FOV (Field of View) Changes Beta Test - Feedback Thread

FOV (Field of View) Changes Beta Test - Feedback Thread

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Posted by: Amria.2461


Looks good. There should definitely be an option in this in the graphics options tab.

FOV (Field of View) Changes Beta Test - Feedback Thread

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Posted by: synfullydevine.3642


sweet!!!. this seems to be much better and doesn’t have any drawbacks on gameplay from what i have experienced. Maybe in my head but it even makes it easier in combat to keep everything in view while rolling around the enemies. great work and hope this will be updated in game rather than just beta

FOV (Field of View) Changes Beta Test - Feedback Thread

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Posted by: vitigis.4160


While this beta test setting does a bit to enhance vertical FOV, it does nothing to solve the issue I have with the game in terms of feeling too cramped. Horizontal FOV still is far too narrow and thus far, the only way I have to “fix” Arenanet’s poor horizontal FOV settings is to play in a squashed windowed mode. The new vertical FOV setting does help in squashed windowed mode a little bit though.

It’s like getting to drive a Ferrari, but only getting to see out of 60% of the windshield….and the Ferrari gives me a headache after 20 minutes…..

would adding a /fov command line variable really be that hard….on a PC game?

Q-everyone has it better than me-Q

FOV (Field of View) Changes Beta Test - Feedback Thread

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Posted by: DJRiful.3749


People don’t realize how much involvement with other graphic visual when you change your FOV. For example, Page 5 on my post.

The water reflection placement is not scaled or follows the new FOV settings, the reflection stays at the same position as in FOV 60.

Look at those 3 screenshots.

Stormïe ~ Tarnished Coast | My little monster <3 –

FOV (Field of View) Changes Beta Test - Feedback Thread

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Posted by: Soja.5918


Never going back.

Would’ve helped tremendously during the Clocktower puzzle had I learned about it earlier. Oh well! Thanks ANet, keep at it. An adjustable slider a la most modern FPSers would be the ideal of the ideal.

The Crystal Desert beckons us. Ascension awaits us.

Keirlann Aurion – Ranger – Chieftain of the Ace Guard [AceG]

FOV (Field of View) Changes Beta Test - Feedback Thread

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Posted by: Vzur.7123


This is a great start, now finish the job!

- point the camera at the HEAD instead of the center of the back
(so we’re not staring at the ground when zoomed out, and our backs when zoomed in)

- allow people to zoom to first person.
(so we can enjoy the game without breaking the eula)

Would love to see these two changes, also.

As for the FOV fix, I like it, but it’s pretty subtle. I wasn’t one of those people who got headaches or anything, though. I just like being able to see more of the gameworld (In terms of immersion, not strategically)

(edited by Vzur.7123)

FOV (Field of View) Changes Beta Test - Feedback Thread

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Posted by: Navi.7142


Although I really like the new fov it caused me a bug which I described here:

Anyone else noticed that?

FOV (Field of View) Changes Beta Test - Feedback Thread

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Posted by: Navi.7142


Sorry, I updatetd my thread, it does occur with and without fov.

FOV (Field of View) Changes Beta Test - Feedback Thread

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Posted by: GOSU.9574


I play on a 42" widescreen LCD TV. This change is wonderful, hope it is implemented fully soon.

Hey dude you are walking into a wall.


FOV (Field of View) Changes Beta Test - Feedback Thread

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Posted by: HAWTERTHAN.7523


I’ll have to say this is completely amazing and while it has a few kinks to work out, I can’t imagine playing without it! It’s a completely needed addition to the game. The vastness of some fields really shine with this turned on and I am ever so thankful that you actually did put it in! Wow! First we get amazing halloween events, content patches and then you fix the fov! You’re truly, TRULY my favourite developer right now. A thousand thanks and more! I even worked out how to sign on these forums, again, since my browser was having problems, but it’s fine now. But yes, I rarely want to post here, because what I want to have said has already been said for me, but this one time I want to express my thanks, not just for the FOV fix, but for everything, really.


