Connection error(s) detected Retrying...

Connection error(s) detected Retrying...

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: hobbitpimp.1729


Logged out a few minutes ago due to trading post not working. Cannot log back in . This is the message I get. I Have no firewall up, I run as admin, and I do not have AVG. This is definitely on arenanets end. Could you guys please let me know what to do or what is going on. I just bought the game 4 days ago and already I am having these issues.
C:\Users\Trisha\Desktop\Guild Wars 2

(edited by hobbitpimp.1729)

Connection error(s) detected Retrying...

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Ashley Segovia.8276

Ashley Segovia.8276

Technical Support

Hi hobbitpimp – I can tell you that this issue is not on our end. If this was the case, there would likely be a very large thread with most forum frequenters agreeing with you in a very short period of time.

Also, you can attach your Game Advisor report to the thread (The Guild Wars 2.txt file within the zip folder) by clicking “More posting & formatting options…” since we’re not able to access it from your computer :P

Connection error(s) detected Retrying...

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: SkilleD.3170


I’m having the same exact problem, I logged out and now when I try to play i get the same message. Im not even getting to the log in screen

Connection error(s) detected Retrying...

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Daghet.8932


Never had this problem before, just started for me now – “Connection error(s) detected. Retrying…”

EDIT1: Restarted a couple of times – now have the following error:

The server was unable to authenticate your gameplay privileges. Please contact Customer Support to provide them with your registered e-mail address. For additional support, please visit

Build: 24249
Error Code: 21:6:3:2205

EDIT2: After getting the above error a couple more times, it let me log in. Not a huge issue for me, just thought I’d bring this to your attention.

(edited by Daghet.8932)

Connection error(s) detected Retrying...

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Zplus.4217


Hi hobbitpimp – I can tell you that this issue is not on our end. If this was the case, there would likely be a very large thread with most forum frequenters agreeing with you in a very short period of time.

Also, you can attach your Game Advisor report to the thread (The Guild Wars 2.txt file within the zip folder) by clicking “More posting & formatting options…” since we’re not able to access it from your computer :P

I can tell you it’s definitely anets fault, the problem started with the teq patch and people from all over the world are getting disconnected left and right ESPECIALLY during prime time. You can turn a blind eye to all those complaining on the issue but don’t lie though your teeth as if those complains don’t exist.

Connection error(s) detected Retrying...

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Oblivion Chaser.5378

Oblivion Chaser.5378

I’m encountering this same error. I have dealt with it in the past once and it fixed after re-installing the game.

Two days ago I encountered the “Connection error(s) detected Retrying…” problem and then messed with my router thinking it was the problem. It fixed it temporarily but today I had a massive memory leak with gw2.exe hitting 1 million K on task manager. I closed the game and then when I opened the client the error returned.

Connection error(s) detected Retrying...

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Olanth.7403


Hi hobbitpimp – I can tell you that this issue is not on our end. If this was the case, there would likely be a very large thread with most forum frequenters agreeing with you in a very short period of time.

Hey Ashley, while not everybody is experiencing this issue, a lot of people are! It’d be great to get some help.

Connection error(s) detected Retrying...

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Oipjo.8723


Good Evening, I was playing fine till a moment ago, tried renaming target path to -repair then searched forums and found a thread that this had appeared 3 months ago, checked recent threads to find this one – now strangely enough the forum search function isn’t working as there are no results for “connection”.

I am trying to log in from NSW, Australia if that helps. Hope this is fixed asap, I’m half a bar from level 80 and my girlfriend will be back within the hour!!! This is the only time of week I get to play! HELP!!!

Game closed due to technical issues with Telstra, internet dropped out few seconds, when it came back up games been unavailable for about 20 mins now; logged onto original Guildwars game with no issues, Diablo 3 worked, google chrome no issues; rebooted machine, ran administrator mode, disabled antivirus/firewall (even though I was JUST playing) rebooted modem and no luck – sorry Anet as this is not a local issue for myself or above users, maybe the thread from 3 months ago helps? I just searched “connection” to find it; though getting no results with any searches.

