Full system crash after bug report CONFIRMED

Full system crash after bug report CONFIRMED

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Kyllaa.1385


I have now duplicated this issue. It occurs on both pc and Mac clients. It is however, more severe on the Mac client, for me anyway. I have only observed this in the last week or so, never had it happen before on either system, but 3 times in the last week. I have filed an in-game report for 2 of 3 occurrences. (post-recovery)

On both, if I fill out a bug report, then use esc to close each panel of the ui open (confirm bug report, esc to close bug report panel, esc to close hero panel or inventory, or any other open windows), if you logout of the character immediately after that and return to the character select screen, then immediately double-click to log on to another character, the crash occurs. If I wait several minutes, I have not had a crash.

On pc, I had it prompt me to send a crash report to Anet with any description I could offer, then closed the client. I was able to recover and launch the client again.

On Mac, it is a full system lock. Initially, the graphics freeze (character idle movement stops) and the music plays smoothly until it ends, then stops. The mouse continues to work, but nothing responds. You cannot close using the X, you cannot open any options panels, but worse yet, you cannot get out of this state. Option+command+esc does absolutely nothing (no emergency force quit), you cannot tab out, trackpad swipes don’t work, and pressing the power button to get the shutdown/sleep/restart dialogue box doesn’t work either. The thing I noticed also, is the system itself acts as if the game has shut down meaning it immediately starts cooling off and the fans spin down, demonstrating that the game is not using CPU/gpu resources, it just Crashes the system. The only way to recover is to power down holding the power button until it shuts off. Then restart it.

my specs are (for Mac) just in case:

MacBook pro 15inch, late 2011
2.2ghz intel core i7
8gb ram
Amd radeon hd 6750m 512mb
OsX lion 10.7.5 (all updates complete)

Please don’t refer me to the Mac forum as they are not supported any longer (still awaiting confirmation). And considering this is a pc and Mac issue, I see no problems posting this here. Besides, no one is reading the Mac forums, so it would never be seen there by Anet (over 4 months since official post, over 2 months since a community coordinator closed a single thread).

Just wanted to leave the details where others could see and hopefully prevent an issue for them. And maybe get a fix one day.

Thanks for reading this.

Full system crash after bug report CONFIRMED

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Kyllaa.1385


Hasn’t anyone else experienced this?! So far from my search, I have only seen one other. But if it’s repeatable, I consider this an issue.

Full system crash after bug report CONFIRMED

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Jigain.8231


I have experienced something similar. In my case, if I log out to the character select screen, then immediately log in to a different character before the character model has rendered, the game will crash. Regardless of what I’ve done prior to logging out. Can’t say I’d guarantee a 100% reproduction rate on my system, as I’m typically not in that much of a hurry, but I can safely say it has been happening far too often under those specific circumstances for it to be just blind (bad) luck.

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Full system crash after bug report CONFIRMED

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Kyllaa.1385


Bummer. Judging by the Mac bug, it may very well be a graphical issue. I reproduced this again on the pc today just so I could view the report that gets sent to Anet and it mentions some graphical references, so, it’s definitely a graphical reference possibility.

Thanks for adding your feedback as well.

Hopefully, they can look into this a bit for us and using your example and mine, find a solution to the issue.

Full system crash after bug report CONFIRMED

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: AntiVenomm.8154


ive been getting a blue screen of death error from GW2 for almost a month now, only game that causes my whole PC to crash…

Full system crash after bug report CONFIRMED

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Kyllaa.1385


Does yours occur after a bug report? Or when switching characters?

Full system crash after bug report CONFIRMED

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: AntiVenomm.8154


seems fairly random in my case but if you read back in the forums a page or 2 you will find multiple posts from lots of people having similar issues, so not 100% sure if its a hardware issue that everyone has or if Anet messed something up

Full system crash after bug report CONFIRMED

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Kyllaa.1385


Yeah I read most of those in their entirety, but none seem to match this one. This is completely repeatable using very specific steps and avoidable by doing something as simple as waiting and not following through. Otherwise, neither of my systems have any major crashing problems, let alone whole system lock ups. Ths isn’t even a kernel panic. Thanks for your input though.

Full system crash after bug report CONFIRMED

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Kyllaa.1385


I can’t imagine that it is my luck to have 2 completely different computers with completely different operating systems and specs to exhibit the exact same crashing behaviour with 2 very different outcomes, this has to happen to others, it can’t just be me. This takes literally under 2 mins to test and recreate.

There are multitudes of others posts, all saying the same 5 things and because I use one thread, it gets shoved to the bottom never to be seen. It’s Tuesday already, Monday blues should be gone lol.

Anyone else able to get this crash using the method I described? This crash will occur on a PC or a Mac, it’s the same steps either way. Thanks in advance.

Full system crash after bug report CONFIRMED

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: majestic.8129


I cannot reproduce this on my system.

specs for reference:
i5 2500k @ 5ghz
8gb 1600
GTX 580
Samsung 840 pro 256gb
win7 x64

(edited by majestic.8129)

Full system crash after bug report CONFIRMED

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Kyllaa.1385


Sigh, I can reliably reproduce this on 2 different systems by doing it quickly, if no one else can, well that’s not going to help. Bummer. And I have zero problems on these systems, this s the only true crash I can cause or typically happens (other than the WvW crashes on the Mac). Thanks for trying.

Full system crash after bug report CONFIRMED

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Kyllaa.1385


Can anyone else check or acknowledge this? I really would like to see if any others have this issue.

This is the only crash I’ve had on either system other than the crashes that occurred after the culling update in WvW on the Mac. PC has never crashed otherwise, but that one doesn’t go into WvW either.

Full system crash after bug report CONFIRMED

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Ashley Segovia.8276

Ashley Segovia.8276

Technical Support


Hi there Kyllaa – Sorry it’s taken me so long to reply to your thread. I was able to reproduce a crash on my own system following the steps that you outlined. While I didn’t experience a full system crash I did experience a client crash and so we’re going to be investigating this issue a little further. I appreciate you bringing this issue to our attention and in such detail!

Full system crash after bug report CONFIRMED

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Kyllaa.1385


Thank you thank you thank you so much!

Btw, the Mac client is the only one I can get a full crash on.

Full system crash after bug report CONFIRMED

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Kyllaa.1385


This issue is still occurring

Full system crash after bug report CONFIRMED

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Ashley Segovia.8276


Ashley Segovia.8276

Technical Support

Hey there Kyllaa – Just checking in. Are you still experiencing this issue?

Full system crash after bug report CONFIRMED

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Kyllaa.1385


Ooh, I will have to test this again. I’ll follow up afterwards.

Full system crash after bug report CONFIRMED

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Kyllaa.1385


It would appear that this issue has been resolved on the Mac. I was able to quickly logout from one character and immediately onto another with no crash. I’ll keep tabs again the next time I need to file a bug report in-game.

I cannot test this on the pc though since my tv was hijacked and moved to another room lol. But if it’s not locking my Mac, I can only imagine it will be 10 times better on the pc

Thank you so much for getting this worked on for us!

3 cheers and a hug to you!!!!!!