Enough of this garbage treatment anet!

Enough of this garbage treatment anet!

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Arctisavange.7260


People are complaining a lot about the massive lagg that makes the game completely unplayable. Now i understand that there have allways been lagg problems around but dont you think something has to be done ever since you noticed that huge increase of complaints about lagg?

I myself am a wvw commander and not am i only annoyed about this lagg issue i get but so are many people who follow me.

Please stop telling us that the problem is on our side, its clearly not when the problem affect people worldwide. Give us some feedback atleast on if youre doing something about it, what do you think might be the core problem behind this and so on. Give us some feedback allready.

And yes i do support this good game by buying gems quite often.

Enough of this garbage treatment anet!

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: caveman.5840


i use to have a pride for this company but i am losing it

i can not recommend this game to a friend when it is like this

Enough of this garbage treatment anet!

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Havok.6073


I don’t know if i want to laugh or cry seeing how they want to promote this game as an Esports one.
It’s not playable.

Enough of this garbage treatment anet!

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Behellagh.1468


People complain but if they don’t open tickets and provide the info requested by support then nothing is going to happen for a very long period of time. Since this isn’t universal, no matter how many dozen of players show up to complain because if it was universal this forum would be on fire.

So simply kittening about it will accomplish nothing. Just as objecting to any request to test your rig or your internet connection to their server cluster. It’s not their problem if your ISP gets clogged during NetFlix time or some router 500 miles away doesn’t like the game’s packets. But unless it’s identified what the cause may be, including NCSOFT’s own servers and internal routers at the data center, nothing will happen.

So help out and not simply shout about it.

We are heroes. This is what we do!

RIP City of Heroes

Enough of this garbage treatment anet!

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Havok.6073


People complain but if they don’t open tickets and provide the info requested by support then nothing is going to happen for a very long period of time. Since this isn’t universal, no matter how many dozen of players show up to complain because if it was universal this forum would be on fire.

So simply kittening about it will accomplish nothing. Just as objecting to any request to test your rig or your internet connection to their server cluster. It’s not their problem if your ISP gets clogged during NetFlix time or some router 500 miles away doesn’t like the game’s packets. But unless it’s identified what the cause may be, including NCSOFT’s own servers and internal routers at the data center, nothing will happen.

So help out and not simply shout about it.

Because you think i haven’t done that already? Patronizing people when they are already rightfully kittened is not the way to go mate. We’re trying to get some attention because obviously all the “proper channels” have yielded zero results.

Enough of this garbage treatment anet!

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: abomally.2694


Please provide tracert data. That’s the only way we can pinpoint the issue.

I’m not experiencing any lag and I have what most would consider a low-end PC.

Enough of this garbage treatment anet!

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Rip Van Winkle.4859

Rip Van Winkle.4859

Please provide tracert data. That’s the only way we can pinpoint the issue.

I’m not experiencing any lag and I have what most would consider a low-end PC.

This. It is easy to Blame the game when 95% of the time it is a issue in between.

Enough of this garbage treatment anet!

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Big Small.6230

Big Small.6230

It’s easy. Tell your friends and anyone considering GW2 to spend their precious money elsewhere. Even if GW2 is at 50% off, it’s not worth the experience of being tossed to the side for weeks, even months, whenever there’s a problem

Enough of this garbage treatment anet!

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Behellagh.1468


It’s easy. Tell your friends and anyone considering GW2 to spend their precious money elsewhere. Even if GW2 is at 50% off, it’s not worth the experience of being tossed to the side for weeks, even months, whenever there’s a problem

And this is the problem. I’ve been playing for nearly two years and NEVER had a connection problem or excessive lag. I’m willing to wager a large majority of players are the same so there is something unique about those who are constantly experiencing problems.

We are heroes. This is what we do!

RIP City of Heroes

Enough of this garbage treatment anet!

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Heirukichi.6058


It’s easy. Tell your friends and anyone considering GW2 to spend their precious money elsewhere. Even if GW2 is at 50% off, it’s not worth the experience of being tossed to the side for weeks, even months, whenever there’s a problem

And this is the problem. I’ve been playing for nearly two years and NEVER had a connection problem or excessive lag. I’m willing to wager a large majority of players are the same so there is something unique about those who are constantly experiencing problems.

Actually I played for more than 1 year and never had this kind of issues, but now, my speedtest result is very good, my ping with my ISP is very good, my computer is also very good. I can play without troubles for the whole morning but when the “cursed time” comes the game starts to be unplayable. Every single result shows the problem is between my ISP and NCSoft.

I can assure you that many players who are posting here already wrote about their problem in the correct thread. This is not about screaming and crying like a baby for lag issues, this is about a real problem of increased lagspikes and latency all around EU.

This doesn’t mean that EVERY SINGLE player has lag, only means that after November 18th update this trouble got worse. And people here just want an answer to their post, no matter what the answer is, they sent tikets, they sent posts to help the dev team, now they at least want to know if they read it or not, if they are working to fix it or not. I think this is the point.

