Client stops patching after 13mb/10 files

Client stops patching after 13mb/10 files

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Chakchakheaven.8761



Client stops downloading after 13mb . the only fix I could find to this is restarting the patcher and downloading 13mb which counts as 10 files downloaded each time.
With around 6000 files remaining this kinda feels impossible.
And idea what causes this or any fix?

Client stops patching after 13mb/10 files

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: rumari.6592


I have the EXACT same problem… So I created a task that would open and then reopen the launcher every minute or so…

I’m gonna let that run overnight and post the silly results.

Client stops patching after 13mb/10 files

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Inculpatus cedo.9234

Inculpatus cedo.9234

See the Sticky above, and/or contact the Tech CS Team via the ‘Support’ link above/below for assistance.

Good luck.

Client stops patching after 13mb/10 files

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Slyner.8239


Same problem here

Client stops patching after 13mb/10 files

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: SlippyCheeze.5483


I’d guess you have something, such as anti-virus software, getting in the way and blocking access after that amount of data downloaded. Especially since this is repeatable with such a specific number of files…

Try disabling and/or tuning those to see if you can find out what is at the root of it.

Client stops patching after 13mb/10 files

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Slyner.8239


I’d guess you have something, such as anti-virus software, getting in the way and blocking access after that amount of data downloaded. Especially since this is repeatable with such a specific number of files…

Try disabling and/or tuning those to see if you can find out what is at the root of it.

I do not use anti-virus programs, I never found it necessary, and none is really effective.

I have already performed the procedures with Netsh reset.
I already used google’s DNS.
I’ve already used -image -assnet and several ip’s I’ve been finding on the help topics.
I already used IP in Hosts.
I already used the spotflux program
Firewall disabled.
Windows Defender Disabled

Now I’m trying to release ports 80, 443, 6112 and 6600

It is updating very slowly, it ramps up to 2mb/s 4mb/s, and then goes to zero and stays in that loop until it locks in some register.

Last night I was able to update until 1 record was missing, from then on I could not get anything else.

I deleted everything and tried to perform by 32bits client, same problem. I went back to the 64bit client and I’m downloading. Leaving 29000 records.

The release of the ports on the modem will be my last attempt, if it does not work, I’ll be going back to wow.

And guess what? Stopped after 15 minutes at 10% .. ok, enough .. I’m out.

(edited by Slyner.8239)

Client stops patching after 13mb/10 files

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Jalen Du.3562

Jalen Du.3562

I had this for long time I also tried to get solution in this forum or even contacted them and I have not played gw2 for atleast 2 years now and I keep trying now and then even tried to download the 32 version but it just stops before it get to 20 % it would be so nice if it worked again I mean game play is free but I stil put money in it to buy the game and get me some items in game and I think is sad if get not so much respond and help one of the things they say I need to upgrade my pc then I had I think windows 8 wel yes my pc is old I can not get me newer one and why would I I mean other games stil work can be they start up slowly but they work even after so many updates the other games stil work and when I got windows 10 on it I have tried downloading again but stil this game stop with the at some point between 8 and 20 % I tried all I know what to do I am not computer nerd so just tried what I know but guess my guildwars adventure 2 ended atleast 2 years ago and after that I tried resinstalling many times but never get above 20 % so guess guildwars2 will stay a memory it was fun to play but the help and service to me has been very very low I mean I also play other games some event are totally free no need to buy a game to play and there even it can take a day or bit longer because of time difference they help and if I have troubles they not say you got old computer but they keep trying untill it works I mean it has windows 10 on it and that works great so computer is old but the windows is updated and as long as that works guess guildwars should work to
it would have been nice to play just because it is different also long time for me in forum think last time I wrote something in forum was probebly also 2 years ago and then I gave up on asking and trying but I hope you have more luck and more help from tech support I have been trying installing again today and guess what I got to 20 % 32 version the 64 version I just got to 8% so guess nothing changed but I don’t count for little help from the tech support anymore I give up on that long time ago

(edited by Jalen Du.3562)

Client stops patching after 13mb/10 files

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: onevstheworld.2419


Have you guys tried Anet’s troubleshooting FAQ?

Client stops patching after 13mb/10 files

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Jason.2459


I’m having this same problem. I’ve uninstalled and reinstalled multiple times. Disks have tons of space, anti-virus disabled (though it’s never thrown alerts during install) and still it gets stuck every time @ 31%, 25,6997 files remaining.

It will start “downloading” and the file “Downloading XXMB” section will increment, the transfer speed will hit my max throughput, then it will idle down to nothing and stop. I’ve left it like this for days and it doesn’t complete.

Client stops patching after 13mb/10 files

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Jalen Du.3562

Jalen Du.3562

I can not add repair guild wars repair shortcut so probebly not working the shortcut has new name but the exe is stil exe and without the repair and I just read this new response not coming here so much nothing news for me if game is off from pc so just noticed it stopped at 2 % guess is because I can not repair a game that is uninstalled and can not reinstall because it now stops at 2 % it is getting less each time so if it get stuck how can I install if it stops at 2% somehow it just can not be reinstalled so guess if nothing there nothing to be repaired

Client stops patching after 13mb/10 files

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Jason.2459


I’ve tried repairing, and I’ve also tried installing on two different machines. Deleted User/AppData/Roaming/GuildWars2 also for good measure. Still stuck on 256997 on both machines.

