Constantly losing connection to server
I appear to be having the same issue. Connection randomly drops for a moment, then returns. Just now it got a bit worse.
Skype appears to be hopping off-and-on when the disconnect occurs. My girlfriend’s computer on the same network appears to have no problems.
Tried router restart, too.
yea ive tried just about everything. Problems only persist with this game which is a total bummer
Constantly losing connection to server
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Ashley Segovia.8276
Technical Support
Hi Tokz – I’d like to collect a Game Advisor report so I can look into why you might be experiencing this issue. You can download the Game Advisor application at the link below:
Please note that you will be automatically prompted to install Game Advisor upon clicking the link. Once you’ve generated the report, you can attach it to this thread by clicking “More posting & formatting options…”
I am also experiencing issues similar to Tokz, and have been for the past few days. I’ve been kicked to the character select screen frequently, but there are times when I can go for hours on end with no problems. There is excessive skill activation lag at times. Resource Monitor will show a consistent ping for GW2.exe despite the apparent difference in latency. I have also lost up to 5 minutes of progress when being kicked to the character select screen. Last night I was kicked shortly after finishing the gathering requirements for my daily, and logged in with less than half of my completion.
I’d appreciate any help you can offer with regards to fixing this issue. I’ll also throw in a Game Advisor report to see if that narrows things down. I might be able to get a more accurate report on Friday or the weekend, by launching it as soon as connection issues occur.
From the report, there appears to be a spike in packetloss after leaving Comcast’s network.
I’ve been having the same issues as Nexus. I regularly lose connection when trying to log in to the game and when loading different characters. Over the past few days, I have also been kicked from the server, unable to log back in for several minutes, and upon successful login, lost the previous 5 – 15 minutes of progress (loot drops, daily completion, dungeon completion). Here is the diagnostic result:
I ve been having same problem here
I’m having the same issue. I keep being knocked out of the server. Has there been a resolution?
The last few days I have been losing connection after mapping. Usually takes 3-6 times relogging before I am able to stay in game.. WvW is impossible because you are mapped out after dc’s.
I have been having this problem for the majority of this week, i have been pretty patient about it hoping it would self fix. Prior to getting this problem i had disconnects to the log in screen, prior to that i never disconnected ever.
I have the same problem
I also have this problem. I am logging out with any loading screens, even in spvp matches.
Same thing for me, I log in and then it takes about 3 minutes before I can press “play” .
I can walk around for about a minute and then get disconnected.
hi guys . you must clear all the caches entries and stack in your tcp stack
press windows key + R , then type cmd and when it shows the black icon of console right click on it and run as administrator . then inside this console type these commands
ipconfig /release
ipconfig /renew
ipconfig /flushdns
ipconfig /registerdns
these commands will reset and renew everything
hi guys . you must clear all the caches entries and stack in your tcp stack
press windows key + R , then type cmd and when it shows the black icon of console right click on it and run as administrator . then inside this console type these commands
ipconfig /release
ipconfig /renew
ipconfig /flushdns
ipconfig /registerdnsthese commands will reset and renew everything
Same problems, this didn’t work.
(edited by Veydar.5017)
Having the same problems and doing the ipconfig commands and repairing hasn’t helped at all.
Wasn’t sure how to attach two files on one post so here is the other file that could be helpful.
Hardreset your routers press just hold reset button for 30 sec and release and check your cables, also you can try power cycle your modems by un plugging it more 1min.
@SoccaGOD.9375 your issue is nvd3dum.dll reinstall DirectX and your video card drivers to the newest driver version.
your account,and your 384 other accounts”
GG Anet
(edited by MasterYoda.8563)
Same problem here
Same game, same test (planetside 2, and LoL) and same problem. Gw2 keeps disconnecting, some days I play the full 6-8 hours no problem. Other days I quit after 10 minutes from basically rage quitting due to crashes.
Couldn’t find the file through browsing so I just copy pasted it into another notepad document.
break. I feel like they should be back by now..”
i have had this problem with the Dcing, i put in a ticket and still having the problem just got Dced during the event and when i logged in it put me in overflow
Try to zone into the event, get stuck on loading screen. After a few minutes ctrl-alt-del to quit and start again. Repeat.
Occasionally get the message disconnected from server.
Finally zone in (on an overflow where NO event is taking place).
Wait one hour, rinse and repeat
(edited by Kestrelle.8165)
I too have been getting DC’d today at random times and places. Test report below
I just bought the game and finally had it updated today. But keep experiencing the exact same thing. Only just completed the dream as sylvari after 6 tries or so dc’ing all the time…
Same issue get DC network error after about 1 minute of running around. I can do things normally during that minute but then DC.
Same problem here
Same problem here in France. But Our CM doesn’t care about our problems … A 2 days post and the only answer I have it’s : " U’r i7 2700k is outdated for playing please upgrade it…" Stupid freak
Please help us…
(edited by MissClik.6948)
Ran the app, here’s the results. hope it helps you guys to find the problem.
Lag is horrible and can’t stay connected.
In the last 3 days i had the same problems. Lag spikes then losing connection to the server, but this happened only 5 maybe 6 times. Today morning i had 4 disconnection in about 10 minutes. Test results below.