FOV (Field of View) Changes Beta Test - Feedback Thread

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Posted by: morganabanana.3517


I have to say I never really noticed how pretty the sky is in this game. I knew it was pretty and those times I took to stop and look around it was obvious, but it’s much more immersive now. I don’t have to stop I just see it as I run.

I didn’t expect this to make a very big difference, but I realize now how much time i was focusing my camera towards the ground in order to see where I was running. This is amazing.

FOV (Field of View) Changes Beta Test - Feedback Thread

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Posted by: Wizzywig.9143


nice job works fine for me

FOV (Field of View) Changes Beta Test - Feedback Thread

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Posted by: Sinkatze.7195


It took me a bit comparing the 2 pics at first to understand what the field of view actually was.
And I can really say it helps a lot!! I always feel when Im exploring the world I have to be constantly moving my field of view to make it look like these settings.

Really good!


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Posted by: Takaar.4270


Thumbs up for a great change. Definatley make it available to all via in-game settings

FOV (Field of View) Changes Beta Test - Feedback Thread

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Posted by: TEHNATER.4372


The new FOV is outstanding. I can actually SEE things! Thanks, Anet, for actually being super responsive to the community. I would also say that I second the idea that it should be a graphics OPTION….not a forced thing.

FOV (Field of View) Changes Beta Test - Feedback Thread

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Posted by: maledicus.2360


This is a great start, now finish the job!

- point the camera at the HEAD instead of the center of the back
(so we’re not staring at the ground when zoomed out, and our backs when zoomed in)

- allow people to zoom to first person.
(so we can enjoy the game without breaking the eula)


PLUS let us zoom out alot more, like we get greater zoom during fights against giant monsters.

FOV (Field of View) Changes Beta Test - Feedback Thread

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Posted by: Soja.5918


Yeah, the reflections in water kitten pretty hard with this on, unfortunately. I took a couple of screens showing that reflections just completely fall apart when you put the camera at a shallower angle to the water.

The Crystal Desert beckons us. Ascension awaits us.

Keirlann Aurion – Ranger – Chieftain of the Ace Guard [AceG]

FOV (Field of View) Changes Beta Test - Feedback Thread

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Posted by: GankSinatra.2653


This did more than i expected. Before this i always felt…trapped…in the game, for a lack of better term. As if i was stuck in some kind of small cubicle. But thats fixed now thank god, even though i wish i could zoom out just a little more. Either way i think this is a great addition to the game and well worth the development time, thanks a lot guys.

FOV (Field of View) Changes Beta Test - Feedback Thread

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Posted by: Taikanaru.5746


(in the second image, the sylvari on the right seems to lose his clothes! wtf!?)

Just wanted to point out that the sylvari also changed his hairstyle. Mhm.

FOV (Field of View) Changes Beta Test - Feedback Thread

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Posted by: Myrrdhinn.5627


Thank you! It’s waaaaay better now

Please put it in the live game. huge “puss in boots” eye

FOV (Field of View) Changes Beta Test - Feedback Thread

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Posted by: vangual.9027


I’m glad you’re giving people the much asked for FOV, but please ANet: Keep the old FOV as an option. The new FOV makes me nauseous already after a very short amount of time.

FOV (Field of View) Changes Beta Test - Feedback Thread

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Posted by: Almachial.5493


As you asked for feedback: first of all: YES.
I like it.

But at all… fighting anywhere, where you need to look up (in events, in wvw), that camera is not really helping you. Having an asura char, i always have half of my screen filled with ground textures (which doesnt look good) and trying to look up a mountain, wall, dragon … you see a big head and nothing else!

Even if th new FoV helps a litte … give us the opportunity to set the vertical cam lock position… =(

FOV (Field of View) Changes Beta Test - Feedback Thread

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Posted by: Arturas.6183


Helps for me as an Asuran but there are still too many times where poor camera angles (camera wont move from a close up of the back of my head) are as much a cause of my demise as my basic suckyness.

FOV (Field of View) Changes Beta Test - Feedback Thread

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Posted by: Jamica.1267


Before, I would be slightly nauseous if I played for too long. Now, I think I’ll be able to play for hours. I love it.

