Combat Mod

Combat Mod

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Quiggle.4215


Does anyone know how to get the combat mod icm.exe to run through the mac client?

Combat Mod

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Kioshi.6597


oeh man I think that will be very difficult to pull off… If you really want it you will have to go bootcamp.

However just googled it, Might want to try the second comment. Please let us know if it worked.

Combat Mod

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: FlamingFoxx.1305


You would not be able to do it.
The cider wrapper is set up only to run the GW2.exe file, it isn’t capable of extending that to other executable files (unless you had some serious coding know how I guess).

Unfortunately the link Kioshi posted is unlikely to help, you could put the exe in that folder, but the cider wrapper isn’t coded to know what to do with it so it would just ignore its presence. So like Kioshi says, your best option if you want to use the combat mod would be to run the game in bootcamp.