Dissatisfied with customer service

Dissatisfied with customer service

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Evildogg.4098


So I get all those annoying emails one after another that your account has been attempted to be logged into from blah blah blah id in china…great yall are stopping em even after 100s of attempts. Then today BAM I cannot access my account so I immediately send in support and get an email after sending all my info in that my account was not hacked however it has been restored…anyone else see the discrepency in that statement? So I log in and of course my entire bank was empty…100s of hours of crafting materials stripped…all my 12 slot bags GONE…everything in my inventory GONE…then I notice I am in a guild…I have never joined a guild…so I say in guild chat how did I get in this guild…I immediately get a reply that I joined today around 3pm but how did I learn to speak english so fast…really…so I send another email to support and of course get the standard do this do that to protect your account which of course I had already done and of course No we do not replace anything what so ever…not even my collectors edition items I PAID CASH FOR that are gone…just tough ####…so ticked off and disgusted with the worst customer service I have ever seen in 14 years playing MMO’s I go eat dinner and calm down and come back and you guessed it…15 more emails already saying your account has been attempted to be logged in from ##### ISP in China and of course immediately went to try to log into the game and of course my brand new password is not usable and try to reset…cannot reset password….so now I can only imagine the damage done to my account..after losing everything I worked weeks for in crafting materials…4 gold …4 12 slot bags….18 mini pets…all collectors items I purchased and everything else all gone…now they get to go in and steal what little bit is left for me to probably be told sometime tomorrow well sorry but we cannot do anything try these security measures……as the title says This is getting absolutely absurd…I purchased 3 copies of the game to play with my children and have already spent a fair amount on cash shop items only to be told well you really dont matter we protect farmers and bots and thiefs from other countries….when does it end? Anyone else had this happen over and over even AFTER doing what they say and AFTER changing every password in the world only to be sent more and more and more of the You are being logged in from China messages? Is there any possibility of any real help or should my family just delete this and go back to games we know work and know take care of their players???? Extremely frustrating after dealing with this for 12 hours and having to even log onto my 12 year olds account just to get here to ask questions…unbelievable !!!

Dissatisfied with customer service

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Evildogg.4098


Updated…received in email tonight..:

In regards to missing gold and items, we are currently technically unable to provide restorations or any direct assistance in reclaiming what was lost.

If you need some help getting started again, you can seek out the ‘Renown Heart’ NPCs that have had their tasks completed. They tend to provide useful gear for small amounts of Karma.

If you have any other questions please let us know.

So their answer to what is clearly their fault to losing everything is visit a Karma NPC…really???

So 250 bucks down the drain buying 3 collectors editions and the honor of getting the single worse customer service possible making you the victim over and over again….I thought they had learned these lessons with GW1…we had all these issues then only to see after what …8 years? They still cant get it right…

Dissatisfied with customer service

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Evildogg.4098


So I log in using my kids account since my account is of course on the friends list and sure enough there is someone actually USING my account right now right this second !! Even AFTER they restored my account..after I changed all passwords on my entire computer and then get more of the emails about attempted hacking…so I ask the person who are you this is my account? !! Silence for a few moments and I notice in the meantime they actually logged out and moved to different server using server transfer probably thinking that would remove us from friends list…so I repeat who the hell are you? I get a reply after about 5 mins that says quote " My person…you know not this yours…leave me alone now"….oh really? So does anyone have any questions about who and what has happened???? So it appears once your user name is out there they are gonna have endless access to your account and the answer is…………..visit a Karma NPC !!!

Dissatisfied with customer service

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Crise.9401


If they don’t have the tools (or a backlog of character data dumps), which they stated they do not, there is nothing they can do but give you a cookie cutter response.

Edit: you should’ve used another device, such as your phone or whatever, that is not connected to your normal internet, or in anyway tied to your PC to change your password (the first time).

(edited by Crise.9401)

Dissatisfied with customer service

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Ashlar.2519


It sure sounds like you have a keylogger on your machine, based on the fact that they have been able to hack into your account after changing your password. I most certainly would not be accessing ANY other accounts on that machine, and if you have your machine networked to any others, not from them either. After submitting another request for help with a hacked account, make sure you have your machines carefully inspected for any potential malware.

Dissatisfied with customer service

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Rophus.1469


You know, to get that email about someone logging in from some place MEANS that they have your password right? Why didn’t you change your password? You claim the world is against you, but the one who is trying to hurt you is yourself!

Also, WALL OF TEXT is the worst way to ask for help.