FOV (Field of View) Changes Beta Test - Feedback Thread

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Posted by: assassinated.2870


This is a nice improvement – as people said, please allow us to set a sliding scale of FOV not just make this a toggle (as the latter would be less helpful).

FOV (Field of View) Changes Beta Test - Feedback Thread

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Posted by: Sousuke.7268


Yes! This is exactly what I wanted. Playing feels SO much better now.

Add an option for this in the reg build and it will be golden.

FOV (Field of View) Changes Beta Test - Feedback Thread

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Posted by: Nepumuk.6071


Many thanks for the update. It feels better, but now the odd FoV difference between resolution 1920:1200 and 1920:1080 seems more pronounced.

1920:1200 seems to cut off at the sides and zoom in a little, compared to 1920:1080. But I would expect the viewport of 1920:1200 to be larger (i.e. to see more of the world) when compared to 1920:1080, not effectively smaller. This is the same problem Diablo 3 has.

Maybe this could be looked into? I know at least for comparison, SWTOR did not have this problem, when I last played a few months ago.

EDIT: What I am trying to say is that the larger resolution seems to have a slightly smaller vertical FoV, compared to the smaller resolution, even though both resolutions have the same width. It would be very nice if this could be adjusted as well.

(edited by Nepumuk.6071)

FOV (Field of View) Changes Beta Test - Feedback Thread

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Posted by: VydoLL.8714


its working great !
thank you so much !

FOV (Field of View) Changes Beta Test - Feedback Thread

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Posted by: WillemHendrickx.9178


sooo much better now, i love this new way of camera views.
i use to hate going into narrow corners and doing jumping puzzles, it alway’s gave me headeach, but now it’s like an aspirine, it’s all cleared up now. good job on this fine work you guy’s did,…… thumbs up!!

FOV (Field of View) Changes Beta Test - Feedback Thread

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Posted by: Coovlin.2930


I like the new FOV changes, but I do agree with many of the others posts about more camera settings. Such as where to focus the camera (at the head or at the back), being able to zoom into first-person like in GW1, and also to handle obstructed view better, because it can be really difficult to see properly, for example, when you’re in a cave or a basement, like in Caudecus’s Manor.

In short, I approve of the new change, but would like to see more

FOV (Field of View) Changes Beta Test - Feedback Thread

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Posted by: Makovorn.1706


Thank you ArenaNet … so much for this! (… and thanks Martin Kerstein for being the baerer of great news – you are the “destroyer of dreams, crusher of hopes, spoiler of fun” no more!)

While the devs are busy tweaking the FoV, I thought it would be a good idea to ask that they also review the FoV as seen by the different races in-game. I know this sounds strange, but the vertical FoV is very much reliant on having a good height on the camera pivot.

Different races have different heights, and this also impacts the camera pivot height, which in turns impacts how much you can comfortably see ahead of you and how comfortably you can “look up”.

So far, the norn female character option (with character height at minimum), gives you the most comfortable playing experience, which is greatly enhanced with the FoV parameter now available.

  • The first image attachment illustrates this – note: asura vs. norn. vs human (from left to right).
  • The second image attachment is a comparison between GW1 vs GW2 vs TSW in terms of how much viewable real-estate your character takes up when zoomed in (note, this is done with the new GW2 vertical FoV command line parameter present).
  • The third image illustrates how good the vertical (and horizontal) FoV can be in games like TSW and how character placement and camera pivot greatly impacts your ability to look ahead (without the camera colliding with the ground, as is most noticeable with the asura).

Hope this helps and I sincerely hope ArenaNet will consider these points. In all, well done ArenaNet. Even though a higher FoV has been a very requested feature, ever since BWE1, I’m not going to dwell in the past – I’m just so happy that I’ll be able to play the game now without feeling claustrophobic.

I would ask that a slider, or some option be added to the options menu though. Again thank you!


(edited by Makovorn.1706)

FOV (Field of View) Changes Beta Test - Feedback Thread

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Tetsukage.2817


Its pretty amazing how much better the world looks with just that change. I love how much more massive the world feels after that. I give this a thumbs up.

FOV (Field of View) Changes Beta Test - Feedback Thread

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Posted by: eXtatic.4510


Finally! Thank you ANet!

