Frames Per Second Issue

Frames Per Second Issue

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Icarus.1056


This is really aggravating. I am constantly getting around 14-30 fps on a decent rig. Please help,


Frames Per Second Issue

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: ZaxanRazor.6235


First thing, your drivers are out of date. Yours haven’t been updated since March.

Second thing, your CPU, while capable, is a few generations old. Try turning shadows and reflections off.

Frames Per Second Issue

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Masta Squidge.7438

Masta Squidge.7438

Overclock that quad to 3.0 or so. Results may vary, but at 3 ghz with my Q6600 I am sitting at 30-45 fps out in zones, maybe 25 in towns.. but that is with maximum graphics settings @ 1920×1080. If I turn things down to medium I can get 50-60.

Going beyond 3 ghz has resulted in a drop in FPS for me since the last patch, but I suspect that it is a problem with my memory frequency.

Frames Per Second Issue

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Icarus.1056


I dont want to mess with overclocking, and upgraded after dxdiag, now im using the latest beta drivers….still not working. turned shadows off guna try reflections now

EDIT: Worked really well, but i’m still having issues when i turn the camera. (since im running a 580, ive got it set to best apearence, but I want to know if there is anything ellse i can do)

(edited by Icarus.1056)

Frames Per Second Issue

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: ZaxanRazor.6235


If you have issues turning the camera and it’s on best appearance, take sampling down to native and turn off best texture filtering.

Frames Per Second Issue

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Icarus.1056


Turned on auto detect, took off shadows and reflections, sampling now on native and turned off best texture filtering.
22 fps running
30 fps standing still
9 fps turning
This isent working very well

Frames Per Second Issue

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Searias.9601


I don’t think you can really do much at the moment. My sister has a Q9550 with a Geforce GTX 680 (I upgraded to a Geforce GTX 690 and gave her my old 680), and the only way I was able to get her good frames per second was by overclocking the CPU to 3.6ish ghz. It still fluctuates a bit in WvWvW, but in Pve she gets a solid 60+ most of the time.

Frames Per Second Issue

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Icarus.1056


Are you guys sure there are no more settings i can mess around with?

Frames Per Second Issue

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Alpha Dragon.4576

Alpha Dragon.4576

Afaik Shadows, reflections,shaders, Anti-Aliasing and Post processing will take a huge hit in your performance if you max it out. Try playing with those and see if you get more fps. Friend of my got X3220 + 560 ti on medium settings and he’s getting 30-40 fps(1920×1080).

- Dare to be Different –
Eternal Breaker[ExB] || Sanctum of Rall

Frames Per Second Issue

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: TheRealLink.3861


Yeah will echo shadows specifically. In the Sylvani areas especially, I’ve noticed a hit of 10 or more FPS just from going from High to Ultra on my 680. But it could just be that my CPU is limiting me which I’m pretty sure it is.

Frames Per Second Issue

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: LethalBlade.6137


If you are running a high end video card, such as a GTX 580 or 680, along with a CPU running at less than 3.2ghz, you are choking the video card. The video card is only as fast as the CPU can feed it. Plus, GW2 is very CPU dependent (as are most MMOs). Overclocking the CPU is quick and easy, and modern CPUs are designed with overclocking in mind. There are many simple overclocking guides available if you are not familiar with it. Give it a try, you just might be amazed at the results.

Frames Per Second Issue

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Cbuzz.5083


If you are running a high end video card, such as a GTX 580 or 680, along with a CPU running at less than 3.2ghz, you are choking the video card. The video card is only as fast as the CPU can feed it. Plus, GW2 is very CPU dependent (as are most MMOs). Overclocking the CPU is quick and easy, and modern CPUs are designed with overclocking in mind. There are many simple overclocking guides available if you are not familiar with it. Give it a try, you just might be amazed at the results.

Yeah this is true. To truly unlock the power of a single GTX6xx in THIS MMO you’ll need an i5/7 @ >4Ghz. To truly unlock the power of GTX6xx SLi in THIS MMO you’ll need i5/i7 @ >4.5Ghz.

By “Truly Unlock” I mean 90-99% GPU usage >90% of the time ingame unles your Vsync capped, then you’ll just be pulling 60fps permanantly. Once you go beyond 4.5Ghz on the processor & have SLi everything just becomes fluid. It’s really quite interesting watching the FPS increase as you increase the cpu MHz.

i7 3770k@4.8Ghz / AIR
GTX 6GB Titan@1160Mhz

Frames Per Second Issue

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: ZaxanRazor.6235


That’s rubbish. I have no FPS issues on my i7 2600K and it’s not overclocked at the moment. GPU is 670.

Without vsync on, I’m now comfortable over 60FPS (into the 90s) in nearly everything.

WvW averages just above 60.

Frames Per Second Issue

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Cbuzz.5083


That’s rubbish. I have no FPS issues on my i7 2600K and it’s not overclocked at the moment. GPU is 670.

Without vsync on, I’m now comfortable over 60FPS (into the 90s) in nearly everything.

WvW averages just above 60.

Try running 2560×1600 with EVERYTHING “TRULY” maxed. Your 670 will crash & burn.

Also, strong FPS exaggerating.

i7 3770k@4.8Ghz / AIR
GTX 6GB Titan@1160Mhz

Frames Per Second Issue

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: ZaxanRazor.6235


No exaggeration at all.

And of course a 670 will struggle at that resolution. That’s obvious. Or it should be.