Dear Admin - Can I change...
ArenaNet Communications Manager
When I originally set up the game way back – I picked an old charatcer name from another MMO that I never really liked thinking it would be more of a security thing and not realising that this would be your in-game Display name.
Consequently I hate it as it’s like a girls name which I am not and only serves to confuse people I play with. I realise support has lots and indeed better things to do no doubt, but I am willing to pay crisp pound notes to get this changed to something I actually desire.
Name your price admin/support!!
Hey there. I’m sorry that you don’t care for your display name, and I can understand that you would like to change it. Unfortunately, we don’t have an option to change display names right now, even in exchange for those delicious crispy pound notes you so kindly offer.
It’s possible that we may offer a display name change option in the future, but I am not sure that this feature is on the to-do list, and I cannot give any sort of timeframe for its possible implementation. (If it did come — and again I’m not sure it ever will — it’s not coming soon, that’s for sure.)
I do want to mention that for the most part, all that someone sees in the game is your character name, and your display name here on the forums shouldn’t trouble you too much.
Thanks for understanding.
Communications Manager
Guild & Fansite Relations; In-Game Events
bugger – ah well thanks for replying anyway I do take your points, I suppose I have OCD re names etc :P
I do want to mention that for the most part, all that someone sees in the game is your character name, and your display name here on the forums shouldn’t trouble you too much.
Thanks for understanding.
Unless they are in your friends list … or your guild … or your party… or you attempt to send an in-game mail to them via one toon name while they are on another.
I do want to mention that for the most part, all that someone sees in the game is your character name, and your display name here on the forums shouldn’t trouble you too much.
I think this is a bit misleading (or maybe misinformed?). I think that everyone can see your display name if you ever say anything within their hearing, e.g. if you’re talking in map chat. I know that they can see it in guild, in party, etc. Probably in whispers, mails..
Anyway, I’m with the OP on this. It wasn’t clear to me that my “display name” would be used anywhere other than the forums when I signed up for the game. I would undoubtedly have chosen a different display name if I had known that.
I’m with OP. I always thought Display Name is only seen in forums and not in game. This feature would be nice.
Hey there. I’m sorry that you don’t care for your display name, and I can understand that you would like to change it. Unfortunately, we don’t have an option to change display names right now, even in exchange for those delicious crispy pound notes you so kindly offer.
It’s possible that we may offer a display name change option in the future, but I am not sure that this feature is on the to-do list, and I cannot give any sort of timeframe for its possible implementation. (If it did come — and again I’m not sure it ever will — it’s not coming soon, that’s for sure.)
I’ve seen countless requests for this feature (and voiced my own which basically counters any reason against it). Why do you hate money so much?
I’m willing to pay somewhere in the realm of $15 USD for a namechange, but I’m not paying for a new game. I contacted support given they can change names given a valid reason, but apparently “someone else uses this name very publicly, it isn’t me, and the things they do under it aren’t me” isn’t enough.
I do want to mention that for the most part, all that someone sees in the game is your character name, and your display name here on the forums shouldn’t trouble you too much.
Except for nearly any instance where one character might contact another, such as adding to friends list.
Thanks for understanding.
Most of us actually aren’t understanding about this, because time and again any defense of not providing the facility offered by any staff member is quickly dismantled using logic and reasoning.
The feature isn’t hard to implement. There’s proof that it’s already actually in place, just isn’t user-facing. It’s not even a matter of ‘going on the to-do list’.
(edited by Nullsquare.3079)
Agree with Nullsquare. I don’t understand why this feature would not be implemented. If an account can change their Display Names say only once a year or so, I really don’t see any issues.
I’d also pay $15 for it, and as Null said, the feature seems to be already in place since people’s names are changed by the help desk if it’s inappropriate. I don’t understand the ’not on the to do list"
If it’s any consolation, I see absolutely nothing wrong with “Jilyari”. Doesn’t sound exceptionally feminine to me.
“Calmwinds” is also cool!
NSP – northernshiverpeaks.org
If it’s any consolation, I see absolutely nothing wrong with “Jilyari”. Doesn’t sound exceptionally feminine to me.
“Calmwinds” is also cool!
Haha thanks. Actually have a 2nd account that I want to change the display name. Not this one
I entirely agree with this as well. I made an account back last Christmas thinking that the display name would be the name DISPLAYED on my first character. My mistake..xD
What about when people use offensive global or character names and you give a temporary ban along with a method of changing the name? Surely something like that could be worked on, barring the temp ban part? :o