Error Report - Gw2.exe

Error Report - Gw2.exe

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Patrick.7153


For the past month, whenever I do something like the boss train, chest train and especially Tequatl, my game comes up with this error report (view attachment). Is this a common problem with a solution? I am tired of getting disconnected out of good maps.


Error Report - Gw2.exe

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Inculpatus cedo.9234

Inculpatus cedo.9234

Next time click ‘Show Details’, and then post. It will provide information so others can help.

Good luck.

Error Report - Gw2.exe

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Patrick.7153


Ah, sorry about that. Next time it happens, I will do so.

Error Report - Gw2.exe

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Patrick.7153


Right, these screenshots are what I got. It makes 0 sense to me and the rest was a jumble of numbers that scrolled on for what seemed like forever. If this makes any sense to anyone, some assistance would be great.


Error Report - Gw2.exe

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Inculpatus cedo.9234

Inculpatus cedo.9234

Well, you have an Out Of Memory error. You can try checking your RAM.

You can contact the Tech CS Team and ask for assistance. Be sure to include your error details (when you update your ticket).

Top/Bottom of Page – Support – Submit a Request

Good luck.

Error Report - Gw2.exe

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Nay of the Ether.8913

Nay of the Ether.8913

This is an error with GW2 that has been around for over a year. Gl getting a fix for it. I submit these error reports at least 15 times a day and still getting the same thing. I’ve not only run checks on my ram but replaced it completely just because of this game and it makes little difference. From what I’ve found it happens a lot more often with 32 bit operating systems. I’ve also heard people say “reduce audio quality” but that makes little difference. It is a coding issue that is yet to be addressed. I’d also like to add I tried this on 2 different machines, same results. Each one running different hardware, and each one only suffers from this kind of error when playing this specific game. I have eliminated everything but the 1 constant: GW2….. Take what you will from that. I sure hope this fix comes before expansion or lots of people will have wasted their money.
~Surrender fiend and you will get an easy death
~I could promise you the same…but it would be a lie…

Error Report - Gw2.exe

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Inculpatus cedo.9234

Inculpatus cedo.9234

You will always get this with a 32-bit OS because of the limitations said systems have with allocating RAM.

Error Report - Gw2.exe

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Ellieanna.5027


This is an error with GW2 that has been around for over a year. Gl getting a fix for it. I submit these error reports at least 15 times a day and still getting the same thing. I’ve not only run checks on my ram but replaced it completely just because of this game and it makes little difference. From what I’ve found it happens a lot more often with 32 bit operating systems. I’ve also heard people say “reduce audio quality” but that makes little difference. It is a coding issue that is yet to be addressed. I’d also like to add I tried this on 2 different machines, same results. Each one running different hardware, and each one only suffers from this kind of error when playing this specific game. I have eliminated everything but the 1 constant: GW2….. Take what you will from that. I sure hope this fix comes before expansion or lots of people will have wasted their money.

That’s not Anet, that’s the 32 bit OS. Nothing Anet can do about it. And you forgot that you eliminated everything, you didn’t change the OS, which is the problem.

I’m a Moose, a ginger moose even.

Error Report - Gw2.exe

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Ok I Did It.2854

Ok I Did It.2854

If you are indeed on a Windows 32bit OS, you should try turn down some of your ingame GFX settings, so its not so pressing on the system,

Keeping in mind for all those who are shouting its a 32bit OS issue, this error does occur on 64bit also, just a lot less often.

Also, are you gaming on a laptop of PC, as laptops tend to have shared memory for GFX cards which can add to this problem.

Error Report - Gw2.exe

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: UnknownFreak.2805


Bleh, The reason is that gw2.exe is a 32bit application, and that means, you can only allocate ~3.5Gb memory (theoretically 4Gb is max) , even if you have 64x system it will crash cause it’s how much memory the application can allocate, not how much your system has (in the case you have more than 3.5Gb memory, and a 64x system)

Lower some of the graphical settings during worldbosses, it should prevent that error.

How to crashreport…
Someone say game crash must be related to OOM
when you read the log it’s not related to that whatsoever…

Error Report - Gw2.exe

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Nay of the Ether.8913

Nay of the Ether.8913

This is an error with GW2 that has been around for over a year. Gl getting a fix for it. I submit these error reports at least 15 times a day and still getting the same thing. I’ve not only run checks on my ram but replaced it completely just because of this game and it makes little difference. From what I’ve found it happens a lot more often with 32 bit operating systems. I’ve also heard people say “reduce audio quality” but that makes little difference. It is a coding issue that is yet to be addressed. I’d also like to add I tried this on 2 different machines, same results. Each one running different hardware, and each one only suffers from this kind of error when playing this specific game. I have eliminated everything but the 1 constant: GW2….. Take what you will from that. I sure hope this fix comes before expansion or lots of people will have wasted their money.

That’s not Anet, that’s the 32 bit OS. Nothing Anet can do about it. And you forgot that you eliminated everything, you didn’t change the OS, which is the problem.