Did find it in google actually “” apologies in advance for the life story post… Hope this helps!

Connection error(s) detected Retrying...

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Oipjo.8723


In now – within that thread I posted many people recommend closing/opening and running task manager; one mod posted in bugs forums to leave it running for 10 minutes to initiate a backup file or something?

Seems like the 10 minutes did the trick – now wish me luck to grind dailies quickly and get my 2nd 80 toon! Woop Woop! Anet – as this is recurring looking over the threads please investigate further

Connection error(s) detected Retrying...

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Jalen Du.3562

Jalen Du.3562

please help
I can not even get trough the first screen that should connect me to the game server
it just keep saying

Connection error(s) detected. Retrying

so what is wrong please
like to play the game as normal but now I can not even get into the game
last time I logged in all was fine and now it just does not even get to the screen where you must type your inlog stuff

I hope you get me some solution soon because just watching to see the retrying and nothing happens is very boring

Connection error(s) detected Retrying...

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: nama.2580


Help me pls Connection error(s) detected.

Connection error(s) detected Retrying...

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Berformet.2981


game started lagging badly so i relogged, now i cat connect to the server and keep getting connection errors

/) /)
(^.^)b Cmdr Whíte Rabbit, The Bunny Mesmer
d(“)(”) Alias: Thalia Cereus, Cisna Brightwell, Toxic Bunny

Connection error(s) detected Retrying...

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Berformet.2981


back working again..

/) /)
(^.^)b Cmdr Whíte Rabbit, The Bunny Mesmer
d(“)(”) Alias: Thalia Cereus, Cisna Brightwell, Toxic Bunny

Connection error(s) detected Retrying...

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: abomally.2694


I’m encountering this same error. I have dealt with it in the past once and it fixed after re-installing the game.

Two days ago I encountered the “Connection error(s) detected Retrying…” problem and then messed with my router thinking it was the problem. It fixed it temporarily but today I had a massive memory leak with gw2.exe hitting 1 million K on task manager. I closed the game and then when I opened the client the error returned.

1 million K = 1 Gigabyte

That’s a reasonable amount of RAM usage for GW2.

Connection error(s) detected Retrying...

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Jalen Du.3562

Jalen Du.3562

wel after some time I thought lets try again but it stil does not work so is bad and my connection is good my husband can play his games and he need connection to so if he does have and it keep saying here there is no connection guess it is not me but the server of the game
other games work fine by me so why not this one and can not say that al the other people with this problem have bad connections I mean that would be absurd

Connection error(s) detected Retrying...

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Krosan.2890


I have disconnected 4 times so far today and I used to never have this at all. It blames my firewall like it always does and the screen goes totally black.

Connection error(s) detected Retrying...

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Jalen Du.3562

Jalen Du.3562

wel normally it works finr for me but now it is just crazy I mean it does not go even further then the connection screen and that is a boring screen after such long time it would be fun to see it move on to the next one with your log in info and can click to go and play
and I read in other posts about a repair thing but is that to find in the start up screen because was thinking maybe I can repair something but if it is after the screen that now keep trying to connect then guess that is no option then

wonder if I am stil the only one now that can not connect and keep stuck with the connection retrying screen
been busy almost half a day and if other things of me have connection like this forum

wpi;d be weird if I can write a post here and I would not be connected I mean that would be really weird
so why does it keep trying to find a connection if to me it seems I already have one

even downloading again is not working I can download the game client the one that starts the downloading that works but then I start to run the setup and poof it comes back again with the announcement I do not have connection
I really not think it is me because I can play other games and I can look at youtube and can read my eamil all stuff that really need connection so please solve this problem thanks very much it would be time now I am trying for long enough to get frustrated with this I mean I did not buy this game to be just looking at a screen saying it is trying to connect but to be honest it does not really do much so after few minutes I just click it off again and like I said reinstalling does not really is promising if it even then say I do not have connection

(edited by Jalen Du.3562)