Frame Limiter - Strange AMD issue (resolved)

Frame Limiter - Strange AMD issue (resolved)

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Monkeyboy.2869


I always noticed that my computer just happens to run the game at a steady 60 fps when staring at the floor (sometimes 62)

When limiting the framerate to 60 it will be a steady 46 rather than 60. When limiting to 30 it will stay at a steady 26.

However when moving the camera the framerate on the lower sattings will always drop lower if the limiter is on a lower setting… (eg. unrestricted I get 52fps, Capped at 30 I get 19 fps)

So i was playing around on catalyst control centre and noticed that it automatically detects your monitor, however it didnt detect the correct settings for my monitor.. said i had 1920 × 1080 and 75Hz. When mine is actually 1366×768 and 60Hz.

Didnt think it would change anything as the settings are always 1366×768 and on gw2 i know i set it to 1366×768 and 60Hz… However after changing catalyst control centre’s auto detect and putting my res and Hz in manually, I noticed the framerate limiter is now working as intended.