GW2 looks & functions are different

GW2 looks & functions are different

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Vash.9183


I’m having an issue with objects appearing a little more blurry in the distance than they were even just 15 minutes before the patch. I am playing on a brand new computer and have absolutely no doubt that this is not a problem with my computer, because as I said, I was playing this game right as it went down for maintenance. I am aware that the graphics option “Depth Blur” is associated with this, but that option is not active.

I also have longer load screens than just prior to the patch. I went into sPvP, and when I click to respawn after dying, the loading screen takes 10 or more seconds when it used to be nearly instant. This same thing can be said all over the map of Tyria.

I have to admit that this is not appealing to me and I wish to be able to play the game as I always have. Even before I got my new computer, things were better than what I just described. There is multiple people in-game who have agreed to having the same issues as me, and even here in these forums there are people complaining of the same thing.

None of this was an issue what-so-ever as I was playing right before the 6 hour maintenance began.

Mithril Footman
Ultimate Dominator

(edited by Vash.9183)

GW2 looks & functions are different

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Vash.9183


I have just always had an eye for the finer details of GW2. It wasn’t until just after the patch when I started wondering if anything was changed about the graphics/looks. It seems some things appear a bit more “splotchy,” if I can use that word for it. Some things have a bit of a blur and I’ve noticed what seems to be a sort of white…overlay(?) across the game screen. Am I imagining things? I know these are not major differences or anything- I just happen to be a little obsessed over how the game looks.

Edit: If you wonder what I meant about splotchy, try to look at the bandits on the bridge or the planks laying horizontal on the bridge. There’s just something that isn’t so defined.


Mithril Footman
Ultimate Dominator

(edited by Vash.9183)

GW2 looks & functions are different

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Kyllaa.1385


Have you double checked your in-game settings? I know mine were knocked right down to nothing when I logged in. Maybe your shades or shadows are lower or if you typically use best texture filtering, that may be disabled too.

Please post back if you can.

GW2 looks & functions are different

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Vash.9183


Have you double checked your in-game settings? I know mine were knocked right down to nothing when I logged in. Maybe your shades or shadows are lower or if you typically use best texture filtering, that may be disabled too.

Please post back if you can.

Thanks for posting the reply. My issues were way worse than this before, but then I realized all my graphics settings were changed just like you said. This thread and even the screenshot I took are actually after setting everything back to their right settings, sadly.

I’m also having an issue with longer loading screens, along with many other people in this forum and game.

Mithril Footman
Ultimate Dominator

GW2 looks & functions are different

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Kyllaa.1385


Yeah, that’s going around it seems, even I have the longer loading times, but I’m just waiting it out, they usually get a little better for me as the population subsides.

I think I had waited over a minute yesterday for a loading screen, maybe 2… But I know peeps with better comps than I get much better loading times, so I just expect it with new content… This every 2 weeks thing is going to be killer lol.

For your graphics, maybe try deleting your local.dat file (my documents/guild wars 2) then reload the game. It WILL reset your settings again, but might give your system a fresh load.

Some have said restarting the comp has improved performance.

Lastly, keep tabs on your CPU & GPU temps. If you don’t ave one already, this is a nice piece of free software for monitoring that and other bits:

Post back if you have any other issues.

GW2 looks & functions are different

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Vash.9183


Oh wow, I just found that someone else posted a similar screenshot showing the change in game appearances. I loved the crisp, rather “mirrored-like” (as he described it) appearance of characters and environments, but it seems to be covered by the white cell-shading which is shown again this shot.

I just really want to know- besides the fact that some people’s graphics options were reset after the patch, was there actually a minor change in the graphics of the game itself? If not on purpose, then accidental?


Mithril Footman
Ultimate Dominator

(edited by Vash.9183)

GW2 looks & functions are different

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Kyllaa.1385


Yeah, I know what you mean, I get this sometimes as a bug on cloth armor. Usually it takes a few rounds of travelling to make it go away (way pointing/zoning) or I restart the client.

But if it’s not going away, this could be a bug, however, I just tested it and I cannot get it to occur.

