Claw of Jormag event

Claw of Jormag event

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: matemaster.2168


I dont have problems usually with game stability (maybe one black screen/crash in 10hours playing)
But during the Claw of Jormag event in frostgorge sound the game crashed/freezed like crazy. First the audio crashed (game was still playable). Then whole game freezed (hard restet needed). After restart and 2min of play the game crashed to desktop. Total 5 freezes/crashes then event ended
The event was totally unplayable for me.
When the event ended all those problems dissapeared
Does this happens during Claw of Jormag event also to other players ?

Claw of Jormag event

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Pendragon.1602


Yes, it happened to me also. First skipping sound then GW2 crashed. Had to set the graphics settings to low to stop it. Strange thing is, that this is the first time I had to set the graphics to low, in the rest of the game I can set everything to high without any FPS or crash problems.

Claw of Jormag event

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Puna.7321


The game crushed 5 times at the end of phrase 2 Jormag. Contributed so much in the previous hour and in the end no chest. This is the 1st time game crushed so badly in my Jormag huntings. I usually face the audio problems too. It gives out pulse alike sound nonstop until i had to turn off the game’s vulome.

Claw of Jormag event

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Elminster Aumar.9320

Elminster Aumar.9320

The same has happened to me twice. During two different playing sessions, when participating in the “Claw of Jormag” event (never on any other part of the game, even dragon bosses) suddenly my sound controler goes nuts and starts to emit a VERY annoying high-pitch sound, and after about 1 minute, the game goes to desktop with an error and crashes.

The first occasion though, the game did not crash, but the only way to make the sound stop, wasto close the game client app.

Claw of Jormag event

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: empty.2365


I have the same problem and I missed 2 chests because of this stupid crush. It shows a box of ‘Serious error occurred’. The ironic part is I actually have a same laptop, bought at the same time with my roommate and she runs fine everytime. PLEASE FIX THIS ASAP, wasted few hours and got noshing because of this problem!!

Claw of Jormag event

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Frostflame.5314


Yes I also crash easily up to 10 times during the Claw of Jormag, or any event with lots of people, just like you say, my sound cuts out, starts doing that “Vooom… Vooom.. Vooom.” thing, then the came crashes. Losing patience with it myself.

Claw of Jormag event

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: CureForLiving.5360


lol it would be funny if not so depressing. Crashed on my server near the start of jormag, went into the overflow was lucky and got into jormag again, crashed just as dragon was about to die. Same issue, sound crashed then game. Strangly happened now for the first time.