I have been and will continue to direct players who have been having these issues to this forum. Hopefully ANet will be able to use the info.
Yak’s Bend Server
Crimethink [ct]
Was directed here.
Having some version of the same problem, except I get no lag whatsoever. Just random crashes to the character screen. It doesn’t seem to be at any particular time – I could be playing for 10minutes or for 3hours.
Also, only started for me from the Queen’s Jubilee/Gauntlet patch onwards.
Kiss Kiss Bang [BANG]
I must say, what a great achievement, to make this problem occur before the free trial begins.
(edited by Chilli.2976)
I must say, what a great achievement, to make this problem occur before the free trial begins.
It has been there for at least 9 months. It just gets worse when servers are full. Somehow Anet servers start to disconnect people when server is full. (At least that is true in many cases)
Ashley Segovia, your last answer to this problem’s been already 4 months.
Do you have an update in relation to these issue?
I also have hourly disconnects in the game since realease.
Playing without disconnections is only possible with WTFAST .com app since L3 route is closer, but this is not free, and I will not pay for this addon.
From this we can conclude that the problem is TCP / IP routing related.
Ashley Segovia, your last answer to this problem’s been already 4 months.
Do you have an update in relation to these issue?
I also have hourly disconnects in the game since realease.
Playing without disconnections is only possible with WTFAST .com app since L3 route is closer, but this is not free, and I will not pay for this addon.
From this we can conclude that the problem is TCP / IP routing related.
I agree it is routing problem, level3 severs losing packets, in this topic ppl have same problem. It is ridculous that i have to buy programs like WTFast to play gw2….
i concur, as soon as my routing gets to the l3 servers it starts losing packets as well. Wonder if its possible for Anet to change it so it passes through a different route..would be nice to see less stuttering/rubber-banding when other players are running around.
got DC every 10-20 minutes, since friday (23.8.)
I’ve also had lag spikes and random DC’s since the Zephyr Sanctum update, and I think the problem got worse with Queen Jennah’s Jubilee update. Basically once an hour either
1) for 5-15 seconds my character becomes almost unresponsive, I can move around but cant jump or dodge or use skills. in addition no object can be interacted with and the environment becomes almost static
2) all of the above happens but instead of regaining control after x seconds of lagging I just disconnect
I’d like to add that GW2 is the only application that is experiencing connectivity issues, and that the problem described above is especially frustrating right now when the invasions are running: 1 DC means the invasion won’t count towards any achievements.
Here is my pingtest:
I also got my gameadvisor report here:
Edit: attached GW2 diagnostic tool report too
(edited by Asko.4120)
Any update from Anet ? Or european users just beeing ignore ?
pls fix it …. i can’t play …. it’s unplayable … i cant do anything ….
got DC every 10-20 minutes, since friday (23.8.)
It happened to me as well, I unplugged my router for hours then plugged it back in and all was fine.
your account,and your 384 other accounts”
GG Anet
i tried to unplugg it for 5-10 minutes and doesn’t worked … i’ll give it try (unplugged) this night … and i’ll see … thanks for tip Yoda
Exact same thing happening here. Log in and everything is fine for a few seconds, sometimes even a whole minute but then slowly things start to degrade. Getting a few seconds of lag when doing things like using endurance or weapon swapping, then eventual dc to character select. Whole process seems to be rapidly accelerated should I enter combat, usually allowing me time to fire off one skill, then that skill’s animation will play over and over until I finally dc( I.E. fire barrage, even after skill ends just keeps shooting into the air, can’t move or cancel, can’t even open esc menu). Gonna try unplugging router for a while to see if this fixes it as normal power cycles aren’t doing the trick.
Edit:Unplugged everything for an hour or so, everything seems to be working fine now.
(edited by Necrotize.2974)
Exact same thing happening here. Log in and everything is fine for a few seconds, sometimes even a whole minute but then slowly things start to degrade. Getting a few seconds of lag when doing things like using endurance or weapon swapping, then eventual dc to character select. Whole process seems to be rapidly accelerated should I enter combat, usually allowing me time to fire off one skill, then that skill’s animation will play over and over until I finally dc( I.E. fire barrage, even after skill ends just keeps shooting into the air, can’t move or cancel, can’t even open esc menu). Gonna try unplugging router for a while to see if this fixes it as normal power cycles aren’t doing the trick.
Edit:Unplugged everything for an hour or so, everything seems to be working fine now.
Please refer to that post and provide a pathping there if you can. Thanks!
Xystus Furtim – Human Theif
Server: Stormbluff Ilse
Hey, same problems… I keep getting kicked within a couple minutes of loading in. Here’s my file.
Same problem here.
Connecting issues… Hereby my testfile:
Server: Seafarer’s Rest
Yesterday everything was normal…now i got stuck on loading everytime i port. Its ok when im already in the map. But right away after port = stuck = end
And please no answers like check your firewall etc (as the game itself telling me). I played for almost a month daily without any problem and also without anything new in my computer, so thats not the problem.
What is happening with this game today?!
I’m stuck on loading screen and when I finally join a map (be it pvp or pve) I’m instantly lagged and can’t do anything but wait for a message “The client lost it’s connection to the server”. Whole day.