I’m on the Mac client, all medium settings except animation & post-processing are high, fxaa is on, terrain & sky is on, render sampling native. I have best texture filtering, depth blur, & effect LOD enabled. I’ve just played with all settings and I could not get this effect to happen at all. This might be a bug.

Did you try the local.dat file?

GW2 looks & functions are different

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Ok I Did It.2854

Ok I Did It.2854

I have the same issue, only I notice it more in WvW, infact, WvW is unplayable as of that update, whatever they changed messed up the GFX in the game badly, load times have also been increased here, at first I thought it was because LA was full, but it loads times all over the game, my SSD used to load zones in about 3-5 seconds, now its closer to 20.

GW2 looks & functions are different

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Vash.9183


Yeah, I know what you mean, I get this sometimes as a bug on cloth armor. Usually it takes a few rounds of travelling to make it go away (way pointing/zoning) or I restart the client.

But if it’s not going away, this could be a bug, however, I just tested it and I cannot get it to occur.

I’m on the Mac client, all medium settings except animation & post-processing are high, fxaa is on, terrain & sky is on, render sampling native. I have best texture filtering, depth blur, & effect LOD enabled. I’ve just played with all settings and I could not get this effect to happen at all. This might be a bug.

Did you try the local.dat file?

I did try to fix this by deleting the local.dat file. No luck. I just went into wvw, which is what I play the most, and I could not believe how blurry that keeps and towers are appearing to me in the distance now. I have tried changing several options. Here is more screenshots and one includes my current graphics options.

They used to appear much clearer and I could even clearly see what was going on with players on top of the walls and on the ground outside, etc. Now if I a player is in any of those positions, they look like a blur.


Mithril Footman
Ultimate Dominator

(edited by Vash.9183)

GW2 looks & functions are different

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Vash.9183


The blurriness and graphic-related issues seem to have suddenly fixed themselves. I was just sitting in wvw staring in disappointment at a blurry keep in the distance when suddenly it rendered into it’s glorious clear state that I’m used to. I’m guessing this was related to the lag that the server is experiencing.

Mithril Footman
Ultimate Dominator

GW2 looks & functions are different

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Kyllaa.1385


Always possible, but worth keeping an eye on.

Do you always keep LOD distance on medium?

Also, sometimes it takes awhile after switching settings to load its effect fully.

GW2 looks & functions are different

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Vash.9183


Always possible, but worth keeping an eye on.

Do you always keep LOD distance on medium?

Also, sometimes it takes awhile after switching settings to load its effect fully.

The LOD distance is something I actually changed to High (from low). I did this in hopes to fix my issue, but I’m unsure how much of an impact it really has.

Edit: I first typed that I changed LOD distance to medium, but it is actually changed to High now. Along with Environment.

Mithril Footman
Ultimate Dominator

(edited by Vash.9183)

GW2 looks & functions are different

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Kyllaa.1385


That’s most likely what changed your distant blurriness. It seems you’ve found your fix then?

GW2 looks & functions are different

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Vash.9183


Nevermind, the issue is not fixed. Lol. It was just for that moment. Something really is up with the GW2 graphics because I have some options at optimum (that my computer can support) and this is what I see. Blurred scenery in the distance and I can hardly make out what is going on down the road. This has never been an issue before and I’m not liking it.


Mithril Footman
Ultimate Dominator

GW2 looks & functions are different

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Kyllaa.1385


Lol, mine looks like that all the time ;p

You may want to toggle your depth blur on/off.

GW2 looks & functions are different

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Dwarfstar.4928


Yes I hate the new “bathed in light” visuals. Has Anet chimed in on any threads (searched but didn’t find) yet?

UPDATE: I went into graphic settings and tweaked everything. When I got to Shaders (set to High) I set it to Med and the weird glow went away. At least enough to where I can tolerate it now. When I set it back to High, the glow came back. So MED it is for now until it’s corrected.

“No, on second thought, let’s not go to Camelot. ’Tis a silly place.”

(edited by Dwarfstar.4928)