File size

File size

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Silverbleed.3169


Hi everyone, and devs from Guild Wars2.

I have a question about the size of Guild Wars 2. I noticed it got really huge in a very short time. I did not expect it’d be 130 gb already in a year time.
Sadly, I only have 150 gb room on my partition (bootcamp).

Does the client automatically remove old files as well? Or are there leftovers from the past patches that could be removed?

Because I’m not looking forward in installing Windows all over again and having to patch this huge GW2 file on my computer once again. This could take me a full day, IF everything goes smoothly.
If I have no choice, what gb size on my partition would you suggest to prevent this from happening again?

File size

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Feirlista Xv.1425

Feirlista Xv.1425

Just looked a the file size of my GuildWars2 folder it is only 17.9GB, not sure what’s going on with your system but 130GB is not right.

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File size

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Silverbleed.3169


Seriously? That is really really weird!!
I might have to try to remove GW2 and reinstall everything again, because it doesn’t make sense why it’s such a big file. (And no, I have no screenshots in there)
If that doesn’t solve it, I might have a screwed up OS or something.

Thank you for your reply.