Dissatisfied with customer service

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Evildogg.4098


Actually no that does not mean they have my password…what it means is they have ATTEMPTED to log in but did not succeed. What it means is that hackers and gold sellers from an ISP in China are phishing through all GW2 accounts usually using either keyloggers or random password generators attempting to get into everyones account using automated bots trying to crack your password. And after 14 years playing MMOs one thing I know and I am certain most here with any experience knows that unless the company itself secures its game they will eventually get in…these guys have the latest greatest hacking technology and if the company doent stop them you as an individual certainly wont. Yes you can do what we have been told and it will make a small difference…however once they have your account name and your email its only a matter of time if and until GWs actually takes steps to stop them…and in every other case…even in pay to win games that disquise themselves as FTP they do a much much better job than we have seen here so far and secondly if you do happen to get victimized they will usually immediately either reset your character or they will reinstate a previous saved point so you the consumer dont lose anything. We have to remember it is after all just virtual items …but those virtual items cost real cash on our end…but are nothing more than a click of a button on their end….so the impression given when companies take such a hard line stance is the average consumer understands they may not be complicit with the hackers..but their policies certainly encourage their behavior.

I logged in as I said last night and was actually able to SPEAK with the person that was actually at that very moment on my account…I was able to watch that person swap servers to avoid me…I was able to actually get that person to respond in whatever language you call that…so if I as a person without the tools the builder of the entire games can get that close to that person…..they should be able to get them…they know their ISP…they know what country they are all coming from and can ban regional ISPs…and lastly they should know from all the expereince we have all had over the past 14-15 years in the evolution of MMOs not only how to stop this but also that compensation for losses is the number one bad mark in customer service for all online companies…and they have chosen to simply say we cannot or will not take your side against known criminals..and that is what is circulating around all the reviews of this game…they wont miss my 3 accounts….they got that money ..that 250 bucks is gone…but what they will lose is my and others trust in them as a company that cares about its customer base….and that is something most companies do not recover from if they dont do better than they are now…

Dissatisfied with customer service

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Natalie.5328


You know, to get that email about someone logging in from some place MEANS that they have your password right? Why didn’t you change your password? You claim the world is against you, but the one who is trying to hurt you is yourself!

Also, WALL OF TEXT is the worst way to ask for help.

This guy is right. If you get an email that says someone tried to log into your account, they already know your username AND your password. It actually says it RIGHT in the email.

Dissatisfied with customer service

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Sprawler.5612


They tried to log in, but because of the email ISP verification, it stopped them. If they’re in game, it also means they have access to your email address to confirm their ISP.

In other words, you have a keylogger.

Dissatisfied with customer service

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Terwilliger.1529


Doesn’t necessarily mean he has a keylogger. I received two emails one morning indicating someone from China had attempted to access my account. I promptly changed the email my account is tied to and made a new password. Haven’t had any issues since. Scanned my pc to make sure and didn’t find a keylogger. I am guessing some other site I use got hacked and I used the same email/password combo.

So I get all those annoying emails one after another that your account has been attempted to be logged into from blah blah blah id in china…great yall are stopping em even after 100s of attempts.!

His problem appears to be that he didn’t change his email/password after receiving hundreds of emails indicating someone attempted to access his account.

Dissatisfied with customer service

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Renegadeimp.8439


You could still have a keylogger on your system. Most modern ones lie undetectable until they are activated.

Also, you need to run a variety of anti virus AND anti-malware scanners in order to be at least 99% sure.

Dissatisfied with customer service

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Evildogg.4098


Obviously most are missing the key issue here…we all know that hackers are going to get in…they always do and no amount of changing this or that is gonna stop em all. Of course I changed my passwords when I started receiving these emails…of course I changed my game password. I run 2 antivirus and a malware program and its been over 5 years since last time someone was able to hack a gaming account of mine. But the bigger issue even though certainly its an issue that its been 2 days and I dont have access to my game account and I can log in with my sons account and stand right next to my own character and watch him spam gold selling crap…so next thing you know I will be banned and lose my money because of their actions…that being said the real issue is that the developers of this game knew in advance this would be an issue..it always is…after taking 6-8 years to develop this game they had to know of course security would be an issue and you can only imagine them sitting around going ok we are gonna have a huge launch and thats gonna make hacking attractive to gold selling sites and so forth so how should we respond?? And some low level admin says I got it…lets make an autorespond email bot that says sorry we dont have the power to do anything and you should visit a Karma NPC to rebuild your account ….and he gets a raise and everyone pats him on the back and says yea thats it…costs nothing…admits nothing…does nothing..,,,perfect customer support !!!!!!