Client stops patching after 13mb/10 files

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Inculpatus cedo.9234

Inculpatus cedo.9234

Have you contacted the Tech CS Team for assistance, although Adware is often the problem? If not, you can via the ‘Support’ link above/below.

Good luck.

Client stops patching after 13mb/10 files

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Jalen Du.3562

Jalen Du.3562

I tried this it was one of the links in the link few messages higher it was about downloading and installing

Click the “Start” button to bring up the Start Menu.
Type in CMD into the “Search programs and files” field but do not hit enter. Doing this will change your start menu to show the program “cmd.exe.”
Right-click on “cmd.exe” and select “Run as Administrator.” This will bring up a new window.
Type “netsh winsock reset” without the quotes. When the command is completed successfully, a confirmation will appear, followed by a new command prompt line.
Try connecting to the game again.

this was new to me but then I have not been here for almost 2 years so think this was not there yet and it worked I was watching the line filling up at 12 % if lucky then I got there but most of the time it stopped at 2 % then 12% was next number to stop was around 21% so was just hoping it went over and I just was so glad it finally went all up to 100% so after 2 years, maybe bit longer ago, I can play again even had mail in game from 2 years ago and stil got my gems so finally after more then 2 years I can play again

Client stops patching after 13mb/10 files

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Jason.2459


Thanks for taking the time to post this. Unfortunately on my machines, this didn’t work. I’ve now tried installing on 3 different machines and all three get stuck on the same point. I’m about to spin up a VM (for a blank slate) to see if it’s some piece of software or something with my network. It’s hard to imagine either, but clearly other people are able to play the game.

I tried this it was one of the links in the link few messages higher it was about downloading and installing

Click the “Start” button to bring up the Start Menu.
Type in CMD into the “Search programs and files” field but do not hit enter. Doing this will change your start menu to show the program “cmd.exe.”
Right-click on “cmd.exe” and select “Run as Administrator.” This will bring up a new window.
Type “netsh winsock reset” without the quotes. When the command is completed successfully, a confirmation will appear, followed by a new command prompt line.
Try connecting to the game again.

this was new to me but then I have not been here for almost 2 years so think this was not there yet and it worked I was watching the line filling up at 12 % if lucky then I got there but most of the time it stopped at 2 % then 12% was next number to stop was around 21% so was just hoping it went over and I just was so glad it finally went all up to 100% so after 2 years, maybe bit longer ago, I can play again even had mail in game from 2 years ago and stil got my gems so finally after more then 2 years I can play again

Client stops patching after 13mb/10 files

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Healix.5819


I’m about to spin up a VM (for a blank slate) to see if it’s some piece of software or something with my network. It’s hard to imagine either, but clearly other people are able to play the game.

It could potentially be a problem with the asset server you’re using. You can try manually selecting one like this:

Gw2.exe -assetsrv

You can use Google’s DNS for example to look up more IPs:


It could potentially be your ISP or any software that tries to modify websites. If it’s outside of your control, a VPN is required.

You can use the following to get a better idea of what is happening, which is stored to %appdata%/Guild Wars 2/Gw2.log:

Gw2.exe -log

Client stops patching after 13mb/10 files

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Jason.2459


Thanks to everyone for the continued assistance. I’ve found my solution via HOSTS file redirect, though I still have questions. (resolution instructions that worked for me here: )

ping was returning: []

ping is now redirecting to []

I work in IT and thought I understood DNS. I understand that a DNS change may take time to propagate through the system, but what is going on here? I had to create a static entry in my hosts file to override the apparently erroneous reply my DNS server returns.

As per the quoted instructions below, even google is returning the following:


Non-authoritative answer:

So perhaps this isn’t a DNS issue so much as a network path issue that is being resolved by a locally (HOST file) hacked DNS redirect. Either way this seems weird. Never had any issue like this with a game or otherwise.

I’m sure I’m missing something, and even though I’m happy to have the game fixed, I’d still love if someone could explain the above, just for my own understanding.

Thanks for the help

I’m about to spin up a VM (for a blank slate) to see if it’s some piece of software or something with my network. It’s hard to imagine either, but clearly other people are able to play the game.

It could potentially be a problem with the asset server you’re using. You can try manually selecting one like this:

Gw2.exe -assetsrv

You can use Google’s DNS for example to look up more IPs:


It could potentially be your ISP or any software that tries to modify websites. If it’s outside of your control, a VPN is required.

You can use the following to get a better idea of what is happening, which is stored to %appdata%/Guild Wars 2/Gw2.log:

Gw2.exe -log

Client stops patching after 13mb/10 files

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Healix.5819


I understand that a DNS change may take time to propagate through the system, but what is going on here?

Are you confused about That’s the actual name that points to. The various IPs are the various servers around the world of CloudFront’s CDN. Looking up the IP will ideally return the closest servers to you.

Using -assetsrv will have the same effect as modifying your hosts file. Keep in mind that IPs of the CDN servers can change, so don’t forget about it. One day it’ll fail to connect because of it.