Error Code 58:11:5:523:101
I have the same problem, the only difference is that I can log in but after 45 min I get disconnected. Sadly I don’t know how to solve this, so if anyone knows what to do please let me know.
have the same issue as well, about an hour or so after i login in it happens every single time. started happening this morning for mem about 8 hours ago
I have also been experiencing this error (error=58:11:5:523:101)over the past couple of days, roughly every 30 mins of game play.
Same here. Many times in the latest days.
Same for me. Logging back in is no problem, but I keep getting kicked out of the game after 2-3 minutes online. (error 58:11:5:523:101)
Playing on the Mac Client.
Resetting the Wlan router solved the problem for me.
help please i m facing the same error and get logged out to my desktop
i jus bought the game and now i cant get past the world select screen
Mine doesn’t even connect at all. I have never even played the game.
Recently started receiving this error. About 2 days now. No changes to my network. I am using a Wireless NIC. Didn’t have an issue for the first year. Not sure why. At first I played this up to the increase and change in the living world, but this is ridiculous now.
right now its happening every few seconds to me, and others in my map are reporting similar issues.
i dont think its us, i think their server is having connection issues. it may be a huge player load because of the event, or they may be having a ddos attack or something.
I got the same problem on my laptop, but only if i connect with my mobile divice throu USB-Tethering, even all other games work perfectly. on my computer i dont have this issue ( lan connection)
So are server problems causing this or is it a network problem?
Tried resetting my router, checked my security settings, everything looks okay but I still can’t even log in.
This is real shameful.
Yeah, having the exact same problem and it’s getting really annoying. It’s happened for a while now so I’ve had to adjust my playing around it so it doesn’t disconnect me at inopportune times, you know, like right before we down the Ultraviolet Hologram for the last time. Thanks.
I’ve been getting the same issue today as well. Keep getting booted after about 5 min. Cant quest or anything :/.
Same problem… anyone know how to fix it?
Port forwarding solved the problem for me. I just opened up all the ports gw2 uses, it runs without a problem since then.
(edited by Cheesycat.1052)