Error Code 45:6:3:2114 = Banned?
The account got suspended to prevent any further damage from occuring. They’re doing this to make sure the next time someone logs in, it’s the rightful owner and not the hacker coming back to clean it out and do god knows what else.
Thanks for your answer Oraculum!
I still can access my account on the website like you see im posting from it.
When I go in my Account Security Tab it say that only my IP connected to this account, so that’s where it’s buzzing me out.
so any answer?
Ive had that same error message for almost a week. Actually I believe that error code said something different last week than it does now ,which is probably where the confusion stems from.
Last week that same error messgae said Perm Ban ony my account – didnt give a reason
Then a few days ago it changed to what ur screen shot says -security breach
Have u put in a ticket yet? If not, I would get on that asap since the wait time on the tickets is forever. put hack/ban in the subject line to prioritize it