described here and the same provider: fastweb. Up until Sunday I never had any problems whatsoever with the game. No lagging, no connection problems. Everything was running smoothly. I don’t know if the floods caused this dilemma…all I know is that I want to play and I want to play now.

Can't play with Fastweb isp

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: kermithefrog.7169



Can't play with Fastweb isp

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Selenya.6410


Lmao, ok then, problem detected as figured. I can’t play as well lalalalala.

Nexon = Advanced Cancer

Can't play with Fastweb isp

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Titula.2783


This is the response I received from Arenanet:

“Thank you for providing us with this information.

We have investigated the issue you and our other players have been experiencing, and we have determined that the issue appears to reside with your ISP. We reviewed the data extensively and have discovered a trend with all our customers suffering from a substantial amount of packet loss originating from the same location.

What this means is that unfortunately the issue is beyond our control to resolve.

I recommend you contact your ISP and provide them with the same information you did us so they may begin to investigate and hopefully resolve the issue on their end.

I apologize if this has caused you any inconvenience and I appreciate your patience as we looked into the issue.

If there is anything we can do for going forward please to not hesitate to contact us."

E mò che famo? What do we do? Thanks guys!

(edited by Titula.2783)