Lucky you if you don’t have this kind of issues, but since I know for sure that many people who never had lag issues now have massive lagspikes you cannot define this as “something unique about those who are constantly experiencing problems”.

Enough of this garbage treatment anet!

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Brother Grimm.5176

Brother Grimm.5176

……I can play without troubles for the whole morning but when the “cursed time” comes the game starts to be unplayable. Every single result shows the problem is between my ISP and NCSoft.

This is 100% evidence your ISP is throttling your bandwidth at certain times of the day. Or at the very least your bandwidth is being “profiled” and routed differently based on their network “peak” times.

ONLY solution:

  1. Take a TRACERT when it is working fine.
  2. Take a TRACERT when it is lagging.
  3. Send them both to your ISP and say, “STOP THROTTLING ME!!!”.

Anet is not responsible for your ISP (or someone routing your internet) trying to short shift your internet service. The issue here is that the general public does not understand just how far ISPs will go to save themselves a few pennies. Most of them will throttle by default and quickly turn it off at the first complaint from individual customers.

We go out in the world and take our chances
Fate is just the weight of circumstances
That’s the way that lady luck dances

Enough of this garbage treatment anet!

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Thyrian.3541


It’s easy. Tell your friends and anyone considering GW2 to spend their precious money elsewhere. Even if GW2 is at 50% off, it’s not worth the experience of being tossed to the side for weeks, even months, whenever there’s a problem

And this is the problem. I’ve been playing for nearly two years and NEVER had a connection problem or excessive lag. I’m willing to wager a large majority of players are the same so there is something unique about those who are constantly experiencing problems.

I have been playing this game since August 2012 with no problems at all, but i am also unable to play this game at the moment, starting a week ago. Please check the merged topic on here and see for yourself that a lot of people like me are having disconnects and massive lag lately. Players from all over the world.

Enough of this garbage treatment anet!

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Leaa.2943


People complain but if they don’t open tickets and provide the info requested by support then nothing is going to happen for a very long period of time. Since this isn’t universal, no matter how many dozen of players show up to complain because if it was universal this forum would be on fire.

So simply kittening about it will accomplish nothing. Just as objecting to any request to test your rig or your internet connection to their server cluster. It’s not their problem if your ISP gets clogged during NetFlix time or some router 500 miles away doesn’t like the game’s packets. But unless it’s identified what the cause may be, including NCSOFT’s own servers and internal routers at the data center, nothing will happen.

So help out and not simply shout about it.

So why do you assume that we have not already sent those tickets with the info?
I know i have, and many of them. Only got one response back with support suggesting me to change my password, which just made it more ridiculous since my pw is just about the only thing that actually IS working. I can log in to my account, but not to the server. At points i can log in to the server, but the lag on the server is insane and my bar is blinking like a christmas tree and i can walk around in my world, but i can not interact with anything, including the gemstore, and this if anything should catch their attention, because i can simply not use the gemstore because in that bad lag i can not open it.
In the end the game will dc and tell me i have router problem, which i don’t, nor do i have problems with my firewall or anything else. And if anything is clogging up anything, then how come i can play other games without this issue, online game with just as high performance needs, if not more then gw2.
How come netflix; that i don’t have by the way nor does anyone else here, but anyway, how come they are only clogging up gw2 and started to do so after the last patch? It is not that Netflix was invented the 18 of october, it was there long before.

Nothing of this is holding up, and there is hundreds and hundreds of players if not thousens that have the same issue, and from countries that do not even have access to netflix, and yet they still lag.

So please don’t clogg up the threads with suggestions, noone here is actually interested in a answer from anyone else but someone from a-net. The rest of you are only guessing, and it is nice of you to guess and come up with ideas and would have been appreciated if this was just a small problem for a handful of people, but you have no answers to this, a-net do. So please let them answer.

Enough of this garbage treatment anet!

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: abomally.2694


“…noone here is actually interested in a answer from anyone else but someone from a-net. The rest of you are only guessing…”

No we aren’t. Some of us here are electronics/computer techs (me). If I remember correctly, Sirsquishy is an IT network engineer. Of course, a lot of you simply refuse to provide helpful information (such as a Tracert) or take any troubleshooting steps to locate the problem.

If you understood how the internet actually works; the first thing you would do is run a Tracert and look at the log. It will show you where packets are getting dropped, as well as ping times for the different nodes in the path.

A-net constantly monitors the game servers (and a whole lot of other things). They will be the first to know if a server has a problem. They can’t resolve issues with the path packets take to the servers.

Enough of this garbage treatment anet!

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: ikereid.4637


In the end the game will dc and tell me i have router problem, which i don’t, nor do i have problems with my firewall or anything else. And if anything is clogging up anything, then how come i can play other games without this issue, online game with just as high performance needs, if not more then gw2.

How come netflix; that i don’t have by the way nor does anyone else here, but anyway, how come they are only clogging up gw2 and started to do so after the last patch? It is not that Netflix was invented the 18 of october, it was there long before.