FOV (Field of View) Changes Beta Test - Feedback Thread

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Posted by: Ceathiel.4589


Yes! I can see the sky properly now!

I definitely feel the difference. Thanks ANet!

FOV (Field of View) Changes Beta Test - Feedback Thread

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Posted by: SolarNova.1052


I wont bother putting more pics up but.

I run a 42" plasma TV ..and this makes GW2 look much butter. It looks less flat and more 3D like.

Infact with a big screen you could go further imo. But this works fine for now

3930k 4.6ghz | NH-D14 Cooler | P9x79 Pro MB | 16gb 1866mhz G.Skill | 128gb SSD + 2×500gb HDD
EVGA GTX 780 Classified w/ EK block | XSPC D5 Photon 270 Res/Pump | NexXxos Monsta 240 Rad
CM Storm Stryker case | Seasonic 1000W PSU | Asux Xonar D2X & Logitech Z5500 Sound system |

FOV (Field of View) Changes Beta Test - Feedback Thread

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Athanasius.3875


Those having motion-sickness or low-FPS issues with the new FoV … are they mitigated at all by simply zooming in a notch or two ? i.e. you do have the option to effectively go back to the old FoV.

FOV (Field of View) Changes Beta Test - Feedback Thread

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Posted by: Athea.8340


This has been one of the best features you have added in terms of graphics/camera and generally the entire game. Please make this a permanent change so everyone can experience Tyria at its best. Awesome work ANet!

FOV (Field of View) Changes Beta Test - Feedback Thread

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Makovorn.1706


Those having motion-sickness or low-FPS issues with the new FoV … are they mitigated at all by simply zooming in a notch or two ? i.e. you do have the option to effectively go back to the old FoV.

With the new FoV, I actually do zoom in a notch or two, because the beauty of a higher FoV is that you can effectively see and experience more without loosing touch with your character or being too far away from the action – something that a pure, linear zoom can’t do. It’s the best of both worlds, however it comes at a slight cost in terms of FPS on lower end systems.

I don’t think zooming in would mitigate FPS drops because the FoV is “still at a constant” – it’s like putting a wide-angle lens on a camera and then zooming in or out – whichever zoom point you’re at, the wide-angle lens is still attached and doing what it does – increase the FoV. Whether the game’s occlusion culling tech actually culls more when zoomed in, I can’t say.

I have an Intel i7 rig with a 580GTX, and for me there is no performance decrease, because aside from a few problematic (not sufficiently optimized IMHO) areas, GW2 usually hits the 60fps hard limit in the majority of areas. On my friend’s i5 laptop with AMD integrated graphics, you do see a slight performance decrease, but it’s easily mitigated by turning the shadow quality down a bit and not having water reflections on full … it still looks absolutely marvelous though.

FOV (Field of View) Changes Beta Test - Feedback Thread

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Posted by: JunkyardWolf.4126


Great start! Just need to expand the FOV option even further by a few degrees (at least 100 max or more), and we’ll be all set.

Like many, I’ve been following this issue for quite a while, even before this thread was created. To be locked into such a low FOV in a PC game is flat-out unacceptable, but ANet has stepped up and addressed the problem, and for that many of us are grateful.

Based on the responses regarding both FOV and camera preferences (two technically separate but instinctively related issues), it seems the path is clear for the devs, to whit:

  • FOV slider in graphics settings. This will make everyone happy, whether they prefer the old FOV or the new one, or expanded FOV even further, and everyone in between. Given what can be done with multi-monitor support, there’s no excuse not to do this. None. At all.
  • Vertical camera position, just like the horizontal option. This is needed especially for some character models that experience visual conflicts in tight quarters, eg. some vista jumping puzzles, as well as not wanting the camera to sit on the ground when panning the slightest bit upward.
  • Increased camera zoom-out limit option. Some people genuinely need this option due to visceral responses to visual stimuli (motion sickness, etc.), others want it for aesthetic reasons. Either way, a large portion of your player base wants the option to increase it.
  • Option to zoom into first-person view. Really, this one’s a no-brainer.

