Change Account name?

Change Account name?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Trevor Crowbar.1742

Trevor Crowbar.1742


Is ti possible to change my account name? When I created the account I didn’t realize it put a stupid number at the end of my account name. Went through settings, and I can change my password, but not name. Is this possible, and if so, how?

Change Account name?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Qugi.2653



Display name can not change unless it is name against rules or show private information like real name or email. Also every display name has number at the end.


Change Account name?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Trevor Crowbar.1742

Trevor Crowbar.1742

Just found the answer in the support section…. Cannot change display name at this time…. That sucks.

Change Account name?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Figlilly.3907


If 1742 is a stupid number you should try living with 3907

Change Account name?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: MrFayth.3546


Display name can not change unless it is name against rules or show private information like real name or email. Also every display name has number at the end.

I know it’s just anecdotal evidence that I cant really prove without breaking some ToS but…

Had a certain person invited to one of my guilds and his invited account name, under the roster, is completely different from his account name in friends or guild lists.

i5 4690k @4.1ghz, r7 260x 1180/1680,8Gb G.skill Ripjaw 2133, 120gb ssd Gw2+OS

(edited by MrFayth.3546)

Change Account name?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Qugi.2653


Display name can not change unless it is name against rules or show private information like real name or email. Also every display name has number at the end.

I know it’s just anecdotal evidence that I cant really prove without breaking some ToS but…

Had a certain person invited to one of my guilds and his invited account name, under the roster, is completely different from his account name in friends or guild lists.

Who know maybe Anet had some reason to change. Here is post from Gaile about display name change and why most can not.

And more current post from Michael Henninger game support lead.


(edited by Qugi.2653)

Change Account name?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Seera.5916


Display name can not change unless it is name against rules or show private information like real name or email. Also every display name has number at the end.

I know it’s just anecdotal evidence that I cant really prove without breaking some ToS but…

Had a certain person invited to one of my guilds and his invited account name, under the roster, is completely different from his account name in friends or guild lists.

Who know maybe Anet had some reason to change. Here is post from Gaile about display name change and why most can not.

And more current post from Michael Henninger game support lead.

This. I have heard anecdotal evidence that account name changes sometimes do not display properly in game and will sometimes pop up with the original account name for whatever reason.

Their old account name if it wasn’t an obvious full name or obvious violation of the name scheme, it could have been the first half of their email, the part before the @ sign.

Change Account name?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: MrFayth.3546


Their old account name if it wasn’t an obvious full name or obvious violation of the name scheme, it could have been the first half of their email, the part before the @ sign.

It’s a latin looking name. Guess it could be an email, though this name was also used for LoL and I don’t see this individual being so ignorant about account safety.. He’s no ordinary player, his other guild has big red arches.

i5 4690k @4.1ghz, r7 260x 1180/1680,8Gb G.skill Ripjaw 2133, 120gb ssd Gw2+OS

Change Account name?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Seera.5916


Their old account name if it wasn’t an obvious full name or obvious violation of the name scheme, it could have been the first half of their email, the part before the @ sign.

It’s a latin looking name. Guess it could be an email, though this name was also used for LoL and I don’t see this individual being so ignorant about account safety.. He’s no ordinary player, his other guild has big red arches.

That assumes they’re both the same person and that LoL doesn’t have an even stricter naming policy. LoL may not allow for any name changes at all. I don’t know, I have never played LoL, so I don’t know what their policy is on name changes.