Display name cont.

Display name cont.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: MuffinOfJustice.2067


This is a response to the thread that someone else started and I posted in. I don’t mean to clutter the forums with the same issue, but I was unable to respond to the thread, since Gaile locked it immediately after her response to my post. And I would love to avoid such clutter by sending her a PM, but she’s made it clear she doesn’t like those (I would know, I tried a week and a half ago). Thus, this is the only way to make my response known, as I think they are topics the team should consider. If you guys don’t want to have a billion threads on the same topic, I suggest you reconsider locking every thread that appears to be resolved, or at least respond to you own PMs. Those habits are counter-intuitive to two-way communication, which I thought was the purpose of this forum in the first place.


“First, please, please do not PM me to get personal help. I answer in the forums, review tickets, etc., etc., and the agents respond to tickets 24/7. But adding to the 458 PMs I’ve been sent is neither effective nor appropriate.”

I tried a forum post the day it happened (around Halloween), and you locked it without fully answering my question. I can’t update my ticket since I closed it, not knowing I couldn’t reopen it (furthermore, I got two responders: one was dishonest, and the other didn’t read my ticket at all). Finally, again, I wanted to avoid forum clutter. Sorry for adding to your personal clutter, though.

“Secondly, I suggest that you read the response that you received. I don’t know for certain what you were told, but I believe you were told that we don’t change names upon request. And that is true. We’d rather have our agents focus on helping players with actual account issues than deal with secondary situations. In situations like that explained by the OP, we made a change because security was an issue.”

Actually, I was told that you cannot change display names, which is nonsense, since you did just that a week prior. If what that person meant is what you said here, your agents should be more clear in their responses.

Also, just to be clear, I’m not asking to take priority over security issues. I just don’t understand why you can’t solve both types of problems, which seem like such easy fixes. By changing it once, you’ve shown that potentially offensive names are worthy of changing. That’s why I don’t think this is beyond you. Which leads me to…

“I don’t see your name as being potentially offensive. Nor did the team, when it was discussed. I understand you want a change, but I don’t think you need a change, and we really truly want the agents to deal with issues rather than requests.”

Tell that to Mr. Smith, who just buried his late grandfather. I don’t know of any such person, but I suspect there’s probably a lot more people like that than there are who would be truly hurt by “Muffin Of Christ” (though I understand that name is not appropriate, thus I’m not arguing to have it restored). The name I suggested could never offend anyone, and I’m surprised that you don’t acknowledge this. I also find it strange that you didn’t think to abbreviate the name I had, or making it match my highest level toon, instead of coming up with something as elaborate as you did. Plus, how long does it take to type out a new name and save it? You did it for the other guy within 8 hours of his post.

“I don’t intend to sound harsh or dismissive. We may offer the opportunity for players to rename in the future. I’ll ask the team about this tomorrow, but I think this display name is going to stand, out of fairness to other renamed players.”

This is what gets me the most. I’m not asking for a special privilege over other players. I don’t think this is a situation anyone should find themselves in. Seriously, changing a display name or screen name is so simple and common. Twitter allows it. Facebook allows it. Google allows it. Xbox Live allows it (I think, it’s been a while). What bothers me is not that you changed my name, but are not allowing me the option of logging in and performing such a simple task. Forget new dungeons and events for a few days if that’s what it takes to include this feature, and, for the love of Dwayna, make it free (no gems).

For the record, I don’t mean to be rude either. I appreciate you getting on the forums and taking the time to respond, and that you were more elaborate than the guy who reviewed my ticket. I especially thank you for bringing this up again tomorrow, despite your doubts. If you read my ticket, you’ll understand why I’m a little PO’d. My frustration is that there shouldn’t be such hoopla in order to get a simple function carried out. I understand if you can’t make it happen right now, but am baffled over why this isn’t something I can do myself. My hope is that you read this fully and take it into consideration.

Display name cont.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Araneyl Armegil.2863

Araneyl Armegil.2863

If someone on the game can be offended by the use of a religious term, then I find that I am offended by the thought that a Dev or Mod would rename an offensive account name to something that is a blatant and intentional misspelling of “Coffin for Smith”.

It is incredibly disrespectful and in very poor taste. That name is truly offensive and should be changed immediately.

I also find the fact that someone who is supposed to uphold the rules and prevent such offensive things from being allowed was able to make such a name forced upon a person’s account. Whoever was responsible for this account name change should be harshly reprimanded. This should NEVER be tolerated by the community or ANet.

Display name cont.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: StygSec.7163


I had this redirected to me during a deep discussion within my guild’s VOIP server, and that change is just.. horrible.

If there is any good to come out of this I don’t see it happening. That new name is a poor choice on whoever did it as a sick joke.

Either someone in Anet was offended, and their only retort was to rename the account to something awful towards the owner, but as a costumer of this game as well as a player.. I find this offensive not done by the community, but done by the company that’s supposed to be acting as a parent to the community that follows it.

I’m full of disgust by this action.. Urgh.. before I start typing things that shouldn’t be said I’ll just stop now.

Display name cont.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Gorreci.1083


I’m of the opinion that if a rename is required, user input should be prioritized. Renaming an account immediately, with a mail to the player explaining the issue with his previous name is not the best way to deal with this situation, but it could be worse. However, not allowing that same player to request a name change to something they can identify with immediately following the corrective action is wrong, in my opinion.

I understand his new name is an anagram of his original. This is not enough. You cannot call this ‘punishment’ for having an offensive name. Offensive names are trivial, as pretty much anyone can find offense with anything. The issue IMO is just the plain fact that you changed this account name without his prior knowledge (as far as I’m aware) and did not give him the chance to provide input as to what he would like to change his name to. Even now, when he does ask to have his name changed, it seems to be shrugged off with a dismissive gesture. This isn’t right.

Display name cont.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Moderator.6837



Gaile already answer your question in the other thread. Furthermore, posting about an already locked thread is against our Code of Conduct :

Do not post about locked, deleted, or otherwise moderated threads or posts. Moderation happens for a reason. A staff member or moderator may lock a thread before posting in order to promptly curtail continued comments. If you have yet to see a comment by a staff member on a locked thread, please wait for the comment to appear and do not post a new thread on the subject. If you have questions regarding forum moderation, send an email to forums@arena.net.

Therefore this thread is also closed, thank you for your understanding.