And that about sums it up. I’ve no doubt the devs have the ability to make this happen, it’s a question of motivation. Personally I’m (mostly) happy with the game, but you’ve got to ask yourselves: How many players do you want to lose over resolvable technical issues? How much “good will” are you willing to risk by not implementing the above options?

The choice seems clear.

FOV (Field of View) Changes Beta Test - Feedback Thread

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Zocks.5719


I have noticed . e.g. in LA grand Plazza, the floor is rather greenish with FOV on , and brownish with it off .. hmm.

FOV (Field of View) Changes Beta Test - Feedback Thread

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Posted by: JunkyardWolf.4126


I have noticed . e.g. in LA grand Plazza, the floor is rather greenish with FOV on , and brownish with it off .. hmm.

Just a Scientific Wild kitten Guess here, but I’m guessing that’s something to do with the reflection system, which affects more than just water visuals. Does the same effect occur when Reflections is set to ‘None’?

FOV (Field of View) Changes Beta Test - Feedback Thread

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Posted by: roXet.3527


this is much better, thanks anet!


FOV (Field of View) Changes Beta Test - Feedback Thread

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Posted by: Lightvision.9357


tbh i see no difference at all even though others say there is a huge improvement, the game is still the same

FOV (Field of View) Changes Beta Test - Feedback Thread

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Posted by: Avamba.2749


I don’t know if it’s related to this but after me and my friend (both using the new FoV option) completed the Mad King Dungeon our camera remained in the boss- fight mode. (So it’s super far away.) Re-logging seems to fix it but zoning etc. doesn’t.

FOV (Field of View) Changes Beta Test - Feedback Thread

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Posted by: Hearte.6852


I seriously hope this new ultra-zoom out thing stays. Happened after doing the mad king boss fight. I LOVE IT.

FOV (Field of View) Changes Beta Test - Feedback Thread

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Posted by: Drizzzle.5847


Can we have this FOV?!

Okay, seriously. I know that in a WvW situation, a FOV like that would make my computer cry and bleed. However, we need to be able to see what is going on around us. From what I have experienced and read, this game was meant to be played on a massive scale with literally hundreds of players around me. The FOV changes are a definite improvement, but in my opinion, still not enough. Also, culling problems are still an issue in heavily populated WvW battles and events.

That being said, I know we can’t have it all. Trying to render characters and their skills with a massively wide FOV is just too much for most computers to handle. I get that. What I suggest are two things – allow us to turn off character rendering but still see the titles that appear above them and allow us to turn off skill rendering.

I know this flies right in the face of Arenanet’s artistic vision, but the truth is I would be willing to sacrifice those things to be able to see who I am fighting and the actual size of the force that just came through the Garrison gates behind us. I want to be able to get things done in game and nothing is more frustrating than being killed from someone I can’t see.

One final note. What about raising the camera angle? Instead of putting my toon dead center on my screen, what if he were lower? This would allow more of a view for things like the awesome dragons you guys have created. It’s really sad that, even with the enhanced FOV in the Shatterer fight, I can’t see that whole dragon.


FOV (Field of View) Changes Beta Test - Feedback Thread

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Hearte.6852


Noooooo, I lost my bomber airplane mode view after the massive crash! Being able to see like that was amazing.

FOV (Field of View) Changes Beta Test - Feedback Thread

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Posted by: Smartbean.5960


I’m very glad that this could be (so easily) tested.
This new FoV is good, makes me see quite a bit more.
The default camera angle seemed slightly tilted a bit as well as the zoom seemed a little bit further back, which is definitely a good thing!

BUT: Drizzzle and the guy from this thread: Thanks you for fixing the zoom level really nail down the one thing that would make things even more better!

Please Arenanet, look into making these zoom levels a standard option and not limit it to just a couple of boss fights!

FOV (Field of View) Changes Beta Test - Feedback Thread

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Posted by: Payne.5062


1’st screen is without fov
2’nd screen is with fov

…the field of view is way better so pls implement it


FOV (Field of View) Changes Beta Test - Feedback Thread

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Makovorn.1706


Gosh, I just noticed the amazing zoom distance just now as well (after the Mad King dungeon). Please ArenaNet, make it stay! It’s amazing.