Dissatisfied with customer service

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Renegadeimp.8439


They have a limited support staff and tens of thousands of tickets in the queue. You need to be patient.

You’d also do well not to throw abuse at the people you are seeking help from. Namely the devs and support staff. Remember, it’s YOU that failed in your security to allow a hacker in. Not arenanet.

However, they are more than willing to get your account back for you minus the characters/items, you just need to be patient until they get to your ticket.

Dissatisfied with customer service

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: StarsLife.7320


If I were you, I’d be reformatting that computer asap… it’s completely obvious that you have a keylogger.

Dissatisfied with customer service

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Sindarin.1095


I will agree with everyone else so far, it is your own fault that you have lost your account multiple times. If you are getting the emails "So and so has logged in from (insert random location here), means the hacker has your E-mail address and password. The fact that you have probably kept the same E-mail address and possibly the same password is not ANET’s fault. If you have indeed changed your password, that is still not ANET’s fault. You more than likely have a key logger on your computer after visiting some malicious site.

I suggest reformatting your computer ASAP, and not logging into any accounts anywhere before you reformat.

I also suggest that you download and install a good antivirus/mal ware/spyware program. I personally use Avira AntiVir, MalwareBytes Anti Malware and Spybot search and destroy.

After you reformat and install the security programs, go get your account back. CHANGE YOUR E-MAIL ADDRESS ON THE ACCOUNT. Sign up for a GMail account, as that can add another level of security that you can link to your smartphone. Use a brand new password that you have never used anywhere else, and never visit any gold selling or GW2 fan sites.

Dissatisfied with customer service

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: DeathbyAngellz.1536


Only thing i agree with EVildogg is the customer service sucks. I remember i could put in a ticket with wow and get a same day response nd if it was a hacked account ticket i got a response within minutes. I put a hacked account ticket in and i havent heard anything for three days. It’s almost like they don’t care at all which sucks cause now i can;t play a game i payed for….that’s harsh treatment of a customer…..

Dissatisfied with customer service

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Femgame.6291


Look at all the posts about acct hacking, then figure in all the individuals not posting who have had their acct hacked and have put in a ticket, now my reasoning for their lack of communication is that they are swamped with all the issues they are having not only with the hacking but also the common bug issues people are experiencing.

Now I’m not saying silence is the best method when dealing with individuals in general, it certainly is not the best method when dealing with gamers who basically promote or trash the MMO they are playing not just based off content but also CS; I’m just saying Anet is probably not responding as quickly as we would like because they are being spread to thin.

Dissatisfied with customer service

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Dead Parrot.1973

Dead Parrot.1973

EvilDogg, do your kids have their own computer(s)? If so, maybe a keylogger/network sniffer there is the source of the breach. I have had to clean up a lot of computers that friends started having trouble with after they let their kid/niece/… use it. Kids click first and worry almost never about dangers.

Dissatisfied with customer service

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Lilly of Life.8295

Lilly of Life.8295

My Husbands acct was just hacked. I am posting this there due to I found the email addy which they used and looked up the info. I am in the USA in Missouri but in his NC Soft Master acct his origional GW acct the email addy is shown and I changed the master password for the master acct plus the gw acct for him. Here is what it shows:

email : fsdfdsfdsf@fdsfdsf.com

Mailbox Domain

Country United Kingdom
City N/A
Latitude 54
ISP AS13768 Peer 1 Network Inc.

He has tickets turned in on the acct being hacked, now if I can find this information out why can’t they and get it fixed faster. Rather then just getting an auto response. He can’t even sign in here, I put in the email showing on his acct now and typed in the password and it says waiting on auth from my email to access. So in other words they are waiting for the hacker to allow the actual owner access back to his acct. Well that seems to be a joke in itself. As if the Hacker is just going to auth the owner of the acct to have access into it again. ArenaNet needs to get this crap fixed. Purchase the Game in the US, using US funds, then allowing someone from another country to just go in and change the email addy with out auth, just an email saying your email has been chnged we hope this was you, but then not allowing the actual owner access it with out the hackers permission.

Dissatisfied with customer service

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Crise.9401


Actually no that does not mean they have my password…what it means is they have ATTEMPTED to log in but did not succeed.

The email you are getting does mean they have your password, they don’t send emails on login attempts with incorrect passwords, just a fyi. If the email asks you to authorize a login then someone has already provided the correct details to login in to your account and were only unsuccessful because of the email authentication system.

Bottom line, you get that email you change your password (unless it is you logging in from a new computer), easy and simple.

(edited by Crise.9401)