Constant Story Instance Crash

Constant Story Instance Crash

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Tom.6032



So I have been trying to complete Victory or Death over the last week or so and each and every time the client throws me out with error 7.11:3:191:101 very frustrating as I then have to start from the beginning and its not exactly riveting gameplay after going through it so many times.

I have had trouble with other story instances and the occasional disconnect before but never this bad. The thing is its not the same point each time but rather random. Is there anything I can do to improve reliability?

Constant Story Instance Crash

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: stormlumina.2894


I have tried Victory or Death twice and got disconnected with error 7:11:3:191:101

My disconnects occurred during the battle with Zhaitan after firing the main cannon about 90 minutes into the mission.

Constant Story Instance Crash

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Lokku.2650


Also on Victory or Death, tried completing it 4 times in a row. Everytime disconnected 15-30mins in. I NEVER get disconnected anywhere else. Tried -repair at game startup, but no luck.

Constant Story Instance Crash

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Nichivo.5046


I really like the story lines but have given up. Same error.

Funny thing is I can play wvw 8 hours straight without a hiccup, try to do one story line and it’s a crap shoot on how many times it will take to make it through without a disconnect. 30-40ms ping 0 packet loss yet poof progress gone and back to character select.

pvp no problem, wvw no problem, map meta events again no issues. Story line … do not pass go move directly to character select cause you have lost connection.. BS!