Constant Disconnects

Constant Disconnects

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Azareal.4267


This game is completely unplayable for me right now as of the time of this post.

I literally log in to disconnect. Literally. As in, I would log in, take a couple steps and dc straight off. There has been numerous post about this in this forums. And ‘No’, I’m not going to bother with the screen shots and the ‘xxx-101’ post. Mainly since nothing seems to be done no matter what anyone does to try and help you.

And “No” it’s not my computer, or my modem or my network card or my ISP (I have checked all this with the exception of buying a brand new computer and signing up with a whole new ISP). If you even bother to read the posts in these forums you will see this is happening to your player-base worldwide across multiple ISPs globally.

Just what are you guys doing ? Are you trying to actually operate a business or are you just in it for a few laughs ?

Constant Disconnects

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Gator.5729


Well to start with you have already dismissed anything we can do to help you and you refuse to do anything to help as well. The only thing left is for you to submit a support ticket and wait.

I know you don’t want to hear it but, if the problem is only affecting “some” people and not ‘EVERY" player then the connection issues are not Anet related. Prove me wrong and run pingplotter, show me and everyone else that your lag and packet loss is at the game server. If you do what you said and read every other post. Those people who did provide a pingplotter result clearly show that it is not happening at the GW2 servers. This means it is outside of Anet’s control and it falls back on your connection and your ISP.

Constant Disconnects

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Zaoda.1653


I am also getting constant disconnects. The disconnects just really started today – I’m thinking it’s because of the patch? As I had no serious disconnection issues before until today.



Forever a supporter of more male skimpy armor

Constant Disconnects

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Zaoda.1653


Ok I’ve had enough of Guild Wars 2 for today. I literally cannot play 2 minutes without disconnecting. Anet, please fix this, or else I’m just going to have to take a long break from this game. I mean, how can you enjoy gw2 if you disconnect every 30 seconds???!!! >_<

I tried restarting my computer, restarting my modem. NOTHING has changed apart from this game update. Everything was running fine before, now, today, the game is just completely unplayable.

Forever a supporter of more male skimpy armor

Constant Disconnects

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Tasharooo.1839


I’m having similar issues, except i can play the game until i beat something like a big boss in an instance and THEN i disconnect, right after i’ve beaten it! I literally feel like deleting my whole account because i’m having to beat these bosses 2/3 times because it disconnects straight after!!!

Constant Disconnects

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Super Hayes.6890

Super Hayes.6890

Never had disconnect issues this many times in one sitting. I was running the 64 bit client. I closed the game and restarted with the 32 bit client. Seems to have fixed the issue for me.

Constant Disconnects

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Ranaath.5364


Also began happening to me yesterday after the patch. Never happened before unless it happened globally. Now it’s constant, no matter where I am.

Constant Disconnects

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Gator.5729


Run pingplotter and post the results if you want forum help.

If not, submit a support ticket. Your posts do nothing to identify the problem or fix it.

Constant Disconnects

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Whitefang.4968


i understand how it feels not being able to play. but gw2 requires a very consistent internet or else issues such as disconnects and black screens occur. i had an issue which gave me black screen every few minutes and i have to quit. and gw2 contacted me over 75 emails, more than 150 emails from both sides and only thing that fixed it was changing to a better internet provider. most of these disconnects issues are outside of anet reach which legally they cannot do anything about.

like everyone is saying, run pingplotter and see, it might be hard to digest but if it is not an issue from them, they cant help you but your internet provider can.

i dont think anet bans people using vpns, as wtfast has gw2 in their setup, you can try to see if its any different with your 14 day trial.