It still happens on 64 bit, just not as much. My other machine is a 64 bit so yes, I did change OS and if it was just an issue with 32 bit systems, who do none of my other games suffer from this? Reducing graphics also is not a fix, it just means you might make it to the end then crash before the reward instead of at the beginning. The bottom line is, you should NOT have to jump through hoops just to make a game playable. That is not our responsibility because we as the consumer cannot edit the code and fix the problem ourselves. While I doubt I could do it since my coding knowledge only goes so far, I do know plenty of people who could. It really boils down to they need more resources to devote to fixing this kind of stuff. This should have been top priority before they started pushing betas because a new expansion is worthless if you can’t even play it.
~Surrender fiend and you will get an easy death
~I could promise you the same…but it would be a lie…

(edited by Nay of the Ether.8913)

Error Report - Gw2.exe

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Inculpatus cedo.9234

Inculpatus cedo.9234

OP doesn’t have a 32-bit system. Those mentioning it were responding to the poster who said he was having troubles with his 32-bit system (and may have been laying all blame on the game).

A suggestion was offered to the OP to contact the Tech CS Team for assistance.

Error Report - Gw2.exe

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Healix.5819


To prevent the OOM crash, turn the model limit/quality to lowest and restart the client after joining the map. Restarting alone should be enough if you’re just doing one event (the more things you have to load, the worse it gets).

This should have been top priority before they started pushing betas because a new expansion is worthless if you can’t even play it.

This problem cannot be fixed without a 64-bit client. Chances are they’ll simply reduce the map population caps in an attempt to prevent it, rather than fixing it.

Error Report - Gw2.exe

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Ellieanna.5027


This is an error with GW2 that has been around for over a year. Gl getting a fix for it. I submit these error reports at least 15 times a day and still getting the same thing. I’ve not only run checks on my ram but replaced it completely just because of this game and it makes little difference. From what I’ve found it happens a lot more often with 32 bit operating systems. I’ve also heard people say “reduce audio quality” but that makes little difference. It is a coding issue that is yet to be addressed. I’d also like to add I tried this on 2 different machines, same results. Each one running different hardware, and each one only suffers from this kind of error when playing this specific game. I have eliminated everything but the 1 constant: GW2….. Take what you will from that. I sure hope this fix comes before expansion or lots of people will have wasted their money.

That’s not Anet, that’s the 32 bit OS. Nothing Anet can do about it. And you forgot that you eliminated everything, you didn’t change the OS, which is the problem.

It still happens on 64 bit, just not as much. My other machine is a 64 bit so yes, I did change OS and if it was just an issue with 32 bit systems, who do none of my other games suffer from this? Reducing graphics also is not a fix, it just means you might make it to the end then crash before the reward instead of at the beginning. The bottom line is, you should NOT have to jump through hoops just to make a game playable. That is not our responsibility because we as the consumer cannot edit the code and fix the problem ourselves. While I doubt I could do it since my coding knowledge only goes so far, I do know plenty of people who could. It really boils down to they need more resources to devote to fixing this kind of stuff. This should have been top priority before they started pushing betas because a new expansion is worthless if you can’t even play it.

There are a lot of games that aren’t RAM heavy, or CPU heavy, which GW2 is. I bet if you played modded minecraft on a 32 bit OS, you would also see all the issues as well. If the game is heavy on ram usage, you notice is a lot more in a 32 bit setting. It sounds like you have some ram heavy programs running while running GW2, or some of your ram isn’t working correctly.

I’m a Moose, a ginger moose even.

Error Report - Gw2.exe

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Behellagh.1468


To prevent the OOM crash, turn the model limit/quality to lowest and restart the client after joining the map. Restarting alone should be enough if you’re just doing one event (the more things you have to load, the worse it gets).

This should have been top priority before they started pushing betas because a new expansion is worthless if you can’t even play it.

This problem cannot be fixed without a 64-bit client. Chances are they’ll simply reduce the map population caps in an attempt to prevent it, rather than fixing it.

64-bit doesn’t fix it, it postpones it until your heap outstrips physical memory and performance goes into the loo as it becomes more and more dependent on the swap file.

We are heroes. This is what we do!

RIP City of Heroes

Error Report - Gw2.exe

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Nay of the Ether.8913

Nay of the Ether.8913

Well I have an impressive collection of crash reports I would be glad to upload, but they’ve also already been sent to that mysterious place the popup box says they go to, so idk what good it will do. Most of them have recurring problems too, it’s not some random thing. Missing textures, occasionally an out of memory error, or a file that mysteriously goes missing then reappears next time I log on. There’s something wrong at the core of the code and they need to address this because the longer it goes on, the worse the game gets. And it’s not always high pop areas that does this either, so yet again I say, lowering settings does NOTHING. It is not my machine, it is a coding problem. I have checked, rechecked, even replaced my ram….it does this on 2 different computers… and no I do not run anything in the background while I play. it is not my machine
~Surrender fiend and you will get an easy death
~I could promise you the same…but it would be a lie…