Game freezes and have to hard reset

Game freezes and have to hard reset

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: slynth.9702



So i have been having this “error” if we can call it that.

I´m playing, and suddenly my game freezes and the sound also freezes like trrrrrrrr.

It´s really strange and it sucks because i have to reset the pc.

I don´t know if its something worng with my configuration or whatever.

If anyone can help would be so good.

My pc specs are:

Asus ROG Maximus VII Hero

i5 4590

8gb ram ddr3 1600 kingston hyperx

Nvidia geforce 750ti

Game freezes and have to hard reset

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Huggyos.9584


Do you overclocking you CPU too high? It caused the same symptom for me.

We will Desolate!

Game freezes and have to hard reset

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: muslumgurseks.4951


I dont think that processor has its multiplier unlocked so there wont be “too high overclocking”. The question should be have you tinkered around in your bios to overclock? if so revert them to normal. Also make sure that your mobo is on the latest bios. Check it with CPU-Z in the motherboard tab and crosscheck it with asus’ site.

X99 Deluxe / i7 5820k @4.5 /980ti KPE @1550/ Rog Swift / 16gb DDR4 /Custom Loop

Game freezes and have to hard reset

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Gaggalulu.3527


I used to have the same issue, updating the bios of my geforce gtx 580 fixed it for me.

Game freezes and have to hard reset

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: slynth.9702


hi guys

tks all for your answers…

i don´t have any overclocking on my pc…but my mobo maybe doesnt have the latest bios update…btw this also happened to me on call of duty ghosts…i though it has something to do with graphic card drivers or so, cause i can´t install them correctly…guess ill have to format for that…

once again tks all for your answers, really apreciate it

Game freezes and have to hard reset

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Feirlista Xv.1425

Feirlista Xv.1425

Have you checked for over heating this is the most commen cause of freezes, lockup, and shut downs. Open up the case and take the system outside and blow it out with canned air or an air compressor do not do it inside the same room your system is in because your system will suck all that dust back in that is floating around your room after you just cleaned it. Also make sure all fans are running and there is plenty of space around your system and nun of the vents or fans are blocked by objects around your system.

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Game freezes and have to hard reset

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: slynth.9702


so i updated my mobo and now i will try to play to see if it happens yet…also i don´t have as many cooling in my machine as i wish…but hopefully soon i will take care of that.