Nothing of this is holding up, and there is hundreds and hundreds of players if not thousens that have the same issue, and from countries that do not even have access to netflix, and yet they still lag.

So please don’t clogg up the threads with suggestions, noone here is actually interested in a answer from anyone else but someone from a-net. The rest of you are only guessing, and it is nice of you to guess and come up with ideas and would have been appreciated if this was just a small problem for a handful of people, but you have no answers to this, a-net do. So please let them answer.

Let me address some of the issues you are talking about, surrounding Netflix and what not, and why they can affect games like GW2.

The internet consist of many Network pipes that inter-connect many ISP’s together. This is called the Transport. This transport is what MAKES the internet work. There are many transports, also called Paths, which route to and from ISPs in varying ways (Using Routing Protocols such as BGP and OSPF). When one transport gets hit hard, ISPs can path to a different transport based on TTL (Time to Live) configurations. However, many ISPs only have one Path/Transport connected to different parts of the world.

So going back to Netflix, they are 45% of the total BW across the internet right now. And with 1080P and 3d streaming unlocked (there was transport limitations that were lifted about 6 months ago) its only going to get worse. With The FCC putting their hands in their own pockets (Remember the Hi Lane/Low Lane stuff FCC wanted to push due to Comcast and some ‘others’ ?) ISPs/Transports have refused to upgrade their infrastructure to accommodate the BW that Netflix pushes. And they want Netflix to pay for these upgrades since its their BW causing 45% of the issues.

And that is the root cause of issues that result in issues surrounding Netflix right now. And out of all of them ATT and Level3 are the WORST. They over subscribe and refuse to upgrade their endpoints, causing congestion in and out of their own transport hubs.

Now, Netflix hosts their media on a service called Akamai. This is a cloud distribution service that has 100,000’s of 1,000’s of servers across the glob. and when you are streaming you are not pulling from a single server, you are pulling from many to meet the required BW for the bit rate quality of the show you are watching, this is called Load Balancing. This is another HUGE part of the issue that surrounds Netflix. It’s not like the data you pull while watching shows via streaming comes from one source through one ISP its coming from 2-3, up to 7 if your streaming in 3d.

Now on to the issues that affect GW2. This is mostly going to be transport related. The interconnect between your ISP and Anets ISP and it’s usually Level3. The only way to ID the issue is to get an /ip from ingame, and do a tracert to that IP address from windows command prompt. Both when your lagging and when your not. Then compare the 2. Additionally, you should run a ping [ip] -t for about 5 mins to each hop in the bad tracert for average ICMP response. Only that data will tell ANYONE what is going on. And yes, 99% of the time its going to point back to your ISP’s handoff going to NC’s servers. the other 1% of the time its going to be your ISP/router/PC directly, and all of this is reflected in your tracert information.

When the issue is on Anets end its going to affect more then 5% of the player population and these forums are going to explode with reports on it. And today, that is not the case.

And, A-net rarely visits the tech support forum. And their tech support personnel are not really ‘tech savvy’ when it comes down to network related issues. They do try, but honestly when the issue is out of their hands what do you expect them to do really? They cannot open Transport Tickets for you and your ISP. That’s something that you have to do.

Desktop: 4790k@4.6ghz-1.25v, AMD 295×2, 32GB 1866CL10 RAM, 850Evo 500GB SSD
Laptop: M6600 – 2720QM, AMD HD6970M, 32GB 1600CL9 RAM, Arc100 480GB SSD

Enough of this garbage treatment anet!

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: ikereid.4637


“…noone here is actually interested in a answer from anyone else but someone from a-net. The rest of you are only guessing…”

No we aren’t. Some of us here are electronics/computer techs (me). If I remember correctly, Sirsquishy is an IT network engineer. Of course, a lot of you simply refuse to provide helpful information (such as a Tracert) or take any troubleshooting steps to locate the problem.

If you understood how the internet actually works; the first thing you would do is run a Tracert and look at the log. It will show you where packets are getting dropped, as well as ping times for the different nodes in the path.

A-net constantly monitors the game servers (and a whole lot of other things). They will be the first to know if a server has a problem. They can’t resolve issues with the path packets take to the servers.

Actually a SR. Network Systems Engineer, CCIE-ER, CCIE-VoIP, JNCIE-ER, JNCIA-IDP VCDX, CISSP, MCSE….ect List goes on…

But no, we don’t know what we are talking about, do we :-)

Desktop: 4790k@4.6ghz-1.25v, AMD 295×2, 32GB 1866CL10 RAM, 850Evo 500GB SSD
Laptop: M6600 – 2720QM, AMD HD6970M, 32GB 1600CL9 RAM, Arc100 480GB SSD

Enough of this garbage treatment anet!

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: abomally.2694


Even better, sirsquishy.8531. I figure if they won’t listen to me (and others), maybe they’ll listen to you.

Yeah…we’re just guessing…
