Crippling FPS issues

Crippling FPS issues

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Lemon.4903



r7 260x
i3 2120
8gb 1600mhz ram
asrock h61 mobo
600w corsair psu
kingston 128gb ssd

So I installed GW2 again about three weeks ago, and playing in windowed mode I would sit at around 40fps on medium settings. This was fine for weeks until the other afternoon I decided to plug in a second monitor to my graphics card; the game still ran fine, but the monitor setup didn’t quite work with my desk space so I reverted back to a single monitor setup. Since then however, my fps has dropped to 5-10 on all low settings with sub-sampling. Cannot seem to do anything to fix it.

So far I’ve reinstalled, windows, reinstalled gw2, updated and reinstalled drivers, un-parked cores, changed monitors, toyed with resolutions, deleted appdata, cleaned out my pc – including taking said graphics card and psu apart, removing 100% of dust, reapplied cpu thermal paste – and absolutely nothing seems to make the game playable. Other games such as tomb raider still and LoL still run absolutely fine.

Any help with this issue would be much appreciated as I really want to be up and running for the release of LS S3!

Thanks for reading.

(edited by Lemon.4903)

Crippling FPS issues

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: sirsquishy.2619


The 260x has power issues and to fix it you need to install MSI afterburner and set the power limit to +20 and disable the ULPS in options.

99% of the time that fixes performance issues with the 7000 series based AMD GPUs (the 260x is actually a 7790)

the other 1% of the time for these guys, your PCIE link is not 16x and rather 1×. Then you have to pull the GPU out and dust out the slot and reinstall it.

Crippling FPS issues

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Lemon.4903


Did both of these things and unfortunately it still does not give me anything higher than 12fps.

I don’t think its my pcie slot as other games run completely fine. Could it be that only GW2 runs without using all the lanes, and if so how would I check?
